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Posts posted by #ifdef

  1. image.png.f97f6e25f3dd9c89aac0418e0f5c2fcc.png




    Why are the system cursor and the application cursor different?


    Is there any way to use the system one instead of the built-in one (I want red and transparent by default too, but Delphi only uses non-transparent for any drag-n-drop operations)?

  2. Now Embarcadero may give Delphi out with a delay, but completely free, right? What prevents them from distributing without delay so that ALL users can try innovations at the same time? I mean few new people will download TRIAL Delphi when FREE VS is available.


    Once again: set the threshold not at 5 thousand dollars per year, but at 1 thousand dollars per year (if you are afraid that they will use it unlicensed) but release all issues at the same time. If I need an IDE for a hobby, I'll switch to Lazarus. But I need Delphi just to keep abreast of trends and not fall out of the community, without using it for commercial purposes and without deriving any benefit. And when I need it, I’ll just apply for a license, and I won’t have to study anything after the purchase.

  3. I think that their current policy is not aimed at attracting new users (and, as a result, expanding the community), but at retaining existing ones. And it’s a pity because new young people will choose VS precisely because it’s completely free. Embarcadero can do it too but doesn’t want to 😒


    Ok, whatever 🥲

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Sherlock said:

    Someone who does not want to spend and does not want to make money with Delphi Community Edition, that is who. And that seems to be a surprisingly large number.

    But why do they need the outdated CE 12.x if they already have the outdated CE 10.x & 11.x? 🥲
