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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    EurekaLog installation

    Online activation failed for me. Downloading the license file and inserting it "manually" worked.
  2. Lars Fosdal

    Record operator overloading error

    not(a) looks weird to me.
  3. Lars Fosdal

    Is getit down for everbody?

    GetIt, DocWiki, Quality Portal are all down for me as well. Blogs are up, but really slow.
  4. Lars Fosdal

    finding the share of a unc path

    Isn't that always \\server\share + \myfolder ?
  5. Fresh code: https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/DUnitX Typical code that we test with DUnitX: - value to string and string to value - lookup functions - generic classes - formatters as well as database integration tests (CRUD) How do you guys use it?
  6. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 12 IDE, cannot create regions

    @A.M. Hoornweg Please post this as an issue on QP.
  7. We always run with MARS=Yes. We also follow a different pattern with regards to inserts and updates - using stored procedures to change the contents of the database. Usually the problem is that more than one operation is attempted on the same connection at the same time. Are you certain you are not crossing variables somewhere? In you example code, there is fdcAmman and fdcUpdateAmman ...
  8. Lars Fosdal

    Error 1400

    Usually a mess we create ourselves 🙂 It may be that the dead thread raising the exception was trying to use an already disposed reference in it's final moments.
  9. Lars Fosdal

    Error 1400

    I use EL, so I can't really opinionate on MadExcept. It is very rare that it gives me no clue to the callstack for exceptions caused by dangling pointers, but when desperate, I've turned to using a FreeAndNil overload to set the pointers to a recognizable value, $DEAD0001 and so forth, and logging the line where I set the respective ptr values to at least find a hint to the context that is trying to use it. Problems like these can be a pain to find. Another alternative would be to try with regular threads to see if the problem persists - if it doesn't, it might be that you can attribute it to something OTL specific?
  10. Lars Fosdal

    BDE Installing

    Good info, Brian!
  11. Lars Fosdal

    Error 1400

    Do you .Free or FreeAndNil? Are you using EurekaLog or MadExcept?
  12. Lars Fosdal

    Error 1400

    Does this trick have any effect? HttpClient.SetRequestHeader('Connection', 'close'); from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48321245/thttpclient-is-not-closing-connection-in-delphi
  13. Lars Fosdal

    BDE Installing

    You can move to FireDAC while still using DBase. I know, not your goal - but at least you would have made the first step. https://blogs.embarcadero.com/firedac-odbc-for-paradox-and-dbase-tables/
  14. Lars Fosdal

    Error 1400

    If a REST call is in progress when you terminate - will the code hangup and close the REST related thread(s) ?
  15. Lars Fosdal

    Error 1400

    Do you stop the tasks and wait for completion of any running task before stopping the application?
  16. Lars Fosdal

    ForEach runs only one "thread" at time

    Yes but released in try.. finally. I use Critical section and very short ones. Doesn't that mean that only ONE compression can happen at a time - i.e. serializing your use of CompressFile? Edit: Are you reusing the same critical section in multiple locations in the code or on multiple nested levels? That could become a race condition.
  17. Lars Fosdal

    ForEach runs only one "thread" at time

    No locks or semaphores in CompressFile?
  18. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 12 is available

    Regular C# .NET Code transpiles to IL code. When you run, the JITer compiles the IL code to native code - but as you say - on every run. But - You can - with limitations - compile C# .NET code to native code - using the AOT approach. From the second link I posted: There are some elements that are still JITed - such as LINQ expressions - and there is a limit to which libs and platforms that supports AOT - but it keeps expanding from one .NET version to the next.
  19. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 12 is available

    It is slightly more complex than that... https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/dotnet-native/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/deploying/native-aot/?tabs=net7%2Cwindows
  20. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 12 is available

    FreePascal's Generics support is pitiful. It is impossible to move my Delphi code to FPC.
  21. Lars Fosdal

    Win 64 debugger not working

    I haven't tested it, but it certainly appears so.
  22. Lars Fosdal

    Win 64 debugger not working

    Known issue: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-15908
  23. Another interesting tool set: https://platform.uno/blog/the-rise-of-c-markup-for-cross-platform-development/
  24. Lars Fosdal

    How to break up an OnPaint event?

    Something that is often overlooked is to limit the redraw frequency. If you redraw the display on every update and there are many updates per second, you may save a lot of time on triggering the invalidate at a capped rate, i.e. not do a full redraw every time, but update once every fixed time interval. Unless you are doing video processing - a redraw at maximum twice per second should be more than sufficient?
  25. Lars Fosdal

    Removing String

    My interpretation: This is (string which need to (remove) -> This is This is (string) which (string) need to (remove) -> This is which need to