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limelect last won the day on April 15 2022

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  1. limelect

    [Open Source] Delphi Youtube Downloader

    Enjoy https://limelect.com/downloads/youtube_downloader_shell/
  2. Use pip on command line for example pip install pandas
  3. Ok, I tried to fix all values of newer Delphi but got stacked as too much work; on file ccTextFile line 335 no s:= Stream.ReadStringA(1024*KB); so I do not feel like going on. P.S. I fixed 4 files by now but stopped. So good luck.
  4. It seems you don't read carefully still missing cbAppDataFmx Well I do not presume to be the debugger OK it seems you added the file later But now you use newer Delphi and mine is 10.2.3 so good luck. There are out there even Delphi 5 Stop guys using NEW (above 10) as not everybody has the luxury of buying every year a new Delphi. P.S I have been with Delphi since #1
  5. why save is in the middle of the form?
  6. @GabrielMoraru Missing still cbAppDataFmx, ccCore maybe more
  7. @GabrielMoraru You are missing cbAppDataFmx in your source and ccCore, too missing CR, LF not define and what is that? AppData:= TAppData.Create('MyCollApp'); AppData.CreateMainForm(TfrmMain, frmMain, False, True); // Main form
  8. limelect

    TEdit problem capital letters (Delphi 12, Android)

    D10.2.3 no problem
  9. limelect

    ListBox language sorting

    I found some strings where with space in the front It OK now
  10. limelect

    ListBox language sorting

    ListBox language sorting I have 2 languages in listbox Hebrew and English When sorting I get 3 sections Hebrew English Hebrew I tried with TStringList same effect Any Idea? thanks
  11. limelect

    Create an animated gif from a set of bitmaps?

    @Anders Melander Have a look here https://limelect.com/downloads/avi2gif-program-decode-avi-into-gif/
  12. limelect

    Create an animated gif from a set of bitmaps?

    This is mine see link not nobady
  13. limelect

    Create an animated gif from a set of bitmaps?

    I found the source on D6
  14. limelect

    Create an animated gif from a set of bitmaps?

    If this might help you get in touch It is so old 2014 and I think it was done with D6 And I have to find the source. https://limelect.com/downloads/avi2gif-program-decode-avi-into-gif/
  15. limelect

    Chrome link detection

    This is what I came up to now and I do not get the inside text function GetActivePageUrlFromChrome(Handle: HWnd; Param: LParam): Bool; stdcall; var List: TStrings; hWndChrome, hWndChromeChild: HWND; Buffer: array[0..255] of Char; begin List := TStrings(Param); hWndChrome := FindWindowEx(0, 0, 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1', 0); if hWndChrome <> 0 then begin hWndChromeChild := FindWindowEx(hWndChrome, 0, 'Chrome_RenderWidGetHostHWND', 0); if hWndChromeChild <> 0 then begin SendMessage(hWndChromeChild, WM_GETTEXT, Length(Buffer), integer(@Buffer)); List.Add(Buffer); end; end; Result := True; end;