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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. Instead of IMethod I would suggest a new directive interfaced, optional with an alternative name used with InterfaceOf (similar to a method resolution clause). type TProcessor = class public constructor Create; procedure ProcessData(var Data); interfaced; procedure CleanUp; interfaced(Clear); // InterfaceOf will publish this method as Clear procedure Clear; // used inside TProcessor property Value: Integer read GetValue; interfaced; // should work for properties, too end;
  2. Not really. Besides only working inside the current unit, ist is merely a find and replace respecting some scope.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Button order on Members Filter toolbar...

    Thanks for the report. Added to the bug tracker.
  4. Are you sure that the actual files are really removed or is it just that the components are simply not registered anymore? In my case the Manage Platform dialog shows German language unchecked while the IDE is still running in perfect German.
  5. Blind guess: Could it be that we using a German RAD Studio is the cause?
  6. I can confirm that the patch misses to install the previous selected languages, samples, help and so on. Especially TeeChart Standard is missing after installing the patch. I suggest to file a bug report.
  7. Just for information, this is the readme file of that patch. I cannot see anything related to Teechart or the ability to load packages, but that may as well be hidden somehow. Also does the patch not include any binary that could be executed or loaded and do any harm. Note, that the patch do save the original files in %BDSCatalogRepository%\Backup. Patch1.txt Update: I just noticed that the mentioned patch is different to the one I was talking about. Will investigate further...
  8. As a benefit I see better readability and flexibility. In case we decide to change TArray<T> to something like a TList<T> later, we only have to change that in one place. (Of course the code itself might have to change, too. But that has to be done anyway.) I often start with an alias like TItems = TList<T> and later extend that to TItems = class(TList<T>) with some additional or overridden functionality. Sometimes it is just to hide the necessary constructor parameters inside a simple TItems.Create. If the implementation is indeed relevant for understanding the code, I use type names like TItemArray and TItemList, even if those are also just aliases to TArray<TItem> and TList<TItem>. For me, these benefits are of much more value than keeping the namespace small. The latter may result in shorter compile times, which are already pretty short. Runtime performance and code maintainability gain near to nothing from it.
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Class Constructor in Delphi 10.4

    Isn't that just a subset of Delphi?
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Konopka KSVC and Bookmarks now available for Syndey

    I just wanted to point out that KSVC is probably dependent on the 10.4 release, but not the other way round. Will have a look at it later. Fortunately I was able to make my KSVC installation working with 10.4 myself.
  11. Uwe Raabe

    Konopka KSVC and Bookmarks now available for Syndey

    <irony>Indeed! Why just didn't they defer the 10.4 release until yesterday when KSVC was ready. That would have made everyone happy, wouldn't it?</irony>
  12. Uwe Raabe

    Generic Interface implementation

    Support for Generics is still very basic in MMX, but improvements are on the TODO list. That said, use cases like yours are always very welcome.
  13. Uwe Raabe

    Convert to Property

    You have to select all the fields to be converted in the MMX Code Explorer Window. For an example see this video: Convert Multiple Fields to Properties
  14. Uwe Raabe

    D10.4 - Possible Bug when editing SQL

    It is not even specific to a query, but probably happens with all TStrings properties. I can even reproduce it with a plain TMemo editing its Lines property.
  15. Uwe Raabe

    D10.4 - Possible Bug when editing SQL

    Not perfectly clean, but without those mentioned in your call stack.
  16. Uwe Raabe

    D10.4 - Possible Bug when editing SQL

    I can reproduce it.
  17. Uwe Raabe

    Chatbots on whatsapp. Freeware.

    From Recife?
  18. Uwe Raabe

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Cursor through tabs should make no difference, but Optimal fill may do.
  19. Anyone using TestComplete and expecting to use VCL Styles? Please consider to give this issue a vote: Working with Embarcadero's Delphi 'Themes' packs. Of course it does no harm to vote anyway, even if you will never use the above
  20. Uwe Raabe

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Can you show the Source Options dialog (in Tools - Options - User Interface - Editor Options).
  21. Uwe Raabe

    GUI styles cause flicker on show

    As most styles do paint a TPanel (and other container contorls) with the style color anyway, it doesn't make any difference if the panel has its ParentBackground property set or not. Setting it to false usually reduces the flickering significantly.
  22. Uwe Raabe

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    You might have a look at https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudioverins/code/HEAD/tree/ and either wait for an update or get your hands dirty doing it yourself.
  23. Uwe Raabe

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

  24. Uwe Raabe

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Perhaps something similar to this: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-29126
  25. Uwe Raabe

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 10.4?

    Just curious: Do you know why wuppdi is mentioned in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Welcomepage\js\wpLoader.js var classHide = 'wuppdi'; var regHide = /\s*wuppdi/;