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Uwe Raabe

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Posts posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. It is possible that you have to implement it yourself in the way it is needed as it is noted in the docs:


    TOAuth2Authenticator implements a basic OAuth2 authentication. TOAuth2Authenticator offers minimal support and provides the infrastructure to follow the workflow of the service provider.

    Inherit from this class to create an authenticator class specific to a service provider.

    That said, giving a concrete example is difficult without knowing more details.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 14 minutes ago, Henry Olive said:

    Thank you so much Lars

    I tried System.StrUtils.SplitString('-', MyStr) [0];

    but still get the same error


    If i remove QRCtrls, QuickRpt  from Uses,  below codes work fine w/o any error

      MyStr := CDS1.DataSet.FieldByName('DOCNO').AsString;
      MyLeftStr := SplitString('-',MyStr) [0];
      MyRightStr := SplitString('-',MyStr) [1];

    The calls to SplitString look as if the parameters need to be switched. First parameter is expected to be the string to be split, while second is the string with the separators.


    Note that the QuickReport implementation allows only a Char for the separator, while the StrUtils one allows multiple separators.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    needs to be continously updated/patched, and replaced before EOL.

    Seems like the machine manufacture prefer the replace option. Sometimes they provide a replacement of the controller hardware, but often that turns out incompatible to the machine equipment.


    I would love that to be different, as it would allow me to sell updates to newer versions of my software developed with more recent Delphi versions. 

  4. Quote

    Q3: How can I force FireDAC to recognize some field as boolean?

    A: A boolean field may be created using a domain. The domain name must contain 'BOOL' substring. Also, add ExtendedMetadata=True parameter to your connection definition. For example:

    CREATE TABLE ... (


  5. The TVirtualImageList can only hold images of one size, which it retrieves from a TImageCollection. That works even if the requested size is not available in the collection. In that case one image is scaled to the requested size.

    To have multiple sizes simultaneously you need separate TVirtualImageList instances.


    If you need only one size, just set the TVirtualImageList to that size.

    • Thanks 1

  6. It has been for a long time that selected beta testers (like f.i. all MVPs and Tech Partners) are invited early to a beta cycle, while users with an active (normal) Update Subscription are invited at a later stage (so they actually are already open to any willing subscriber). Now it seems that having a Premium Update Subscription puts you into the first group, too. Does not look like a big change to the previous system to me. May be they want to put more value into the Premium part, which isn't a bad thing. Nothing is taken away from anyone.

    • Like 2

  7. 2 hours ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    The compiler warns if there if f.x. only LF instead of CRLF - but how to guard against a lonely CR?

    Project Magician has an option for that:


    Clean Line Feeds

    When opening dpr, dpk, pas or inc files any invalid line feed sequence (like single <CR> or <LF>) will be converted to a proper <CR><LF> sequence. This setting is only available at global level.

