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David Heffernan

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Everything posted by David Heffernan

  1. David Heffernan

    BlockRead & BlockWrite - E2010 error

    This looks like a documentation error. It obviously doesn't make sense for the result to be passed back through a var param and a function return value. I think it should be like so: procedure BlockWrite(var F: File; const Buf; Count: Integer; var Written: Integer); overload; procedure BlockWrite(var F: File; const Buf; Count: Integer); overload; procedure BlockWrite(var F: File; const Buf; Count: Integer; var Written: Integer); overload; procedure BlockWrite(var F: File; const Buf; Count: Integer); overload; Your code gives the same error in Delphi 6, so I don't think anything has changed. Have a look at this section of Ray Lischner's book which says the same: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/delphi-in-a/1565926595/re28.html
  2. David Heffernan

    BlockRead & BlockWrite - E2010 error

    Does the behaviour change then depending on whether or not IO errors are enabled?
  3. David Heffernan

    Replacement for TBits?

    unit Bitset; interface uses SysUtils, Math; type TBitSet = record private FBitCount: Int64; FSets: array of set of 0..255; class function SetCount(BitCount: Int64): Int64; static; procedure MakeUnique; procedure GetSetIndexAndBitIndex(Bit: Int64; out SetIndex: Int64; out BitIndex: Integer); function GetIsEmpty: Boolean; procedure SetBitCount(Value: Int64); function GetSize: Int64; public class operator In(const Bit: Int64; const BitSet: TBitSet): Boolean; class operator Equal(const bs1, bs2: TBitSet): Boolean; class operator NotEqual(const bs1, bs2: TBitSet): Boolean; property BitCount: Int64 read FBitCount write SetBitCount; property Size: Int64 read GetSize; property IsEmpty: Boolean read GetIsEmpty; procedure Clear; procedure IncludeAll; procedure Include(const Bit: Int64); procedure Exclude(const Bit: Int64); end; implementation { TBitSet } procedure TBitSet.MakeUnique; begin // this is used to implement copy-on-write so that the type behaves like a value SetLength(FSets, Length(FSets)); end; procedure TBitSet.GetSetIndexAndBitIndex(Bit: Int64; out SetIndex: Int64; out BitIndex: Integer); begin Assert(InRange(Bit, 0, FBitCount-1)); SetIndex := Bit shr 8; // shr 8 = div 256 BitIndex := Bit and 255; // and 255 = mod 256 end; function TBitSet.GetIsEmpty: Boolean; var i: Int64; begin for i := 0 to High(FSets) do begin if FSets[i]<>[] then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; Result := True; end; procedure TBitSet.SetBitCount(Value: Int64); var Bit, BitIndex: Integer; SetIndex: Int64; begin if (Value<>FBitCount) or not Assigned(FSets) then begin Assert(Value>=0); FBitCount := Value; SetLength(FSets, SetCount(Value)); if Value>0 then begin (* Ensure that unused bits are cleared, necessary give the CompareMem call in Equal. This also means that state does not persist when we decrease and then increase BitCount. For instance, consider this code: var bs: TBitSet; ... bs.BitCount := 2; bs.Include(1); bs.BitCount := 1; bs.BitCount := 2; Assert(not (1 in bs)); *) GetSetIndexAndBitIndex(Value - 1, SetIndex, BitIndex); for Bit := BitIndex + 1 to 255 do begin System.Exclude(FSets[SetIndex], Bit); end; end; end; end; function TBitSet.GetSize: Int64; begin Result := Length(FSets)*SizeOf(FSets[0]); end; class function TBitSet.SetCount(BitCount: Int64): Int64; begin Result := (BitCount + 255) shr 8; // shr 8 = div 256 end; class operator TBitSet.In(const Bit: Int64; const BitSet: TBitSet): Boolean; var SetIndex: Int64; BitIndex: Integer; begin BitSet.GetSetIndexAndBitIndex(Bit, SetIndex, BitIndex); Result := BitIndex in BitSet.FSets[SetIndex]; end; class operator TBitSet.Equal(const bs1, bs2: TBitSet): Boolean; begin Result := (bs1.FBitCount=bs2.FBitCount) and CompareMem(Pointer(bs1.FSets), Pointer(bs2.FSets), bs1.Size); end; class operator TBitSet.NotEqual(const bs1, bs2: TBitSet): Boolean; begin Result := not (bs1=bs2); end; procedure TBitSet.Clear; var i: Int64; begin MakeUnique; for i := 0 to High(FSets) do begin FSets[i] := []; end; end; procedure TBitSet.IncludeAll; var i: Int64; begin for i := 0 to BitCount-1 do begin Include(i); end; end; procedure TBitSet.Include(const Bit: Int64); var SetIndex: Int64; BitIndex: Integer; begin MakeUnique; GetSetIndexAndBitIndex(Bit, SetIndex, BitIndex); System.Include(FSets[SetIndex], BitIndex); end; procedure TBitSet.Exclude(const Bit: Int64); var SetIndex: Int64; BitIndex: Integer; begin MakeUnique; GetSetIndexAndBitIndex(Bit, SetIndex, BitIndex); System.Exclude(FSets[SetIndex], BitIndex); end; end. This is based on code of mine that has is limited to integer bit count. I've not tested it extended to Int64, but I'm sure anyone that wanted to use random code like this would test.
  4. David Heffernan

    Replacement for TBits?

    Why would you not expect to get a 32GB block when the available address space is 128TB?
  5. David Heffernan

    Replacement for TBits?

    What about the cost of moving data between gpu and main memory? Benefits of gpu are in highly parallel computation. Where is that in this scenario. Just saying GPU doesn't make something fast or efficient.
  6. David Heffernan

    Replacement for TBits?

    How could this be more efficient than a contiguous array?
  7. David Heffernan

    BlockRead & BlockWrite - E2010 error

    Show complete but minimal code please
  8. David Heffernan

    Replacement for TBits?

    No. You use a hashed collection. Like a dictionary, but one without a value, which is known as a set. But at 5% full then I don't think it will get you any benefit, because of the overhead of the hashed collection.
  9. David Heffernan

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Expect it to be discontinued at short notice when Google get bored of it
  10. David Heffernan

    Replacement for TBits?

    How many such instances of this type do you need in memory at any time? And what's the expected number of bits that are set at any time? Do you really need to store all bits, both 0 and 1. Can't you just stor the 1s and infer the 0s from the fact that they aren't stored as 1s?
  11. David Heffernan

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Cloud HSM seems like a convenient solution. Seems expensive though.
  12. David Heffernan

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    They shipped a USB token which arrived next day. And for EV they just called me to confirm some details I provided on my order. Didn't seem very enhanced at all.
  13. David Heffernan

    Access violation in library code

    You've got some memory corruption or broken interface handling code. It could be pretty much anywhere. You might get a better steer using FastMM with full debug options.
  14. David Heffernan

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    I got an EV cert from globalsign recently and it only took a couple of days from start to finish.
  15. David Heffernan

    W1057 during D7 -> D11 conversion

    OP doesn't want to run multiple machines. It's just one dev that wants to get rid of ancient Win7 laptop. My point is that you can just install D7 on Win 11. If that is helpful.
  16. David Heffernan

    W1057 during D7 -> D11 conversion

    That's not what we are talking about. We are talking about running the ide on Windows 11.
  17. David Heffernan

    W1057 during D7 -> D11 conversion

    Yeah. You just ignore those and generally install to a write able directory, or put a permissive acl on the installation directory. It's been that way for many windows versions too.
  18. David Heffernan

    W1057 during D7 -> D11 conversion

    Really. I'm pretty sure you can run Delphi 7 on Win 11.
  19. They tend not to break things. Also, ignoring affinities would utterly break aot of software, and break some software that set affinities correctly. So, no, this isn't a risk.
  20. Seems unlikely that MS would break its system because some people write crap programs.
  21. David Heffernan

    Handling Python indented blocks with ExecString()

    Is it really the best way to go delphi to python to octave? Must be possible to go straight to octave but far better to use python rather than octave/matlab.
  22. David Heffernan

    Handling Python indented blocks with ExecString()

    Not much use for a REPL
  23. It would be cool to look at the Wine implementation of StrCmpLogicalW and port that to Pascal once and for all for a cross platform implementation. https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/blob/master/dlls/kernelbase/string.c#L1298 Looks kinda simple really
  24. David Heffernan

    W1057 during D7 -> D11 conversion

    Blitting a record to a binary file makes it more tricky. Nobody but you can really know what to do. Perhaps you just carry on and suppress the warnings after localising them. But why go to Delphi 11 then? If you carry on as you are you can't do Unicode. Maybe you don't need international language support. Maybe you don't mind having pre determined max text lengths. But if you want to go beyond these limitations it's going need some thought and design.
  25. David Heffernan

    W1057 during D7 -> D11 conversion

    No. Its perfectly possible to save any string type to a file.