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Everything posted by mvanrijnen

  1. I usually use a seperate .exe located next to the service dll. The exutable stops the serive, does the updates, and restars the service. The executable is ofcourse called by the service. Another options is to create a seperate maintance service.
  2. mvanrijnen

    Delphi 10.4.2 first impressions

    I still have the feeling that the CodeinSight/ErrorInsight has problems when you use $IFDEF's and/or {$I myfile.inc} , can not prove it, just a feeling i have when i see when there are problems with the *Insight parts.
  3. mvanrijnen

    Delphi 10.4.2 first impressions

    Because my IDE does not use OIL, and i want to keep the things it's doing to an absolute minimum. What it does not do, it can not do wrong πŸ™‚
  4. mvanrijnen

    Delphi 10.4.2 first impressions

    Then it still does the loading for ErrorInsight when you open the project.
  5. mvanrijnen

    Delphi 10.4.2 first impressions

    Does anyone know how to disable ErrorInsight in 10.4.2 With a large project i see the loading fiirst for CodeInsight and then for ErrorInsight. Since i don not use ErrorInsigt, it's a little bit shame, for the memory used. There is also 2x LSP process for each IDE instead of 1.
  6. mvanrijnen

    swagger help needed

    No sorry, did not had time to startup the project (except creating an empty github repos). I think i will be starting this month with it.
  7. This is a little odd in the installation notes: You must install the Adobe Flash Player ...... because: Adobe Flash Player End of Life Since Adobe no longer supports Flash Player after December 31, 2020 and blocked Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021, Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems.
  8. Why not a simple update process instead of every time a full uninstall and install ?
  9. Where is this documented, i search a couple of times where these things are documented but could not find anything at embarcadero.
  10. $(Auto) exists? where can i find things like this?
  11. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    Will do from now on, thnx for the support though πŸ‘
  12. Ordered epub, will order paper too. Talked last weeks with collegue about how we learned programming (only) from books in the paste, so we have to support the writers more i think, get rid of the "google /stackoverflow search" programming trend πŸ™‚. Hell, i'v done Cobol programming exams on paper (no computer for the exams πŸ™‚ ). Maybe something for a subforum, "Delphi Books" where people can give hints for good books?
  13. mvanrijnen

    Delph ERP Help

    First question, do you have source code from the program and or bpl files ? Second, are you able to compile these?
  14. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    New problem πŸ™‚ Template: Longitude1: AdrLongitude Longitude2: <%AdrLongitude%> Longitude3: <%fmt('%7.4f', AdrLongitude)%> Longitude4: <%fmt('%7,4f', AdrLongitude)%> Output: Longitude1: AdrLongitude Longitude2: 5,92406892776489 Longitude3: -?,?<E3523 Longitude4: Question: How to get fmt to work properly? (using Dutch Windows, EU-VS-Keyboard, Dutch Settings, som the decimalsep is a comma on this system) see also <%x := 5%> X=<%x%> <%y := 5.1234%> Y=<%y%> the part with y can not be evaluated/parsed, wether i use a comma (,) or a dot (.)
  15. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    thnx, works like a charm like this.
  16. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    Little problem with records, not sure if its Sempare or just delphi ande rtti on records some quick test code: TTestRecord=record ID : Integer; TypeID : integer; Description : string; Vehicle : string; ChildRecords : TArray<TTestRecord>; procedure Init; function SubResource(const AType : Integer; var AResource : TTestRecord) : Boolean; function SubResources(const AExceptTypes : TIntegerSet) : TArray<TTestRecord>; end; const CNST_HTMLTEMPLATE_RESOURCE = '<font face="calibri" size="12">'+ '<b>(<% id %>) <% description %></b><br><br>'+ '<% Vehicle %><br>'+ '</font>'+ '<font face="calibri" size="10">'+ '<% for subres in ChildRecords %>SubRes: |<% subres.Description %>|<br><%end%>'+ '</font>'; var tpl : ITemplate; v1,v2 : TTestRecord; r : TTestRecord; begin tpl := Template.Parse(CNST_HTMLTEMPLATE_RESOURCE); v1.Description := 'xx11-22-33'; v1.ID := 1; v1.TypeID := 2; v2.Description := 'yy4455-66'; v2.ID := 2; v2.TypeID := 2; r.Description := 'maurits'; SetLength(r.ChildRecords, 2); r.ChildRecords[0] := v1; r.ChildRecords[1] := v2; r.Init; mmoResult.Text := Template.Eval(tpl, r); showmessage(r.Vehicle); end; i get not the result i expected on the subres.description, I get 2 times SubRes: but the description field stays empty in the parsed result?
  17. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    Yes, would be nice if this would be configurable. In the solution i now have, i have to parse on server, and sometimes a second time on clients. If this is configurable, i can decide in the template where things are resolved.
  18. mvanrijnen

    iPub Refit - REST API in simple way

    Ah ok, its for creating an API consumer, (my first thought was something for declaring API's,, e.g. like in radserver (which we are using right now)).
  19. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    ok, tnx for the quick response πŸ™‚ For now, it's ok how it is, i will check next week for update.
  20. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    thnx. other question, is it possible to use the engine multithreaded? (eg, can i have more engine instances in one process? )
  21. mvanrijnen

    ANN: Sempare Template Engine for Delphi

    Looking now to implement the engine in an application here, but when i have a template like: Value: <% value %> Description: <% description %> I get double crl/lfs in the result? [edit] after inspection it seems like that the Template.Eval function adds an extra CR is added. (e.g. #$D#$A becomes #$D#$D#$A) quickfix: πŸ™‚ Result := Template.Eval(FParsedTemplate, objrec).Replace(#13#13, #13, [rfReplaceAll]);
  22. or use a const πŸ™‚ const FILESEARCH_RECURSIVE = True; FILESEARCH_NONE_RECURSIVE = False; ... ... TFileSearcher.FindFiles('c:\', FILESEARCH_RECURSIVE); ... ... [edit] already mentioned i see now, sorry For myself i prefer the enumating way by the way.
  23. Use HLS/HSL colorspace for distance ?
  24. I'v (very long ago), published shareware, with (don't know which anymore) protection component (bought a component back then). 1 Day after publising the cracks where available on the internet πŸ™‚ (and this was a niche product, some tooling for Progress 4GL, but created with delphi) Seems some crackers do things completely automaticly.