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Everything posted by Sherlock

  1. Sherlock

    Why does GetIt require Delphi to restart so often?

    @mvanrijnen That's the reason, yes. But! It should be possible to have a "Restart IDE after install" checkbox, and to be able to uncheck it, when you want to install several things, to then restart after all that, shortening the overall install time significantly.
  2. Sherlock

    Konopka KSVC and Bookmarks now available for Syndey

    TBH... that may really have been true. Some more bugs could have been fixed as well in that time. But, same is true if they had deferred the release until next year... so, all is good, the way it happened.
  3. Sherlock

    ParnassusCoreEditor.dll AccessViolation

    I feared this could happen. It's the same as 10.2 -> 10.3. GetIt does not seem to care about parallel installations and overwrites the "old" Parnassus files.
  4. Sherlock

    RTTI in dpr / console app dpr

    That's what I would do as well. Though it is nice to have everything in one unit...it is not nice to do so, because that code is not reusable, especially if it is in a dpr. And you never know, if you'll need it later on.
  5. Sherlock

    Chatbots on whatsapp. Freeware.

    That link needed some correcting, only got 404 from it. So...what is this? A Chatbot for WhatsApp? What do the boys and girls in FB-Land think of it? Is that a violation of some ToS?
  6. Did my civic duty and helped push the server out of the mud.* Then voted for the issue. * Not really
  7. Sherlock

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 10.4?

    @Kas Ob.: Please consider opening a new thread for that.
  8. Sherlock

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 10.4?

    There are always at least three fingers pointing back...so, no worries. I'm laughing at my own code at a regular basis...and crying...drinking even. Oh dear.
  9. Sherlock

    FTPServer Beginner

    Will this server be open to the public? If so, please consider a finished, polished and most importantly relatively safe commercial/OS product. Though your token solution sounds good, it may not be once you have implemented it. Exposing yourself or maybe worse your customers like this should be given a lot of thought - and know how. First off, you should use FTPS or SFTP, not plain old FTP. If I had to, and I mean really head to, I would use FileZilla and for each user their own folders, without possibility to get out of that (resulting most likely in a Linux file system). Then into every folder a sym link (or whatever the're called) to the files they may retrieve.
  10. All I can say is, it works for me. Sorry. @dummzeuch GExperts for 10.4 is there? Good job!!
  11. And you did save it as your default desktop (Standard-Layout), not the debug desktop?
  12. Isn't that something you can just save using the desktop settings? Edith says: Yes, it is.
  13. Sherlock

    Can Rio and Sydney co-exist?

    The reasons not to install under "Program Files" being? - Small as possible system drive, separate data/app drive - Constant need for unencumbered w/r access to "Program Files" Just curious.
  14. Sherlock

    Can Rio and Sydney co-exist?

    Main question here should be: What happens to tools installed via GetIt? Will they be broken for 10.3.3?
  15. Sherlock

    Front-end vs Back-end question

    I have basic settings right in my application...for windows. In iOS the settings are in the iOS settings. For the more advanced settings, that users should not meddle with, I have an administrative web page. And the even deeper stuff has to be done by my support team in a Linux-shell.
  16. This is actually true for all software products, so I pinned this.
  17. Sherlock

    Return background to foreground

    Then perhaps a "Mainform.Show" will do the trick?
  18. Sherlock

    Return background to foreground

    Not on iOS. And I see no need, except for "my notification has to look fancier than the others" which is a design flaw because to some users that translates to "looks annoying" others would consider it "not fancy enough" and still others would like to get that notification in their own style. That is not the iOS way. iOS is, at least in that respect, KISS.
  19. Sherlock

    Return background to foreground

    That is something different, that is a (push) notification. Please read the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/APNSOverview.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH8-SW1 and more specifically Delphi: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Multi-Device_Application_to_Receive_Push_Notifications
  20. Did those two devices run the same Android version? Concerning iOS AFAIK the OS will suspend an App that has been moved to the background in a short time, if it is not registered as an App that needs to stay alive (i.e. for navigation). Correct handling of that situation is to store the momentary state of ones App and load that state at reactivation. In my opinion there is no need to sleep, just handle the events efficiently.
  21. Sherlock

    TThread always raises OS Errror

    I wish I had that amount of spare time. I would enjoy more walks in the sun. *sigh*
  22. A second rate language that compiles fast as hell...at least for Windows. Now I wonder why 😉
  23. Sherlock

    TThread always raises OS Errror

    Patient: Doctor, my eye hurts, when I poke it. Doc: Well then don't poke it. 😄
  24. Sherlock

    10.4 Sydney pre-release sales offer

    From Denali to Sydney...way to go further than anyone in these days of no flying
  25. I actually know of this feature, and am not ashamed to admit that I have used it. But it was a long time ago. The pains you have to go through to debug GExperts would have gotten me to quit frustratedly, I am not very patient with "hobby projects". How hard would it be to embed GEXperts into a mockup to debug? Basically all plugin developers could unite and profit from this. Sherlock