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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    Display Value at runtime

    Fixed some times i get old if TBlobField(FDTable1.FieldByName (FDTable1.Fields.FieldName)).BlobType =ftWideMemo then TBlobField(FDTable1.FieldByName (FDTable1.Fields.FieldName)).DisplayValue:=dvFull; in the fields, the HTML does not like I with []
  2. limelect

    Display Value at runtime

    Ok sorry, I will explain further. Dblclick fdtable you get field editor. Adding a field you get its property. In the property you have displayvalue=dvfull. <<<<< I need that at runtime. Hop that has clarified Otherwise, you have WIDEMEMO shown
  3. limelect

    socket error 11004

    I have these lines of code where s is the name of the computer I want to find its IP TIdStack.IncUsage; try s := GStack.ResolveHost(s); Panel4.Caption:= s2+' IP - '+s; finally TIdStack.DecUsage; end; The first time it is OK The second time it gives me an error 11004 Any fix? D10.2.3 Indy 10 Plz only real answer no blabla P.S Debugging I reached unit IdWship6; where I am stack I am working with UDP
  4. limelect

    socket error 11004

    Thanks, I fixed it differently
  5. limelect

    socket error 11004

    I have to clarify what I do the first time is to find all computers on the net with procedure EnumNetwork(const aEnumNetworkProc :TEnumNetworkProc; const aScope :dword = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; const aType :dword = RESOURCETYPE_ANY); implementation //Proc?dure r?cursive procedure DoEnumNetwork(const aContainer :Pointer; const aEnumNetworkProc :TEnumNetworkProc; const aScope :dword; const aType :dword; const aLevel :byte); type PNetResourceArray = ^TNetResourceArray; TNetResourceArray = array [0..0] of TNetResource; var NetHandle :THandle; NetResources :PNetResourceArray; NetResult :dword; Size, Count, i :Cardinal; Continue :boolean; begin Continue := TRUE; NetResult := WNetOpenEnum(aScope, aType, 0, aContainer, NetHandle); if NetResult = NO_ERROR then try //Taille de base Size := 50 *SizeOf(TNetResource); GetMem(NetResources, Size); try while Continue do begin Count := $FFFFFFFF; NetResult := WNetEnumResource(NetHandle, Count, NetResources, Size); //Taille insuffisante ? if NetResult = ERROR_MORE_DATA then ReallocMem(NetResources, Size) else Break; end; //Enum?re if NetResult = NO_ERROR then for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin //Callback if Assigned(aEnumNetworkProc) then begin aEnumNetworkProc(NetResources^, aLevel, Continue); if not Continue then Break; end; //Appel r?cursif if (NetResources^.dwUsage and RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER) > 0 then DoEnumNetwork(@NetResources^, aEnumNetworkProc, aScope, aType, aLevel +1); end; finally FreeMem(NetResources, Size); end; finally WNetCloseEnum(NetHandle); end; end; Then I find the computer IP once but second time an error
  6. limelect

    Android does not start

    D11.3 CE. A simple program loads to S6 phone. just a button and label Loading complex program shows only this screen BRP here Application.Initialize; does not stop or oncreate form either So now how to debug ? 32bit No errors just stack
  7. limelect

    Android does not start

    @Dave Nottage found the problem it seems a directory was the problem changing to System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDocumentsPath Also, it seems that the debugger could not help since the program failed before starting only logcat helped And again great thanks to Dave for his help
  8. limelect

    Android does not start

    @Dalija Prasnikar I send @Dave Nottage the sources and will see what happens He found using logcat ( why I did not think about it ?) that there are problems with the java So if compilation is OK how one is expected to debug?
  9. limelect

    Android does not start

    @Dave Nottage I will happily share with any serious programmer the source I do not see ANY reason for the transfer problem from D10.2.3 to D11. The components are standard And if professionals like all of us have to start with a learning curve it is not reasonable. After all, it is not like moving from D7 to D11. And especially that this software worked perfectly.
  10. limelect

    Android does not start

    May i sugest an impruvment Embarcdero has to take my source and find out what is going on. But they won't
  11. limelect

    Android does not start

    @Dave Nottage My problem has nothing to do with the kind of software as the program does not even start on the phone It has to do with d11 compilation.
  12. limelect

    Android does not start

    Those files are not used so back to the basic problem
  13. limelect

    Android does not start

    One thing may be very important For left-right to work on Android, I have this files now I wonder if this is the problem although I doubt I will try NOT to use this files and see what happenes
  14. limelect

    Android does not start

    This a window version for sending msg to WhatsApp the same (with a little change of screen) for Android
  15. limelect

    Android does not start

    1. I did try to install it by moving the APK to a directory on the phone -- the program does not start seeing only the icon as the picture shows 2. On a debug mode the form does not even start >>>> BRP here Application.Initialize; 3. This is a program on S2 that worked perfectly with D10 4. All compilation works without any errors or warnings. 5. I deleted the Android manifest template so it made a new one. 6. I think I did all possible things with my knowledge 7. I expect moving from 10 to 11 and compiling, not so old program, will be without any problems. 8. All Java is there and seen without any problems
  16. limelect

    Android does not start

    And Embarcadero convince me to upgrade to something that does not work
  17. I tried to delete it. already answered by me
  18. limelect

    Android does not start

    A little history. Same software was compiled on D10.2.3 and WORKED !!!! on S2 phone. when i moved to S6 phone the software did not work. So i thought D11.3 will do the job. So i thought but Embarcadero is stronger then me. Never happened with Android studio
  19. limelect

    Android does not start

    It has defently to do with d11.3 compilation
  20. limelect

    Android does not start

    @programmerdelphi2k You miss the point. BRP here Application.Initialize; does not even break. It has nothing to do with my software as mine does not even start
  21. limelect

    11.3 and Android tools

    @programmerdelphi2k I am so used to both programs of EXE. Even in Android Studio Why change? after all, the output is the same for both programs,
  22. limelect

    11.3 and Android tools

    Thanks again i will check
  23. limelect

    11.3 and Android tools

    @programmerdelphi2k 1. I use my phone 2.But i like to have the emulator for small staff 3 SkdManager.bat does nothing that is the problem
  24. limelect

    11.3 and Android tools

    @programmerdelphi2k Ok, you are correct BUT I run the BAT with any error nothing. I expect those 2 windows to make a virtual Android and update. But I get nothing I will try again as I am not near my system Thanks
  25. limelect

    11.3 and Android tools

    I have those folders but NO Avd Manger and.exe SDK manager.exe in them This is why I asked the question