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About dkounal

  • Birthday November 19

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. dkounal

    GExperts 1.3.24 Beta1 for Delphi 12

    I compiled it and it works. Thank you a lot for this amazing work
  2. dkounal

    GExperts 1.3.24 Beta1 for Delphi 12

    What about Delphi 12.1 ?
  3. Each time I switch from dfm text to form designer and back, (or when reloading file after saving the form), I have a 1-3 pixels smaller form and controls moved inside it. (from image 1 to image 2) The tpanel has anchors set to [arTop,arRight] I opened a ticket https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-41759 but it is really annoying. It happens also to 11.2 and I tried a new fresh install with 11.3 patch1 and it happens without any addon I do not have any custom setting, nor any change in IDE from defaults. My screen is 100% scale in windows 11 without any noticeable change. Do you have such a problem? How did you overcome it?
  4. I have this error many times but I think I found the reason If I have an open project in the IDE and I update through git a library source from Github that it is used by this open project I reproduce this error After that error I can go to Tools->Options->Editor, click save to any subtab and then write a space somewhere in the source Either compile, or build, clear this error without requesting to restart the IDE
  5. dkounal

    Forum for Spring4D

    Trying to visit it today, I noticed that google has blocked to view old discussions Is that happennig only for myself?
  6. It can be stupid but I decided to ask. In an android application just a Delphi form and its dependencies add 30MB in the file .so of the application. Is it possible to have it as an external library and being loaded when needed? Is that possible in android and how can be done? Thank you in advance
  7. dkounal

    Notifications in android

    I can confirm that with the help of Dave Nottage (DelphiWorlds) using API from Kastri, I can have notifications in android with a progress bar. Many many thanks for his time.
  8. dkounal

    Notifications in android

    yes it is different. I noticed in the kastri project the following and I am evaluating it: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Kastri/issues/50
  9. dkounal

    Notifications in android

    As I can understand, Delphi does not support such notifications
  10. dkounal

    Notifications in android

    Hi, I want to create a Notification in an android application that shows the progress in uploading an image. I have seen many styled, multiline with icons notifications in existing applications, having also controls like a progress bar. Tried to do the same in Delphi, and I have not managed to find documentation, nor an example how to do that, without writing it in java. I found that even Flutter can now show a notification with controls inside. Can Delphi show such a notification and update its contents? Thank you in advance
  11. dkounal

    Show a FMX form inside a dll from a VCL application

    The new editor is in FMX, the existing application will take time to change and needs just this FMX form type. Until now it works with the exception when finishing. I am testing it. For the moment I am moving part of the code in a web service using XData.
  12. dkounal

    Show a FMX form inside a dll from a VCL application

    I have a working application in VCL that it does not worth to transform it to FMX. And I need custom interactive forms with controls inside created once by the user and being available to run in both VCL and mobile apps. Until now, I am a bit afraid to invest in FMX. This was a first attempt in windows.
  13. dkounal

    Show a FMX form inside a dll from a VCL application

    Thank you, I did not know it. To be honest I started from your code as it is here. The problem is that even without unloading the DLL the exception happens. It happens inside the Thtmleditor component, when it frees a TGPRegion and I believe it has to do with GDI+ It is mentioned here and here but I am not so experienced to deal with it.
  14. dkounal

    Show a FMX form inside a dll from a VCL application

    As my project is just minimal for the moment I will try the separate process. RemObjects's hydra is really interesting, I will give it a try Thank you
  15. dkounal

    Show a FMX form inside a dll from a VCL application

    It works with the following code I found: procedure TForm1.ShowAppEmbedded(WindowHandle: THandle; Container: TWinControl); var WindowStyle : Integer; FAppThreadID: Cardinal; begin /// Set running app window styles. WindowStyle := GetWindowLong(WindowHandle, GWL_STYLE); WindowStyle := WindowStyle - WS_CAPTION - WS_BORDER - WS_OVERLAPPED - WS_THICKFRAME; SetWindowLong(WindowHandle,GWL_STYLE,WindowStyle); /// Attach container app input thread to the running app input thread, so that /// the running app receives user input. FAppThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessId(WindowHandle, nil); AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadId, FAppThreadID, True); /// Changing parent of the running app to our provided container control winapi.Windows.SetParent(WindowHandle,Container.Handle); SendMessage(Container.Handle, WM_UPDATEUISTATE, UIS_INITIALIZE, 0); UpdateWindow(WindowHandle); /// This prevents the parent control to redraw on the area of its child windows (the running app) SetWindowLong(Container.Handle, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(Container.Handle,GWL_STYLE) or WS_CLIPCHILDREN); /// Make the running app to fill all the client area of the container SetWindowPos(WindowHandle,0,0,0,Container.ClientWidth,Container.ClientHeight,SWP_NOZORDER); SetForegroundWindow(WindowHandle); end;