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Daniel last won the day on December 30 2023

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421 Excellent

1 Follower

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.4 Sydney

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  1. Daniel

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    No, I only used standard-components. Crashes immediately when trying to switch from code-editor to form-designer.
  2. Daniel

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    64bit IDE is really more of a preview than anything else. Opened two projects, both times IDE crashed (reproducible) with a stack overflow.
  3. I might have found the solution. In the features-selection of GetIt, the checkmark for "modelling" was missing. I now reinstalled modelling and this seems to resolve the problem.
  4. well ... I just updated from 10.4 to 12.2 update 2 (29.0.53982.0329). No third-party tools installed, just a plain delphi-installation. The IDE crashes reproducible when I try to rename an identifier. Scenario 1: In editor, cursor is on a variable. I press CTRL+Shift+E, trying to rename this variable. No response from IDE, it just crashes and vanishes. Scenario 2: In editor, cursor is on a variable. I open the context-menu, choose "Refactoring". IDE tries to open the corresponding submenu but crashes and vanishes before the submenu ist displayed. Scenario 3: In editor, cursor is on a variable. I click on the main-menu "Refactoring". IDE tries to open the corresponding menu but crashes and vanishes before the menu ist displayed. Is this error known? It looks a little like RSP 29407 "IDE crashes probably due to failed refactoring invocation" (I have no access to it).
  5. Hi everyone, more than twenty-one years ago, I started the German-language part of this forum and could not even begin to imagine what it would become. Thanks to the tireless support of many moderators as well as your thirst for knowledge and willingness to answer other people's questions, it has become a pillar of the virtual Delphi community - even far beyond the German-speaking world. Since 2018, this English-language part of the forum has also been available, with considerable support from Lars. With an online presence of this size comes the obligation to take proper care of it. I have always been very happy to do this, but over twenty-one years is a very long time and life and its priorities change. I can't help but realize that my daily/weekly time has become less available and the time has come for me to hand over the management of the forum to someone else. Thankfully, Thomas B. ("TBx") has agreed to take over the Delphi-PRAXiS and continue it in good hands - together with Lars, of course. You know Thomas as a longtime moderator of this forum and now he will take over my previous role. I myself will of course remain part of the Delphi community - not least because I continue to work a lot with Delphi in my job. I will also remain a part of this forum. Thank you all for over 21 great years!
  6. Daniel

    Airline phone number spam

    All new registrations are now blocked until this stops. Thanks for noticing!
  7. Oh, relax. 😉 It's no bothering at all. In the end, there is now the information, that wibukey seems to be imcompatible to certain constellations with newer Delphi-projects. Not a Delphi-issue, but maybe an useful information for other wibukey-users.
  8. I removed a couple of posts. Please stay on topic.
  9. Well, yes, unrelated to your question, but a direct answser to Rollo62. Well, this is how it works sometimes. We try to stay on topic of course, but this is also not StackOverflow. So there is always a gray line ...
  10. Daniel

    No one can help

    Next time please choose a meaningful subject for your thread.
  11. Daniel

    @ mentions not working - has it ever?

    Well, it works for me.
  12. Daniel

    Delphi License Registration

    We clearly do not support piracy.
  13. Daniel

    AV in bds.exe

    Peter, stop posting nonsense. The reason for an AV in RAD-studio is most likely an external plugin. Now is is up to you: If you want our help, start giving clear information. Or just shut up. It’s really that easy. Don‘t be that complicated over and over again.
  14. Daniel

    Making Delphi 2007 HighDPI-aware

    As suggested I grabbed these posts and created a new topic.
  15. Daniel

    Survey of Delphi Versions in use??

    There is no specific area for polls like this. "Offtopic" might be an option.