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David Heffernan

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Everything posted by David Heffernan

  1. David Heffernan

    Why empty dynamic arrays = NIL?

    Not sure I agree. It can be useful to distinguish between null and length 0 array. It can be useful to have these as different conceptual things.
  2. Well in the case of structured storage, it's an old legacy technology that won't change. So does it matter that your library isn't actively maintained?
  3. It's Java. Very early on many C# programs were also valid Java programs.
  4. That's not really why byte is useful. Byte is primarily useful to store binary data, typically as TArray<Byte>. It's rare to use Byte to store a count for example.
  5. No there is not. However, you really should not be using short strings at all. These only exist for backwards compatibility with legacy code.
  6. I don't understand the question. Obviously the code here is not valid. Can you describe what you want to achieve.
  7. I remember working with the ExpressSpreadsheet xls code which is based on BIFF records and COM structured storage. The developers had implemented a lot of code to handle the structured storage side of it all, and whilst it mostly worked, there were a couple of obscure bugs which were flushed out by writing huge files. After spending some time debugging it all, we threw away all of the third party code that implemented structured storage and replaced it with the system provided COM objects. So I guess what I am saying is that the approach outlined by @Alexander Elagin above seems likely to be good advice to me.
  8. David Heffernan

    Strange exception with "Write of address 00400000"

    This has always been a total heap of crap
  9. David Heffernan

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    Ah, yes, I see now! Wise
  10. David Heffernan

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    It's Python. Perl's conditional operator is the same as C. That looks completely different. And has the condition first. Quote unlike how it is done in Python.
  11. David Heffernan

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    I don't think that rings true. I mean the Python if statement is the same as the Pascal if statement. The Python syntax is closer to natural language than what is done in Oxygene. I don't see either as being particularly in keeping with Pascal, one way or another.
  12. David Heffernan

    Is it possible to see Git current working branch in IDE?

    He's already using SourceTree which displays the information......
  13. David Heffernan

    Is it possible to see Git current working branch in IDE?

    I don't understand most of the answers. Mike wants to see the information in the RAD Studio IDE.
  14. David Heffernan

    Maximum static memory

    This entire thread is largely pointless because we don't have a clear idea what you are trying to do and what your code looks like.
  15. David Heffernan

    Utility to import/convert simple Python code

    So write it in Python.
  16. David Heffernan

    Utility to import/convert simple Python code

    Why don't you write something yourself to do this?
  17. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11 Windows XP compatibility tweak

    I watched the sneak peak webinar and Marco mentioned that apps would no longer run on XP and also described the workaround in the original post here. So yes, this is intentional, and submitting a QP report would be kind of pointless. However, if you want there to be one you could do it yourself, rather than ask somebody else to do it.
  18. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11 Windows XP compatibility tweak

    They explicitly don't want to keep on supporting these old versions. Why? Emba have done all this intentionally.
  19. David Heffernan

    Is anybody but me using monitors with different scaling?

    Does GExperts and/or the IDE that you are using support per monitor DPI?
  20. David Heffernan

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    I wonder if the x64 windows debugger works now
  21. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11: Text size too small!

    Why is nobody else reporting this issue?
  22. David Heffernan

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Irrelevant. Good products are cohesive. Different aspects work with each other and support each other. Funny. Binary literals, digit separators and avx512 asm. That's the entirety of new language features. That's a pace that can only be described as glacial. Cant be hard to get the old formatter to work. If it's an arse for them to do it, tough. Their adult for building up so much technical debt. Honestly, look at the quality of what comes out of Emba and compare to other mainstream IDEs.
  23. David Heffernan

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Honestly you'd think they'd have got the memo by now!!! What is wrong with them?!!
  24. David Heffernan

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    These are nice features but they are also completely trivial.
  25. David Heffernan

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Do mean decimal seps or thousands seps?