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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Jirka52

    12.2 Crashing during debugging

    If you use "Twine compile" then you will get following error: [C++ Error] fmain.cpp(15, 26): unknown type name '´╗┐' IDE will survive without problem.
  2. Jirka52

    Breakpoints in Debug + Android 64-bit mode.

    I have this problem on some my projects too. Some projects work ok in 32 and 64 bit debugging and some not. You have 2 possibilites how to sove this: 1. create new blank project and copy all "old" units into new project or second way, it works every time - do remote debugging on localhost in 64 bit - it works, but you must run passerver. But it works only for VCL.
  3. Jirka52

    Using FireDAC with Access accdb file

    Remember one think, Delphi 12.1 are still 32-bit. Therefore you need 32-bit driver for database, if you want to connect from Delphi
  4. Hi. I did it this year 2x times this way: 1. create copy of all project 2. transfer to Delphi 12.1 module by module. Delphi has good combatibility. However, it depends on components you used in old project. There is no universal advice
  5. Jirka52

    Delphi 11.3 with Android SDK 33

    Try this link: https://developpeur-pascal.fr/configurer-delphi-113-alexandria-pour-cibler-android-13-avec-son-sdk-33.html
  6. Jirka52

    Delphi 12 (Athens) - CustomTitleBar - fsMDIForm

    Try to set property StyleName to Windows. I had the same problem, I put all controls on panel, set property StyleName to Windows and now it is ok. But it was not MDI application
  7. You must check your TSqlConnection -> Params -> LibraryName Overwrite old dbexpora.dll by new one dbxora.dll
  8. It is simple. Link "Midas.dll" into your exe file by using "MidasLib" in uses in dproj. And then you have to add only "Dbxora.dll" for 64 bit to the same folder or shared folder. However current version Delphi 12 has new bug in 64 bit in dbexpress. Can you vote for this? https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-43326
  9. Jirka52

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    I voted for both RSP
  10. Jirka52

    optical character recognition

    Hi. Try Kastri - bar code reader example, it is great! https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Kastri
  11. Jirka52

    General Help Indeed...a long-shot here....

    Hi. Try to use "Total commander" and search for *.pas files which contain text e.g. "TDspItem"
  12. Hi. I just wrote the same application for Android - bar code scanner for our store manager. I used communication via REST server and it works perfect. See: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Tutorial:_Using_a_REST_DataSnap_Server_with_an_Application_and_FireDAC
  13. I have tested it today and it works. Delphi 11.3, Samsung A52s with Android 13. However, debugging works only for Android 32 bit. Android 64-bit debugging is now working in RAD 11.3.