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Bill Meyer

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Everything posted by Bill Meyer

  1. Bill Meyer

    Panels and alignment

    With the Flow Panel, you use the ControlIndex property to set the order. And the FlowStyle to manage orientation. Your original question was about what happens to order when you hide and restore elements. The Flow Panel can resolve that. Alternately, you can achieve the results by setting the Tag property of each control on the panel and managing the order in code. I have done it both ways. The Flow Panel is easier, by far.
  2. Bill Meyer

    Panels and alignment

    Is there a reason you can't use a FlowPanel?
  3. Bill Meyer

    Hex Viewer

    The author has provided email addresses, and it may be worth dropping a note. Some projects have been updated in the last 30 days.
  4. Bill Meyer

    Hex Viewer

    Yes, understood. As far as I know, C++ Builder supports a subset of Delphi, not everything. But that knowledge is from years ago.
  5. Bill Meyer

    Hex Viewer

    Would have been nice. Of those I found, it was the most recently updated.
  6. Bill Meyer

    Hex Viewer

    Have not used this, but may be worth a look: https://github.com/zhugecaomao/HexEditor
  7. Bill Meyer

    Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi

    My sole experience is with Amazon. I had two issues: First, that they reported "internal corruption" in a PDF of 480 pages. Second, that Amazon freely adjusts the sell price, when and as they wish. Admittedly, I took a hard path, writing in LaTeX, as I wanted the control over layout. The KDP assumption is that all books are written in MS Word, and that "print to PDF" is a comprehensive solution. My next book uses RStudio, so still LaTeX, but composed in Markdown, and RStudio handles details. Makes it simple to get an ebook from the same content, which was not possible with my first. I am likely to try Lulu for the next, rather than KDP.
  8. Bill Meyer

    VCL - DevExpress

    Well. That is, after all, a significant word.
  9. There are many legacy projects which are still in active production. This volume offers approaches to refactoring and modernizing the code base without the need for complete redesign and rewrite. Evolution, not revolution. These are approaches well suited to the incremental revision of production code, as is usually the concern with a commercial product. Motivated by my own experience with legacy apps and the need to find a manageable approach to transforming a product in current production. On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2TY6ZZ4
  10. I do appreciate all the interest in my book. The PDF can be ordered here: http://wmeyer.tech/ A Kindle version is uncertain, at best. It requires massive changes, and the inserted code will be compromised, depending on device used. I am working on another volume, and with different tools, which will allow me to maintain one set of files, and produce any of PDF, eBook, or HTML.
  11. PDF is here: http://wmeyer.tech/ Kindle is a major rewrite because I formatted for conventional books. I have done some work on it, but can't say when or whether I will finish. My next book will sacrifice some formatting control in favor of being able to produce ebooks without rewrite.
  12. Please visit: http://wmeyer.tech/ PDF is available.
  13. Suggest learning the terms used in dealing with video images. Illumination refers to light striking a surface. You are dealing with the light a user will perceive from the screen. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminance It won't affect your mathematics, but will help people understand properly what you want to achieve.
  14. I need to install in Tokyo a set of components from an older release which I can use while waiting for the corporate purchasing wheels to grind on a new license. I am able to build both the runtime and design time packages with no errors. But when I try to install, I get this: Can't load package s:\Inst\Comps\ThisPackage.bpl. The specified module could not be found. The module is present, at the path specified in the error. I am at a loss to know what might be the cause of the problem. I have verified that the dcp files of the units in the requires list are all present. Any clues would be welcome.
  15. Bill Meyer

    New security requirements for code signing, disruptive ?

    Documentation? That's so 20th century. 😉
  16. Bill Meyer

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    OK, would have assumed as much, but it's good to know that there is no difficulty in reverting.
  17. Bill Meyer

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Does this plug-in provide the means to remove favorites?
  18. Have been looking around at the open-source ORMs for Delphi. Some have gone away, some seem to have had no recent maintenance. InstantObjects 3.0 is in GetIt, but of the 5 demos I tried, only one would build. I'd like to pursue this, but if there is no open-source solution in current maintenance, I will find better investments for my time.
  19. Bill Meyer

    Anyone using an open-source ORM?

    Yes, I noticed that. But now considering also the issues offered in the article on Coding Horror. The opportunity to explore is the motivator, but between those warnings and the finite time I have for such things, I may simply pass.
  20. Indeed, reading too quickly. 😞 That said, there was no intention to hijack. And I see that Hextor's future may include support for plug-ins, which would be a great thing.
  21. Bill Meyer

    Creating my own .bpl

    That about covers it.
  22. There is the suggestion that it may get plug-in support in the future. That would be a great addition. (Removed prior content perceived as a hijack.)
  23. Bill Meyer

    Function with 2 return values ?

    The list gets a bit silly. Once you go beyond the commonly used prefixes, the information value drops like a rock.
  24. Bill Meyer

    Paths in DPR and DPROJ

    Given a project located at, for example: D:\MyProj\ShinyNewTool.dproj And a collection of shared modules in: D:\SharedCode\ When I add a module from the SharedCode folder to my project, the path given in DPR and DPROJ is: D:\SharedCode\FileUtils.pas instead of D:\..\SharedCode\FileUtils.pas In Tokyo or later, is there a way to prevent the path from being absolute? The only thing I have found is to relocate thus: D:\Projects\MyProj\ShinyNewTool.dproj D:\Projects\SharedCode\ Then the paths will be relative, as long as no module is on a different drive. This becomes an issue because on our build machine, the folder paths must be relative, as they will not be root based.
  25. Bill Meyer

    Paths in DPR and DPROJ

    Thanks, had my mind stuck in the actual app environment, where there was another folder level before reaching the source.