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Everything posted by Sherlock

  1. Sherlock

    Delphi 11.2 unofficial LSP patch

    Well, being the best it has ever been does not really mean it will be great. It simply means it wont be as bad as it is now.
  2. Sherlock

    Update an application automatically

    Ugh, don't you just hate it when that happens?
  3. Sherlock

    Update an application automatically

    Is that still a valid deterrent?
  4. Sherlock

    Puzzled by StrToDate

    I could readily accept such a statement for VCL, but still FMX tends to change a lot. Less than in the XE versions of Delphi but still.
  5. Sherlock

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    I hope your customers only use one version, i.e. no custom tailored versions. Furthermore I hope your boss or whoever is responsible knows every single feature, no matter how small. Because customers can get really "special" when something no longer works as expected, just because of a new version, especially one they have to pay for - assuming the rewrite will not be for free.
  6. Hmm almost sounds like a job for TWriter.WriteString which writes to a TStream. If you don't want it to be a file, it could be a TStringStream.
  7. Too much has happened with links that lead to previously unknown sites. Bear with us, we'll learn to trust each other soon enough.
  8. @pouyafarThanks for that! And the tables would contain function names with some explanations, correct?
  9. Those links seem quite harmless. It's just two sites translated from persian to english. Second link is pouyafars blog and the first is a forum. I don't see the immediate need to act. And translate.goog belongs to google.
  10. The common link is clear but the evolution of use and meaning is just baffling to me.
  11. ROFL....sorry, but in german "gammel" means "rotten". This is just too funny how related and then again not our languages are.
  12. Sherlock

    IsValidDate fails after the Year 9999

    To elaborate on this correct and concise answer: One should only fix things that a really broken or occur during the life cycle of the software. You simply cannot think of all eventualities - one of them being: will there still be a Delphi compiler in the year 9999? If not, how can I make sure that my code can still be compiled? Are we all gonna die? OMG! Panic! Enter into catatonic state now. To use popular acronyms: This is both YAGNI and KISS.
  13. So I finally tried it myself, inspired by a fairly new SO question. Me: Using the Delphi language, explain how to turn a large image into many smaller ones and tile them My follow up question then crashed the thing: How can I make sure only the tiles visible on the screen will be painted? ☠️ Then I tried the same question again, hoping a different follow up would not crash... It came up with a different answer: Well that looked easy enough but: Me: The source should be assumed to be 40000 by 40000 pixels Thanks for that piece of well known information...why do you think I wanted to split the thing in the first place? So... Me: Well the splitting part you have done, but assume the source is a 40000 by 40000 PNG Eagle eyed I spot the issue at once (never minding the snippet is unfinished): Me: that is to large for a TBitmap OK, that looks nice, with one slight snag in the middle part: Me: Width and Height are ReadOnly for a TPNGImage. That got it to thinking quite bit, and it started to write something in the likes of "Yes, you are right, and here is how to get around that". Started to put together some code and crashed again... Oh, well. I guess it is not ready for my stupid questions. 🕵️‍♂️
  14. Sherlock

    How convert an android app into an i-phone app?

    Please also note that any "custom" Java snippets or Android specific code will not migrate without making a fuss.
  15. Sherlock

    IEC 62304 Medical software standard

    Only if and when Sennheiser chooses to call them hearing aids themselves, but then they might get questions from other folks too. So I'm sure they will avoid using the term wherever they can....at least until they have all the necessary documentation. I mean 849 bucks is a steep price for ear buds, but quite competitive for mid-level hearing aids.
  16. Well then have fun with this: https://www.123cloud.st/p/chatgpt-tackles-xkcds-what-if
  17. It would probably use "old norse".
  18. Sherlock

    IEC 62304 Medical software standard

    That watch is a medical device, or rather it should be. Because in the end it is what the manufacturer says it is (intended use). So if you create a smart watch that monitors cardiac rhythms you have to formulate its intended use carefully. For example you might state it should be used by athletes and those who would like to be to keep an eye on their heart - then you're almost golden... almost, because you'll have to deal with foreseeable misuse, someone with a history of pathologic arrhythmia might think it clever to use this watch to warn them when something really bad happens to their heart - but since the watch or algorithms where designed with healthy users in mind it'll either alert constantly or never (I'm not really fit with cardiology, so I can't think of realistic examples). There is a lot of thought that has to go into this. And more standards...because this is a piece of hardware, you'll need to look into IEC 60601-1 and its more detailed offspring. I am sure however that someone has told your boss about all this or that he has asked someone about it. As to your last question: The IEC 62304 is "merely" a software standard and to understand it fully you'll need to invest some time and/or take some classes such as this https://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/medical-devices/training/Introduction-to-Medical-Device-Software-Training/ the cost of this particular course should give you an indication as to where the trip is going. Calculate roughly the same for a 13485 course - per person attending, mind you. Then you'll definitely need to know and use the IEC 14971, there are courses too i.e. https://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/medical-devices/training/iso-14971-2019-risk-management-for-medical-devices/ Then your company should be fit to give it a go. By that time you have to find and auditor. That is a notified body (directly or indirectly accredited and certified by the government) who will check all documentation as I stated earlier. And they don't do this out of the goodness of their heart. Calculate at least 10k€ for this, once a year for the rest of the companies life. All in all prepare to invest around 50 k€ in "compliance" alone. Another really good summation can be found here: https://www.cognidox.com/medical-device-development-guide
  19. Sherlock

    IEC 62304 Medical software standard

    I should correct my statement as to what is needed to market: Most important is the declaration of conformity, and how this was obtained, the "conformity assessment route". There are many ways to reach conformity, but some are actually the same... I have a german link to explain further...not english, sorry: https://www.johner-institut.de/blog/tag/konformitatsbewertung/
  20. Is this still the case when you declare the type as well? var combinedPath: string := TPath.Combine(ParamStr(0),'..\..\..\'); var curPath:string :=TPath.GetFullPath(combinedPath);
  21. Sherlock

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    That sounds dismal. What struck me though is this: How does this make any form of version management possible? If every developer has their own style they might be tempted to reformat code as they work on it, causing a multitude of changes and in essence a merging nightmare.
  22. Sherlock

    IEC 62304 Medical software standard

    @Rollo62 HA! Nice! Johner Institute is my helper to get through this tedious process I can really recommend them.
  23. Sherlock

    IEC 62304 Medical software standard

    There are plenty of applications created with Delphi, that are conform with 62304. My own application for example. 62304 does not demand the use of certain languages, it does however require extensive documentation. Documentation you should have anyway... Have you read anything concerning this standard? Wikipedia grants us a small glance at the implications: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_62304 I would suggest to consult more in depth literature and courses however. The subject is not trivial, especially the risk based decision model, that should be used in almost all aspects of the software life cycle. Auditors or accreditors as you call them, will not read your source code, as that is proprietary to you and your company. They will however read the entire technical documentation. Most important is the market you want to sell your product, if it is Europe, you will need more that IEC 62304. You will need to adhere to the medical device regulation (MDR 2017/745) and that means you'll need to establish a company wide quality management system such as the ISO 13485. And you'll need certification before selling anything. All in all this will swallow up a ton of money before you can even start thinking about generating any revenue.
  24. Well, there's your answer. And also why SO has banned AI generated answers. So...actually no need to start a new thread. Just chime in one of the other threads:
  25. Sherlock

    Code completion failure

    There has been a fix for the Win32 compiler. Perhaps a test run and a sign that there is something happening in Embarcaderoland: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-39812