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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Datasnap server updating error image blob column

    Is there a particular reason that the params are numbered 0, 1, 10 ? On the server side - have you inspected the stream after you fill it from the request? Does the length of the stream match the size of the image?
  2. The admins are fast 🙂
  3. How many of these are spammers?
  4. Lars Fosdal

    FireDAC TFDMetaDataQuery default field value

    Which database? For SQL Server, there is this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3817885/sql-server-find-out-default-value-of-a-column-with-a-query
  5. Lars Fosdal

    How best to update from 10.3.1 to 10.3.2?

    If you installed 10.3.1 in your VM with the webinstaller, you can simply download the new webinstaller for 10.3.2 and run it. It will still automatically uninstall the previous version, but if you select to keep the configuration, it will remain configured for 10.3.2. If you installed 10.3.1 in your VM from the ISO image, I recommend uninstalling it before installing the 10.3.2 from either the new ISO image or the new webinstaller. Personally, I always use the webinstaller. /off-topic: Considering the number of new features in 10.3.2, I am a little miffed that you can't have both 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 installed at the same time.
  6. Lars Fosdal

    Generic Command Line Parser for Delphi 10.3.x

    Except for supporting multiple parameters per option, parameters with spaces, default values, as well as the implicit conversion of ints, floats and enumerated types? Help would require declaring each command-line option, and help could include short text, long text, as well as examples. I had to stop somewhere, and since my apps mostly are services or GUI apps, documenting the command line was low on the priority list. As for Version, I suppose there would be as many requirements for what to display (file version, product version, file name, product name, copyright, libs, attributions, etc,) as there are users of the code. Also - how would you handle those for a GUI app? Other extensions could be to say that an option was mandatory, and if it should be a secret parameter that should be included in the help or not. It would be trivial to create a specific TFileNameOption that checked that a filename only contained valid characters. How about a TDateTimeOption? Cross-option validation? All is possible, and you have the source code and permission to change and build on it.
  7. Lars Fosdal

    Generic Command Line Parser for Delphi 10.3.x

    Mine can also quite easily be extended with a short / long description per parameter.
  8. I have a feeling I've asked this question before, but here I go again? Is there a way to declare a constant of type rec that actually is constant? {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} type rec = record a: string; b: string; end; type TestAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) public r: rec; constructor Create(const ar: rec); end; const rconst:rec = (a:'foo'; b:'bar'); type TTestClass = class private FProp: string; public [Test(rconst)] // [dcc32 Error] E2026 Constant expression expected property Prop: string read FProp write FProp; end;
  9. They are fragile in the respect that you may omit an attribute or enter a valid attribute that is not used by the class, i.e. not valid to use in the specific scope. A valid and appropriate attribute is not really fragile as such.
  10. I already have init code where stuff like decorators, formatters, secondary sorting etc. is set up, so I guess I have to move this here as well - or add another set of constructor overloads to the attribute 😕 or add an extra attribute or two. It would have been so nice being able to inline declare a record as a constant. That goes outside the use with attributes as well. type coordinate = record x,y: Double; end const cp = coordinate(x: 10; y:10); // an actual immutable constant Explicit var p: coordinate := (x: 10; y:10); Inferred: var p := coordinate(x: 10; y:10); p := (x:10; y:10); p := cp;
  11. Lars Fosdal

    VCL component issue

    A notion of a change to the control design interface between D7 and modern Delphi rustles in the back of my head, but I have not done component work in ages....
  12. @Stefan Glienke The snippet below is one more complex of a few hundred GridSets that I have, and I'd like to change the parameterization of every InitField attribute to a structure. How well suited is "the obvious and already proven to work fine solution" in this context? TDeliverySet = class(TGridSet) const DateFmt = 'dd.mm.yyyy'; type TOnHasExternal = reference to function(const aDeliveryId:Integer):Boolean; TFieldSortPosition = class(TFieldEnum<TPSDPositionInGroup>); TFieldPickMethod = class(TFieldEnum<TPSDCustomerOrderPickingMethod>); TFieldTPackPickMethod = class(TFieldEnum<TPSDCustomerOrderTPackPickingMethod>); TRouteKey = record Id: Integer; Count: Integer; end; private function GetRouteKey(const aIndex: Integer; var RouteEntry: TRouteEntry): Integer; function GetShowPickRoutes: Boolean; protected OnHasExternal: TOnHasExternal; PickTPacks: Boolean; Environment: TPSDEnviroment; RouteDictionary: TRouteDictionary; public [GridAutoSize, GridMultiSelect //, GridShowFilters ] [InitField(' ', 20), CustomField] Grouping: TFieldGrouping; [HiddenField, CustomField] SortPositionInRoute: TFieldSortPosition; [HiddenField, CustomField] SortPositionInPickGroup: TFieldSortPosition; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindRoute, 100), CustomField, DefaultSortField] DisplayRoute: TFieldString; [HiddenField] RouteNo: TFieldString; [HiddenField] RouteDepartureTime: TFieldDateTime; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindCustomer, 180), CustomField] DisplayCustName: TFieldString; [HiddenField] CustomerNo: TFieldString; [HiddenField] CustomerName: TFieldString; [HiddenField] RefCustomerNo: TFieldString; [HiddenField] RefOrderCustomerName: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindDelivery, 110)] DeliveryNo: TFieldString; [HiddenField] PickingFinishedTime: TFieldDateTime; [HiddenField] HasOnlyAutoPickedLaterLines: TFieldBoolean; [HiddenField] CompleteTPackCount: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField] LineCountWithSmallPick: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField] PickMethod: TFieldPickMethod; [HiddenField] TPackPickMethod: TFieldTPackPickMethod; [HiddenField] PartlyPickedLineCount: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField] PickedLineCount: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindPickRoute, 60), HiddenField, ToggleField] PickRoutes: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindRouteSequenceNo, 60)] RouteSequenceNo: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindOrderNo, 80)] OrderNo: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindLines, 60), CustomField] DisplayLineCount: TFieldString; [HiddenField] LineCount: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField] MissingDPackCount: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField] MissingLineCount: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindGroupe, 60), CustomField, HiddenField(True)] GP: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindColliPickTo, 80), HiddenField(True)] ColliPickTo: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindPickDeviationEmpty, 60), HiddenField(True),ToggleField] PickDeviationEmptyCount: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField] PrioritizedArticleDeviation: TFieldBoolean; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindPickDeviationPickLater, 80), HiddenField(True)] PickDeviationWillBePickedLaterCount: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindReportingErrors, 50), HiddenField(True)] ReportingStatusFailedCount: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindConfirmedCollicount, 70), CustomField, HiddenField,ToggleField] U: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField] ConfirmedColliCount: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindComments, 80), CustomField, HiddenField(True)] K: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField, CustomField] Comment: TFieldString; [HiddenField] PreComment: TFieldString; [HiddenField] PostComment: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindKPackCount, 40)] KPackCount: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindPrePick, 60), CustomField, HiddenField(True)] Prepick: TFieldString; [HiddenField] IsExport: TFieldBoolean; [HiddenField] RefOrder: TFieldString; [HiddenField] RefOrderRouteNo: TFieldString; [HiddenField] RefOrderRouteSequence: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindPickers, 60), HiddenField(True)] PickerUserName: TFieldString; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindEstimatedColliCount, 60), HiddenField(True)] EstimatedColliCount: TFieldDouble; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindUsedColliSummary, 60), HiddenField(True)] UsedColliSummary: TFieldString; [HiddenField, ToggleField] PickGroupId: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField, ToggleField] HasConsumers: TFieldBoolean; [HiddenField, ToggleField] CustomerOrderId: TFieldInteger; [HiddenField, CustomField] RouteKey: TFieldInteger; [UniqueField, HiddenField, ToggleField] DeliveryId: TFieldInteger; [InitField(sfrmPSDExpeditionDGridHeadindDeliverySummaryId, 'Id', 60), HiddenField, ToggleField] DeliverySummaryId: TFieldInteger; constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetEmptyImageIndex(const aIndex: Integer): Integer; function GetDeliveryNoImageIndex(const aIndex: Integer): Integer; function GetPickedLaterImageIndex(const aIndex: Integer): Integer; function RouteNoImageIndex(const aIndex: Integer): Integer; function GetReportingStatusImageIndex(const aIndex: Integer): Integer; function GetCommentImageIndex(const aIndex: Integer): Integer; function GetCommentHint(const aIndex: Integer):String; function GetDockImageIndex(const aIndex: Integer): Integer; function GetConsumerPickImageIndex(const aIndex:Integer): Integer; function DeliveryRowStyler(const aIndex, aCol: Integer; var Style: TCellStyle):Boolean; procedure DoAfterConvert(const rx: Integer); override; procedure FillRouteSet(const aRouteSet: TRouteSet); procedure UpdateFromDeliverySet(FullSet:TDeliverySet; SelectedRouteKeys: TArrayInteger); /// <summary> Assumes ReleasedTPack and ReleasedPick have been initialized </summary> procedure GetReleaseStates(const aIndex: Integer; out ReleasedTPack, ReleasedPick: TThreeChoices); property ShowPickRoutes:Boolean read GetShowPickRoutes; end;
  13. So many apps today no longer follows the Windows Theme color settings. That annoys me.
  14. That is a good idea, but also somewhat fragile as the Json can't be validated at compile time - or can it... Perhaps a preprocessor would do the trick. Thanks, that is worth looking at.
  15. Lars Fosdal

    Refer to Form Control without using the Form unit?

    TForm.QualifiedClassName would be an option, @Mike Torrettinni
  16. Lars Fosdal

    Restart the same App?

    IME, code doesn't need to be exemplary, as long as it does the job within its operating parameters. Besides, I can always trust you to point out the weaknesses.
  17. BDS doc has degenerated badly over the years, and it is often incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated. Logically, at least in my head, a type const declared with {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} is immutable and hence should be possible to use as any other const. If that is impossible - I should at least be able to follow the pattern of the following const _000000FF = Integer(255) s = String('C'); and declare const r = rec(a:'Foo'; b:'Bar'); but alas... Your workaround works, but presents two problems: - String constants as a reference are fragile. Renaming through the refactoring methods may very well break the link. - I use attributes to parameterize a large number of properties per class, and that would mean a lot of extra code. To me, it is the attribute Create that is the problem. It doesn't behave the same as other class Create ctors. There are probably compiler tech reasons - but valid or not - the behavior is frustrating. program Test; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils; type rec = record a: string; b: string; class function Create(const aa,ab: string): rec; static; end; const crec: rec = (a:'X'; b:'Y'); type TTestClass = class private r: rec; public constructor Create(const arec: rec); procedure Test(const arec: rec); end; { TTestClass } constructor TTestClass.Create(const arec: rec); begin r:= aRec; end; procedure TTestClass.Test(const arec: rec); begin r := aRec; end; { rec } class function rec.Create(const aa, ab: string): rec; begin Result.a := aa; Result.b := ab; end; begin var TC := TTestClass.Create(crec); try try TC.Test(crec); // typed constant allowed TC.Test(rec.Create('X','Y')); TC.Test((a:'X'; b:'Y')); // BARF - IMO this needs to be supported TC.Test(rec:(a:'X'; b:'Y')); // BARF except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; finally TC.Free; Write('Press Enter'); Readln; end; end.
  18. Lars Fosdal

    Restart the same App?

    Academically you may be correct, but empirically it simply works. I have several hundred installations that have worked for many years and keep on working, and zero complaints that it ever failed. The apps/services check the file version against a repository and if it finds a change, - deletes any *.old.* copies that it finds - copies the new file to a .new temp file, - renames itself to *.old.<handle> - renames the new temp file to the ordinary name - Calls Restart...OnExit and exits. Voila: App / Service is running the new version.
  19. Lars Fosdal

    Restart the same App?

    @David Heffernan I found restarting a service from itself to be troublesome since you still are in the context of the running service. Issuing a net start just at the time that you exit the service works well. The exception handling is probably a cargo cult remnant. I'd rewrite for CreateProcess for the application, but it works, so I won't fix it.
  20. Lars Fosdal

    Refer to Form Control without using the Form unit?

    I had a similar problem where a lot of code was referring to the class name of forms to do navigation, and hence including the various form classes all over the place to get the class name. I ended up making a unit, something like this: unit NavigationHelp; interface type TNavLink = record MainForm: string; ReportForm: string; QueryForm: string; end; const NameNotSet = 'Name not set'; {$WRITEABLECONST ON} const NavLink: TNavLink = ( MainForm: NameNotSet; ReportForm: NameNotSet; QueryForm: NameNotSet ); implementation end. and in the init section of my various form units, I updated the constant to the actual class name unit MainFormU; interface uses NavigatorHelp; type // ... implementation // ... initialization NavLink.MainForm := TMainForm.ClassName; end. You could apply the same pattern to form and control handles and set the handles in the respective OnFormShow routines. type THandleRef = record MainForm: THandle; CustomButton: THandle; end; const HandleRef: THandleRef = ( MainForm: 0; CustomButton: 0 ); ... TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin HandleRef.MainForm := Self.Handle; HandleRef.CustomButton := CustomButton.Handle; end; That is a fairly simple "brute force" method to eliminate circular refs.
  21. Lars Fosdal

    Restart the same App?

    Some old code of mine. Awaiting ridicule for the use of ShellExecute 😛 FDCRelauncher https://pastebin.com/YCiqiNAq CustomDebugOut https://pastebin.com/GM7DE18L
  22. I prefer to defer the actual sending to a regular mail client. Then it gets sent whenever mail is actually working.
  23. Lars Fosdal

    Best delphi so far?

    The last 8-9 years I've had the luxury of pretty much staying current with the Delphi versions. We usually skip the first releases like 10.2 or 10,3 and migrate when the 10.2.1 or 10.3.1 arrive. This has become a little harder as the so-called minor upgrades now also have a lot of changes and even new stuff., but we tend to wait for the first "fix pack". That allows the new versions mature for a while so that TMS, EurekaLog, FastReports, and others can work out any new quirks, and the bleeding edge crowd can draw first blood, but as I said, we do aspire to move on to the latest version as soon as it seems tried and tested. Back in the day, skipping several versions often raised headaches when finally deciding to migrate as you had to deal with multiple incompatibilities or breaking changes, so I much prefer the current approach. To be honest, in some cases I actually wish that EMBT would be bolder and more often introduce breaking changes to tidy up old sins. On the topic of unit dependency cycles, I tend to view them as a design weakness. It is a quick workaround for properly designing with DI and other tools that eliminate unit inter-dependencies. Yet, working with code that has evolved over a long time, they can be hard to eliminate as they are so deeply ingrained. We have one particular unit that causes a compiler internal error whenever we change something in its interface section and do a compile in the IDE. At that point only a Build All resolves the problem.
  24. Lars Fosdal

    FireDAC Connections

    We ended up setting up the connections in code, rather than using connection definitions. procedure TPSDDatabase_FD.CreateFireDACConnections; const OSAuthent = 'No'; begin if not Assigned(FConnection) then begin OnConnectionCreate; FConnection := TFDConnection.Create(nil); FConnection.DriverName := FireDriverLink.BaseDriverId; FConnection.Params.Values[MSSQLParam.Server] := Trim(FHost); FConnection.Params.Values[MSSQLParam.Database] := Trim(FDatabaseName); FConnection.Params.Values[MSSQLParam.OSAuthent] := OSAuthent; FConnection.Params.Values[MSSQLParam.User_Name] := Trim(FUserName); FConnection.Params.Values[MSSQLParam.Password] := Trim(FPassword); FConnection.Params.MonitorBy := Self.MonitorBy; if DisableMARS then FConnection.Params.Values[MSSQLParam.MARS] := 'No'; FConnection.Params.Values[MSSQLParam.ApplicationName] := AppInfo.Summary+';tid=' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadId); FConnection.LoginPrompt := False; FConnection.FormatOptions.OwnMapRules := True; with FConnection.FormatOptions.MapRules.Add do begin SourceDataType := dtDateTimeStamp; TargetDataType := dtDateTime; end; with FConnection.FormatOptions.MapRules.Add do begin SourceDataType := dtDate; TargetDataType := dtDateTime; end; FConnection.OnLogin := FDConnectionLoginEvent; FConnection.OnError := FDConnectionErrorEvent; FConnection.OnLost := FDConnectionLostEvent; FConnection.OnRestored := FDConnectionRestoredEvent; FConnection.OnRecover := FDConnectionRecoverEvent; end; end;
  25. Lars Fosdal


    Mileage or Distance traveled. And, IMO, although the origin of mileage is miles traveled, today it is fine to use a mileage measured in km - if that is the local distance unit. In Norwegian, the word "kilometerstand" is used, meaning the current standing of the kilometer counter in the odometer.