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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. Uwe Raabe

    D11 - A bridge too far.. :-(

    I agree that preparing is a good thing, but I would refuse to put that into production.
  2. Uwe Raabe

    D11 - A bridge too far.. :-(

    As already discussed in another thread, using a zero release for production is usually not a good decision. Always wait for the dot 1 release and then decide.
  3. While reading the first one I thought that I would implement that with an Exit instead of using the IsValid variable. So I vote for the second. Less code, less problems. Well, only Thomas can know that.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    IDE Code Coverage Plugin available

    @Jim McKeeth As it was a Mercurial repo it went down the drain when Bitbucket dropped Mercurial support. It seems I missed to convert it to Git, but I will see what can be done timely to make it available on GitHub again.
  5. Uwe Raabe

    Editor freezes on Add Field short cut

    This bug was introduced in V15.0.11 when local variables started to detect generic types. Fixed in V15.0.47, which is now available for download.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Editor freezes on Add Field short cut

    I can indeed reproduce that here. Investigating...
  7. Uwe Raabe

    Where are the FD Enterprise Connectors hiding?

    Indeed! I had several occasions where some of these connectors came in handy, but the licensing ruled it out right from the beginning.
  8. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11 High DPI designer

    Can you file a QP report for those controls?
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11 High DPI designer

    That comes pretty near to Option to design in Screen PPI but save in 96 PPI Definitely not: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-35301?jql=affectedVersion %3D "11.0 Alexandria" AND text ~ "designer dpi"
  10. It is a different level of flexibility. At the bottom left of the new Welcome Page is a button that allows you to move, resize or even delete the available plugins. In the future this will be extended to add additional plugins and even write your own ones.
  11. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11 Alexandria: New Edit Window

    No problem over here:
  12. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clause

    I thought about a global setting, that is taken when the project setting is empty, and omit populating the project settings with the hardcoded default.
  13. Uwe Raabe

    Calling inherited in Destroy

    I can imagine the bug reports when some day TObject.Destroy actually gets some code and no one will remembers this oversight.
  14. Is there anyone using any Delphi version in its initial release state? (🤡Nice try, but even D7 is widely used with at least one update...)
  15. Uwe Raabe

    Menu captions with images are hard to read under Windows 11

    Indeed. I also add am IFDEF to error out when compiled with a newer Delphi version. Even if the problem is not fixed yet, the tweaked source is most likely no longer up to date anymore.
  16. Uwe Raabe

    General JSON question

    Can you show some actual and complete JSON content?
  17. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11.0 has a different form Caption offset than Delphi 10.4

    A fresh VCL forms application shows a Delphi icon in front of the window title. What did you do to remove that?
  18. Uwe Raabe

    Compile for WIN32 and WIN64 at same click

    Yes, it is called Build Groups: Do you know Build Groups?
  19. Uwe Raabe

    The future of Delphi

    There are several people complaining about too many new things added to Delphi in the last years instead of old bugs being fixed. Now I am confused...
  20. Uwe Raabe

    KSVC gone missing.

    It is as well possible that it shows up here just because it is installed.
  21. Uwe Raabe

    KSVC gone missing.

    Well, here it is:
  22. IIRC, Andy has been offered a free license at least twice, but he reclined.
  23. Uwe Raabe

    Interfaces defined in base classes

    It is not! A cast tells the compiler to treat the given memory address as if it were of the casted type. To get a supported interface out of a class instance one has to call QueryInterface, which in the end is what the AS operator does.
  24. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clause

    Good suggestion! I will note a feature request for it.