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mvanrijnen last won the day on October 26 2023

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  1. yes, so called "CONSTANT VARIABLES" 😉
  2. mvanrijnen

    Delphi roadmap 2024

    hope we get build in Nullable types soon.
  3. mvanrijnen

    Watch me coding in Delphi on YouTube

    i really do no understand why you publish this on youtube, why not a normal website where people can read this stuff ? Stuff like this is much better taken into the brain while reading instead of watching a video. Is it because you want to generate income from YT with it ?
  4. mvanrijnen

    DelphiLSP.Exe version 11.1 vs 12.2

    LSP in 12.x (when it works) gives also wrong method/prop/var names sometimes, such as in the same unit strict private fields from other object
  5. thats not good, having a problem with a RAD server package, which i would like to debug, gonna be a problem this week. Maybe the right time to say goodbye to RADserver and transfer the code to MARS (the Rest Server, not the planet) @Marco CantuWhats the status of this problem?
  6. Is this fixed in D12.2 ? Would nice to know before i spent 2 days updating the dev environment .
  7. So unusable 🙂 Thats the EMB way, big mouth, big blogs, moving fancy blog posts, but not complete components or working IDE (i also hacked a few of the Rest.BackEnd.* units because they do not complete support all properties of the TRestRequest etc)
  8. mvanrijnen

    What happened to OmniThreadLibrary.com

    Omnithreadlibrary.com down? Check here and read user reports (downforeveryoneorjustme.com)
  9. Which service are you trying to reach? Cause (long time ago for me) i think that it depends on the server settings if a ClientCert is needed. See for examplle "IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.Mode :" property. Could be that this also has to be set in the client
  10. At what point you are stuck? You can use the "TRestClient.OnNeedClientCertificate" event, simple example code: We check the certificate name, which has to begin with a certain value (stored in the CNST_CERT_PREFIX constant), and of course it has to be a valid certificate. (i believe you need the client certificate installed in "user" context, not sure about that, long time ago i was busy with this). procedure TMyProgram.DoOnClientCertificateNeeded(const Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TURLRequest; const ACertificateList: TCertificateList; var AnIndex: Integer); var idx : integer; begin if CNST_CERT_PREFIX.IsEmpty then raise Exception.Create('[TMyProgram.DoOnClientCertificateNeeded] CNST_CERT_PREFIX is empty.'); for idx := 0 to ACertificateList.Count - 1 do begin if ACertificateList[idx].CertName.StartsWith(CNST_CERT_PREFIX) then begin if (ACertificateList[idx].Start<=Now) and (ACertificateList[idx].Expiry>Now) then begin AnIndex := idx; break; end else raise Exception.Create('[TMyProgram.DoOnClientCertificateNeeded] Client Certificate Expired.'); end; end; end;
  11. mvanrijnen

    Upgarding from RAD Server 11 to RAD Server 12

    Just moving to D12 myself. in the EMSDevServer (development environment for RadServer), i do not get breakpoints in my code?
  12. mvanrijnen

    How to rearrange projects in projects group file?

    just drag and drop in the projects list of the group?
  13. mvanrijnen

    REST Web Service

    also check: GitHub - andrea-magni/MARS: MARS-Curiosity Delphi REST Library
  14. mvanrijnen

    indy https error 10061

    haha, you have stocks in that ? 😉 (i still have to compare it to mitm)