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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    language updates in 10.4?

    I've also seen compile time issues where you must specify the type T of the iterator for a TArray<T>.
  2. Lars Fosdal

    Fonts & ligatures

    Can you use ligatures as operators in the actual code?
  3. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    I press Ctrl-S waaay to often, even with the autorecover enabled. The habit is caused by working in an IDE that has a bad tendency of locking up or suddenly go dying.
  4. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    Losing 40 minutes of work should be impossible in Rio.
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Fonts & ligatures

    Why do you need that in a code editor?
  6. Lars Fosdal

    Addon to hide single visual controls in Form-Designer?

    We make extensive use of frames in VCL. For FMX, it is not quite as clear cut...
  7. Is it relevant? OP referred to the clone as well.
  8. https://github.com/sglienke/Rapid.Generics does state "Rapid generics/defaults equivalent classes for Delphi (2010+)" But yeah... there have been a lot of changes to Generics code generation since XE.
  9. Lars Fosdal

    How to change display name?

    I see the change went through. All you need now is a friendly avatar 😉
  10. That sums it up. Use the xml doc feature for methods and properties, and do it straight away. If it is postponed, it never happens. A colleague asked me on how to use a specific feature yesterday... So... I opened a couple of related units I wrote some time ago, and they had NO xml doc, so yeah, that never happened. The interface sections alone are 1070 and 350 lines, so... I guess I really should work more on my own documentation rather than offer advice To my defense, they are widely used in our projects, so there are plenty of usage examples
  11. Lars Fosdal

    TrayIcon resfresh method

    To make it simpler for your user to make the change, If you open "ms-settings:taskbar" in an explorer, you go directly to taskbar settings. Not sure if there is an URI that goes directly to the icon in tray sub page. https://www.askvg.com/list-of-commands-to-launch-specific-settings-page-directly-in-windows-10/ This seems to bring out the old school tray icon settings, but I would assume that the days are numbered for that page. "explorer shell:::{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9}"
  12. Lars Fosdal

    How to change display name?

    It can be found under https://en.delphipraxis.net/settings/ If there is no change link, send a PM to me or @Daniel
  13. When using something new or something you use rarely, writing comments in the code can be helpful. For each unit, mention the related units, how the types relate, how to "set things up" with regards to how to "link" related types. It might feel like waste time since the source is there, but yeah, memory doesn't really improve with age. Also - the idea you had when you broke it into six units, may eventually lead to the removal of units, so taking a note of why the design is as it is, is helpful. I usually know how my libs mature by the amount of code I can delete or simplify. When things gel properly, the solutions often can turn out simpler than the original idea. And then there is the eternal question: Are you solving a problem, or are you writing a framework? My favorite pitfall that I keep falling into.
  14. Lars Fosdal

    Experience/opinions on FastMM5

    We do use worker threads that live across TCP/HTTP "sessions". Since the data are so dynamic and variable, it is next to impossible to go fully static on allocations.
  15. Lars Fosdal

    Experience/opinions on FastMM5

    Proper load tests are challenging since it they require data that make sense on many levels. I probably would have to try it in a live situation.
  16. Lars Fosdal

    Experience/opinions on FastMM5

    So, our multithreaded TCP/HTTP event driven services do a lot of string manipulation, copying to/from buffers, converting objects to/from json / xml, etc. Can I expect FastMM5 to increase the throughput?
  17. Lars Fosdal

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    Interesting read!
  18. Lars Fosdal

    Windows Build 1909

    Ok, thank you Microsoft for being so clear and transparent 😛 From the host From the VM But the OSHAL is the same for both. PS C:\> Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer WindowsProductName WindowsVersion OsHardwareAbstractionLayer ------------------ -------------- -------------------------- Windows 10 Enterprise 1909 10.0.18362.752 The Revision doesn't appear to be showing from the environment string PS C:\> [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version Major Minor Build Revision ----- ----- ----- -------- 10 0 18363 0 So if anyone knows how to get the xxx from 18363.xxx in PowerShell, I'd like to know.
  19. Lars Fosdal

    Windows Build 1909

    Strange. My VM is also "free roaming" but was on the same build as my main. I am pulling latest cumulative update now to see what build I get and have switched off sourcing updates from local computers. ... and it is still the same build. I would have expected my build to be the same as yours, but it is 18362.752 vs your 18363.815. Are you sure you are not on the Windows Insider track?
  20. Lars Fosdal

    Windows Build 1909

    No issues. Are you on the fast ring, Sherlock? I suspect our corporate enterprise version isn't exactly at the bleeding edge.
  21. Lars Fosdal

    XML to SVG

    Joe, I am all for open source. That said - open source does not necessarily equate free (in as not having a cost) to use. If someone spent a good deal of time on writing code for a specific purpose, and there is a market for that code, I see no problem with asking for a monetary contribution for somebody else to use that code. Buying it is a voluntary action. Of course, people will only buy it if it adds value over any "free" competitors. As for the cost: For an individual developer, the cost may seem steep. If we are not swimming in cash from our own product, it is hard to defend spending cash buying code. From a corporate perspective, it is cheap since the ISV takes responsibility for dealing with bug reports and feature requests. We happily pay ISVs like Eurekalog, TMS, and others because their products have value to us. They solve a problem and save us time. If this SVG lib does that for somebody, it is worth the money for them.
  22. Lars Fosdal

    Making method with default encoding

    TEncodingType = (encDefault, encUTF7, encUTF8, encUnicode, encBigEndianUnicode, encMBCS, encExpandThisTypeAsNeeded); TEncodingHelper = record helper for TEncodingType private class var FMyDefault: TEncodingType; public function Encoding: TEncoding; overload; // which calls the method below with Self function Encoding(const aEncodingType: TEncodingType): TEncoding; overload; // which look up the relevant TEncoding constants. class property FMyDefault: TEncodingType read FMyDefault write FMyDefault; end;
  23. Lars Fosdal

    Making method with default encoding

    A helper type / class could be an alternative. TEncodingType = (encDefault, encUTF7, encUTF8, encUnicode, encBigEndianUnicode, encMBCS, encExpandThisTypeAsNeeded); TEncodingHelper = record helper for TEncodingType function Encoding: TEncoding; overload; // which calls the method below with Self function Encoding(const aEncodingType: TEncodingType): TEncoding; overload; // which look up the relevant TEncoding constants. end;
  24. Lars Fosdal

    Making method with default encoding

    TEncoding.Default ?
  25. Lars Fosdal

    XML to SVG

    So... I went full tilt A**hole Admin and removed the noise. 1. Don't assume everything is an insult 2. Don't abuse the report system