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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. Uwe Raabe

    MMX Beta 14.1 available

    That is why I am trying to outsource the icons work. There is enough other stuff to do, that can only be done by myself. Start typing in the Search field in the Member Search bar. Not sure what you mean. All buttons show have their counterpart in the context menu. You can even hide all toolbars and work with the context menu alone.
  2. Uwe Raabe

    MMX Beta 14.1 available

    I guess that is not feasible. I cannot foresee when I will have time to work on MMX and what I am going to target when I have.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Exclude already read posts

    I have good hope that this forum will suite us well when it is matured a bit.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    Testing functionality "ignore topic"

    Yes, that is what I was expecting when reading this topic title. The Fluid portal best suites my way of using this forum. I can quickly spot the topics with new content, although I would prefer that a click on that topic will directly locate that new content (I often miss that little symbol in front of the title I should use for that). When I need to concentrate on a specific sub group (like MMX) or go back I can just check/uncheck that in the list.
  5. TLinkLabel is a wrapper around the Windows SysLink control. It has greater flexibility (f.i. can show a mixture of text and several links, not only one URL, as well as distinguish between a link, a focused link and a visited link) and thus requires a more sophisticated event handling (not every link needs to be opened in a browser). Anyway, my quote was rather related to the list of PITAs than your actual code.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Testing functionality "ignore topic"

    Ignored topics are still visible in the Fluid list on the homepage.
  7. Not really since TLinkLabel was introduced as a standard VCL control in Delphi XE2.
  8. Without cross-checking the actual sources to make sure: If you enable Pre-parse Project Files and Persistent Module Information, it should be sufficient to open the relevant projects once to get the necessary information. Currently there is no way to specify some directories to scan as that is most likely a per-project setting. As MMX just recently added some per-project settings stored in the dproj file, there is a good chance for such a feature to be implemented in the future.
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Efficient list box items with Frames

    Looks like TMS AdvCardList might suite well: https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/advcardlist.asp
  10. You can as well combine both avoiding the hide effect: TBar = class(TFoo) procedure Terminate; reintroduce; overload; end;
  11. Uwe Raabe

    Design Packages list is not resizable

    "The Dialog" in this context is the whole Project Options dialog - not only this special part of it about Runtime Packages. That is even exactly what David describes in his article.
  12. Uwe Raabe

    IDE UI inconsistency?

    There are already a couple of issues regarding these controls in the title bar. I suggest to add this to QP so it can be fixed together with the other ones.
  13. Uwe Raabe

    Design Packages list is not resizable

    David Millington explains in his blog post New in RAD Studio 10.3: Options Dialog Improvements in the section Dialog Search.
  14. My comment has been anything but a personal insult! Bugs cannot be stupid! People can be stupid, so programmers can be stupid, but I would never rate any programmer stupid because of bugs resulting from some oversight, missing test case or incomplete specification. Especially if I don't even know that programmer.
  15. Bugs are never stupid, they are not even clever either. That makes me remember a variable declaration in UCSD Pascal: stupid: boolean; { student programmer id }
  16. AFAIK, Pervasive is not a directly supported database in FireDAC (only via ODBC). Therefore it may be necessary to handle those AutoInc fields manually as described in the documentation.
  17. There actually is some documentation about this: Auto-Incremental Fields (FireDAC)
  18. What database are you using?
  19. At least it already compiles to it.
  20. Uwe Raabe

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    Indeed, and you can as well send that patch via email to the person supposed to take care of it. On the other hand, if you want to use a Pull Request, so any maintainer of the original repo can take care of it, you must somehow provide that patch in a form that it actually can be pulled - i.e. in form of a forked clone containing the patch. The lack of active maintainers for these projects (as unfortunate as it is) cannot be blamed on the DVCS, though.
  21. Uwe Raabe

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    I can imagine that the excessive use of branches in DVCSs may frighten users grown up with SVN. I also needed some time to get familiar with that in the beginning, but it makes life a lot easier after I was able to grasp the concept.
  22. Uwe Raabe

    Issue with code-editor toolbars

    In fact, you can even have both: The Old Component Palette is simply a toolbar which can be made visible or hidden via View - Toolbars - Component. The New Component Palette is a tool window that can be reached via View - Tool Windows - Palette. Make sure to save your layout to make your changes permanent.
  23. Uwe Raabe

    TJson array conversion?

    As far as I can see for now, that is not possible with the convenience methods of TJson. You will have to (de-)serialize the list in your own code. Currently I am not aware of any way to register a converter/reverter globally. Unfortunately that requires to copy some code currently hidden in private methods.
  24. Uwe Raabe

    TJson array conversion?

    That would also require to change type TThingList = class(TJsonList<TThing>); into type TThingList = TJsonList<TThing>;
  25. Uwe Raabe

    Project Configuration Manager

    You can also have a look at the DUnitX IDE Expert: https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/DUnitX/tree/master/Expert