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Everything posted by sw4all

  1. Hello to everybody. I need to add a button to each cell and use one click function. Unfortunately I get an error Access violation at address ... Thank you all. Daniel public { Public declarations } procedure btnChangeSClick(Sender: TObject); ... ... procedure TfrmMain.btnChangeSkupinaClick(Sender: TObject); begin frmSelectS.gridName := 'TEST'; frmSelectS.ShowModal; end; procedure TfrmMain.grid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); var Field: TField; fixRect : TRect; btnChangeS: TButton; begin Field := Column.Field; if (Column.Index = 0) then begin try btnChangeS.Create(grid1); btnChangeS.Parent := grid1; btnChangeS.Visible := True; btnChangeS.Caption := '...'; btnChangeS.Width := 25; btnChangeS.Height := (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) - 2; btnChangeS.Left := (Rect.Left + Rect.Width) - (btnChangeS.Width +1); btnChangeS.Top := Rect.Top + 1; btnChangeS.OnClick := btnChangeSClick; grid1.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); except On E: exception do begin ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; end; end;
  2. sw4all

    DBGrid DrawColumnCell

    Is there any way for the button to still be visible, not only when a cell is selected? So that the user can see which cells he can edit.
  3. sw4all

    DBGrid DrawColumnCell

    Yes thank you. The problem is that dgEditing will not be enabled, so the button will not appear. Oh, just set DBGrid readOnly: = True;
  4. sw4all

    DBGrid DrawColumnCell

    I see one more error and that is that the procedure still creates more and more buttons. Please look in the upper left corner. Sample video. Debut 2021-08-15 17_57_46.mp4
  5. sw4all

    DBGrid DrawColumnCell

    Yes. Thank you so much for your quick help. Everything is working.
  6. sw4all

    FMX ScrollBox problem

    Hi, I have a problem with ScrollBox. When rotating Rectangle, the scroll bar does not appear and aligns Rectangle -200 to the left. The left and right image pieces are missing and the scroll bar is not displayed. procedure TFrmMain.ButtonRotateClick(Sender: TObject); begin Rectangle1.RotationAngle := Rectangle1.RotationAngle + 90; end; procedure TForm110.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin ScrollBox1.Width := frmMain.Width -5; end; procedure TFrmMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin Rectangle1.Position.X := 0; Rectangle1.Position.Y := 0; Rectangle1.Width := Image1.Bitmap.Width; Rectangle1.Height := Image1.Bitmap.Height; // rectangle1.Parent := ScrollBox1; // Image1.Parent := Rectangle1; end; Image angle-0 is Rectangle.RotationAngle := 0; Image angle-90 is Rectangle.RotationAngle = 90;
  7. sw4all

    TImageViewer resize parent component

    Hi, I have a TImageViewer component on my form. At runtime, I create the TRectangle component and place it in ImageViewer. Now I need the Rectangle component to be automatically resized (Height and Width) by ImageViewer.BitmapScale and also to move in the correct position X and Y. Please help. Thank you StartPositionX := 1032; // rectangle1.Position.X StartPositionY := 304; // rectangle1.Position.Y procedure TfrmMain.ImageViewer1CalcContentBounds(Sender: TObject; var ContentBounds: TRectF); begin rectangle1.Scale.X := imgNahled.BitmapScale; rectangle1.Scale.Y := imgNahled.BitmapScale; rectangle1.Position.X := StartPositionX * imgNahled.BitmapScale; rectangle1.Position.Y := StartPositionY * imgNahled.BitmapScale; end;
  8. Hi to all. I have created TButton on the form and 2x TLabel in it. When clicking TButton I need to change the text in one TLabel. myButton is created on runtime. type TfrmMain = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure newButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure newProductButtonClick(Sender: TObject); { Public declarations } end; implementation procedure TfrmMain.newProductButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var comp: TComponent; begin FlowLayout1.BeginUpdate; // find component comp := FindComponent('LabelProductPrice'+TButton(Sender).Name); if (comp is TLabel) then begin (comp as TLabel).Text := IntToStr(StrToInt((comp as TLabel).Text) +1); end else begin // create new button newButton := TButton.Create(Self); newButton.Parent := FlowLayout1; newButton.Name := 'btn'+TButton(Sender).Name; newButton.Text := ''; newButton.Hint := '1'; newButton.Width := FlowLayout1.Width; newButton.Height := 80; newButton.OnClick := newButtonClick; newButton.Tag := TButton(Sender).Tag; newButton.OnMouseEnter := newButtonMouseEnter; newButton.OnMouseMove := newButtonMouseMove; newButton.OnMouseLeave := newButtonMouseLeave; newButton.Width := FlowLayout1.Width -3; newButton.OnClick := newButtonClick; LabelProductName := TLabel.Create(Self); LabelProductName.Parent := newButton; LabelProductName.Align := TAlignLayout.Top; LabelProductName.Text := TButton(Sender).Text; LabelProductName.Hint := newButton.Hint; LabelProductName.Margins.Left := 3; LabelProductName.Margins.Right := 3; LabelProductName.Margins.Bottom := 3; LabelProductName.Margins.Top := 3; LabelProductName.TextAlign := TTextALign.Center; LabelProductName.Name := 'LabelOne'+TButton(Sender).Name; LabelProductName.AutoSize := True; LabelProductName.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Red; LabelProductName.StyledSettings := LabelProductName.StyledSettings - [TStyledSetting.Family, TStyledSetting.Size,TStyledSetting.FontColor]; LabelProductName.OnClick := newButtonClick; LabelProductPrice := TLabel.Create(Self); LabelProductPrice.Parent := newButton; LabelProductPrice.Align := TAlignLayout.Bottom; LabelProductPrice.Text := TButton(Sender).Hint; LabelProductPrice.Margins.Left := 3; LabelProductPrice.Margins.Right := 3; LabelProductPrice.Margins.Bottom := 3; LabelProductPrice.Margins.Top := 3; LabelProductPrice.AutoSize := True; LabelProductPrice.TextAlign := TTextALign.Center; LabelProductPrice.Name := 'LabelTwo'+TButton(Sender).Name; LabelProductPrice.Tag := TButton(Sender).Tag; LabelProductPrice.OnClick := newButtonClick; end; FlowLayout1.EndUpdate; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin for i := 10 downto 1 do begin ProductButton := TButton.Create(Self); ProductButton.Parent := Panel1; ProductButton.Name := 'btn'+i.ToString; ProductButton.Text := 'product '+i.ToString; ProductButton.Hint := i.ToString; ProductButton.Height := 80; ProductButton.Width := Panel1.Width -3; ProductButton.Align := TAlignLayout.Top; ProductButton.Tag := i; ProductButton.OnClick := newProductButtonClick; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.myButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var comp: TComponent; begin comp := FindComponent('LabelTwo'+TButton(Sender).Tag.ToString); if (comp is TLabel) then begin TLabel(comp).Text := IntToStr(StrToInt((comp as TLabel).Text) -1); end; end; Thank you.