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  1. xorpas

    show image selected on imagecontrol

    I have this code to select image need to show it on image control var Intent: JIntent; begin Intent := TJIntent.Create; Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT) .addCategory(TJIntent.JavaClass.CATEGORY_OPENABLE) .setType(StringToJString('image/*')); TAndroidHelper.Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, Dosya_Sil); if Intent.resolveActivity(TAndroidHelper.Context.getPackageManager) <> nil then begin MainActivity.startActivityForResult(Intent, Resim_Goster); // ImageControl1.Bitmap.Assign(); end else ShowMessage('No picture received!');
  2. xorpas

    Memo and html

    Thank's mr REMY Thank's mr Dave I will see it
  3. xorpas

    Memo and html

    Thank's for replay
  4. xorpas

    Memo and html

    It is a better without using a third party
  5. xorpas

    Memo and html

    Hellow How can Make memo support html that show readable text ?
  6. xorpas

    Problem in edit1 android Delphi 12

    Yes the problem is when I add the rtlfixer , is their a similar way to resolve it This is best unit hier FMXPersianPatch but not work with latest delphi can you see it maybe you can take it support latest delphi
  7. xorpas

    Problem in edit1 android Delphi 12

    Yes it work perfetcly I think when I install rtlfixer maybe because delphi not supported rtl
  8. xorpas

    Problem in edit1 android Delphi 12

    I have a problem in Delphi 12 Version 29.0.51961.7529 in the edit , I can write text in it from windows but not in android
  9. I use alcinoe player work fine on emulator but in real device only sound and no image with the strange text in the corner How to solve this?
  10. thank's for replay mr remy when the app is run before the main form showing the error happen this is my project with all jar lib mybe the problem is in the manifest 4.rar
  11. Hello friends, please help. I am using Alcinoe's video player on delphi 12 it compile with no error but when app is run it show error access violation at address 04DB31CD ACCESSING ADRESS 00000000 I added all the exoplayer .jar files.
  12. xorpas

    DRM video player

    compile in delphi 12 but not work why?
  13. delphi 12 android 32 componnent hier https://github.com/MagicFoundation/Alcinoe and my project project.rar