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Everything posted by xorpas

  1. xorpas

    Animating rectangle position in code using fmx

    not work as i want see this gif i want it like this one hier
  2. xorpas

    Animating rectangle position in code using fmx

    Thank's for replay but not what i need please see my project hier project.rar
  3. xorpas

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    تامر نفاع.rar
  4. xorpas

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    directt link fmx rtl arabic I will put in the link a zip file containing three files Step 1: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\source\fmx Step 2: Copy everything in it to your project path Step3: Then copy the three files that I will give you and replace the existing ones Step 4: Press Shift+F11 from Delphi and select all the libraries that we have placed in your project path. The 5plan: bulid the program (note that you do not run, but do bulid). You will get an error message, but do not worry. Step 6: Delete all the libraries that we added from Delphi... From the right menu, select all libraries, then press delete. Step 7: Press Shift + F11 and add the following three libraries only FMX. FontGlyphs. Android. pas FMX. FontGlyphs. pas FMX. TextLayout. GPU Step 8: Run. you will get an Android application written in Arabic
  5. I need a way to dropdown combobox with icon and text in firemonkey like this one
  6. xorpas

    Adding a Custom Icon to a FireMonkey combobox

    Thank you mr havrlisan
  7. xorpas

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    install fmxrtl FmxRtl or use this unit from see this forum arabic fmx
  8. How can get the index of item that mouse is enter on it ?
  9. xorpas

    Custom ListBox Layout in fmx

    Hellow I have A problem when customize Listbox item Using This tutorial ListBox All things Is ok But when scroll box the Listbox all object is empty like this one This is my Code hier Var ListBoxItem: TListBoxItem; ItemText: TText; // if you get an error here, ensure that FMX.Objects is included in your uses above. Itembtn: TSpeedButton; ItemCircle: TCircle; begin // First, we create an empty ListBoxItem with no parent ListBoxItem := TListBoxItem.Create(self); // now, we set a parent for this item // ListBox1.BeginUpdate; ListBoxItem.BeginUpdate; ListBoxItem.Parent := ListBox1; ListBoxItem.Height := 113; ListBoxItem.Width := 336; // Associate the Style you created with the ListBoxItem - not the ListBox itself. ListBoxItem.StyleLookup := 'NewList'; // Next up, we're going to populate ItemText with the Caption of the Style using a style name lookup. ItemText := ListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('TxtUser') as TText; // We're going to set the text of the object to be whatever the caption should be. if Assigned(ItemText) then ItemText.Text := 'Hello World!'; Itembtn := ListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('BtnAddFriend') as TSpeedButton; // We're going to set the text of the object to be whatever the caption should be. if Assigned(Itembtn) then Itembtn.Text := 'Hello World!'; Itembtn := ListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('BtnRemove') as TSpeedButton; // We're going to set the text of the object to be whatever the caption should be. if Assigned(Itembtn) then Itembtn.Text := 'Hello World!'; ItemCircle := ListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('Img') as TCircle; // We're going to set the text of the object to be whatever the caption should be. if Assigned(ItemCircle) then ItemCircle.Fill.Bitmap.Bitmap.LoadFromFile('E:\badger_1f9a1.png'); ListBoxItem.EndUpdate; TabControl1.ActiveTab := TabUsers;
  10. xorpas

    Custom ListBox Layout in fmx

    Thank you Mr serge it work , Ii their a tuto For a complete Using And access To Listboxitem ? ,I have more questions like how to change text Or color and some things like this
  11. xorpas

    Custom ListBox Layout in fmx

    Thank you VM , sorry men How about click button
  12. xorpas

    Custom ListBox Layout in fmx

    project Hier Project1.rar
  13. xorpas

    Firebase Storage and tnethttpclient

    hellow when try to send image to storage in firebase with tnethttpclient Using this code I get access denied How can Resolve It ms.LoadFromFile(op.FileName); link := 'https://firebasestorage.clients6.google.com/v0/b/chat-9641e.appspot.com/o?name=userProfiles/test.png?key=AIzaSyDptyDgZ9Zl-i06AI2cNJxSDky1mKs_fIo'; Memo1.Text := HTTP.post(link, ms).ContentAsString; when using api or token I have a same result { "error": { "code": 403, "message": "Permission denied." } }
  14. xorpas

    Firebase Storage and tnethttpclient

    any help Please
  15. Hello I want To Get respense with rest debugger using Authentication by check email and password and Clé API Web with Règles read and write false ,How can do it with rest debugger Please ? procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin /// add user password apikey Request.Execute; memo1.Text:=Response.Content; // { "error" : "Permission denied" } end;
  16. xorpas

    Get respense with rest debugger when regle is false

    the Authentication tab fill it with basic method email and password
  17. xorpas

    Get respense with rest debugger when regle is false

    when I use firebase4delphi it work but can't simulate it with rest debbuger
  18. xorpas

    Get respense with rest debugger when regle is false

    email invocker.error@gmail.com pass 123456789 api AIzaSyDptyDgZ9Zl-i06AI2cNJxSDky1mKs_fIo
  19. How can save all item from listview with DynamicAppearance I use this code but it save only first item procedure TForm1.ListView1ItemClick(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); var I: integer; AItem1: TListViewItem; list: TStringList; begin list := TStringList.Create; for I := 0 to ListView1.Items.Count - 1 do begin ListView1.Selected := ListView1.Items[I]; name := AItem.Data['Text1'].AsString; phone := AItem.Data['Text2'].AsString; index := AItem.Data['Text3'].AsString; list.Add(name + sLineBreak + phone + sLineBreak + index + sLineBreak); end; list.SaveToFile('C:\Users\Gt\Desktop\TestContactBack.vcf'); list.Free; end;
  20. xorpas

    save all item from listview with DynamicAppearance

    Thank you It Work a Perfetc Now thank you again
  21. xorpas

    save all item from listview with DynamicAppearance

    I can't Understand what line you mean Please Can you modify this code to work
  22. xorpas

    save all item from listview with DynamicAppearance

    The same problem procedure TForm1.ListView1ItemClick(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); begin AItem1 := AItem; name := AItem1.Data['Text1'].AsString; phone := AItem1.Data['Text2'].AsString; index := AItem1.Data['Text3'].AsString; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: integer; list: TStringList; begin list := TStringList.Create; for I := 0 to ListView1.Items.Count - 1 do begin AItem1 := ListView1.Items[I]; ListView1.Selected := AItem1; list.Add(name + sLineBreak + phone + sLineBreak + index + sLineBreak); end; list.SaveToFile('C:\Users\Gt\Desktop\TestContactBack.vcf'); list.Free; end;
  23. H I I Have an issue with fmx android when run app it display a form Created in the first click But not in the second click , It work perfectly in Windows but not in android I use VertScrollBox as parent this is my code var f: TForm3; begin f := TForm3.Create(self); f.Layout1.Align := TAlignLayout.Top; f.TXTID.Text := ID; self.AddObject(f.Layout1); end;
  24. xorpas

    Display a form created in Fmx ANDROID Many time

    Thank you I resolve it ,Scrolbar not showing in android that all ,thank you