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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Ole DB (Ado) for MSSQL un-deprecated by Microsoft

    EMBT placed the above constants in the implementation section of the FireDAC.Phys.MSSQL, which I guess is good for hiding implementation details, but not so good for doing overrides... hello, new literal. Initial benchmarks indicate that C_2016_ODBC = 'ODBC DRIVER 13 FOR SQL SERVER' is about the same speed as SQLNCLI 11, which is good news. class function TPSDFireDatabasePoolMSSQL.FindBestDriver(const Link: TFDPhysMSSQLDriverLink): String; const // Constants copied from implementation section of FireDAC.Phys.MSSQL C_2017_ODBC = 'ODBC DRIVER 17 FOR SQL SERVER'; C_2016_ODBC = 'ODBC DRIVER 13 FOR SQL SERVER'; C_2012_ODBC = 'ODBC DRIVER 11 FOR SQL SERVER'; {$IFDEF POSIX} C_FreeTDS = 'FreeTDS'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} C_2012_NC = 'SQL SERVER NATIVE CLIENT 11.0'; {$ENDIF} var DriverList TStringList; WantedList : TArray<String>; begin Result := ''; WantedList := {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} [C_2017_ODBC, C_2016_ODBC, C_2012_NC, C_2012_ODBC] {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF POSIX} [C_2017_ODBC, C_2016_ODBC, C_2012_ODBC, C_FreeTDS] {$ENDIF}; DriverList := TStringList.Create; try Link.GetDrivers(DriverList); for var Wanted in WantedList do for var Driver in DriverList do if CompareText(Wanted , Driver) = 0 then Exit(Wanted); finally DriverList.Free; end; end; class function TPSDFireDatabasePoolMSSQL.CreateDriverLink(const aOwner: TComponent): TFDPhysDriverLink; var Res: TFDPhysMSSQLDriverLink; begin Res := TFDPhysMSSQLDriverLink.Create(aOwner); Res.ODBCDriver := FindBestDriver(Res); Result := Res; end;
  2. Lars Fosdal

    Ole DB (Ado) for MSSQL un-deprecated by Microsoft

    Oddly enough, FireDAC seems to prefer SQLNCLI over everything else, and I can't find a way to override that priority, apart from explicitly setting the ODBCDriver on Create, which makes it harder to handle it not being installed procedure TFDPhysMSSQLDriver.InternalLoad; begin inherited InternalLoad; if ODBCDriver = '' then ODBCDriver := FindBestDriver( {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} [C_2012_NC, C_2016_ODBC, C_2012_ODBC, C_2017_ODBC, C_2008, C_2005, C_2000] {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF POSIX} [C_2016_ODBC, C_2012_ODBC, C_2017_ODBC, C_FreeTDS], C_FreeTDSLib {$ENDIF} ); end;
  3. Lars Fosdal

    Unreliable connection to remote MS SQL Server database

    Somewhat related: SQLNCLI is deprecated. MSOLEDBSQL is the new best practice. As for unreliable connections - some servers disconnects pretty quick, so we have a wrapper that handles this and reconnects as required.
  4. Is there a cross-platform version of IsDebuggerPresent? I want to disable some of my automatic maintenance threads when the app is running under a debugger, now also for a FireMonkey app.
  5. Lars Fosdal

    TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL and TLS 1.3 ?

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50481630/upgrade-indy-library-to-use-latest-openssl-library The answer is still "no".
  6. Lars Fosdal

    Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi

    Ordered print + epub version.
  7. My guess: The SetPosition / Seek ends up with an out of bounds address?
  8. I still prefer using regular constants for bit-fiddling.
  9. Lars Fosdal

    Ole DB (Ado) for MSSQL un-deprecated by Microsoft

    Interesting. Has anyone done any benchmarking of the MSOLEDBSQL driver vs the SQLNCLI driver?
  10. Lars Fosdal

    Rapid generics

    Interesting. Does Rapid function properly with RTTI as well?
  11. Just curious: Has anyone seen a valid use case for defined ordinal values in enumerations?
  12. That is the "weird" right there. Definitively a good reason to avoid defined ordinal values in enumerations.
  13. Isn't there something weird about RTTI for enums that have manually set ordinal values as well?
  14. I did mean dynamic arrays. My bad.
  15. Off-topic: There is another oddity with enumerations with explicit ordinal values. TEnum = (plough = 5, foo = 9, bar = 14, wtf = 1000); The above is valid, but wtf can't be used in a set. Makes me wonder if it would be better to generally do sets as dynamic arrays, instead of today's implementation of sets. I guess it would be more expensive.
  16. Lars Fosdal

    10.3.1 has been released

    Right you are, @dummzeuch : Problem solved.
  17. Lars Fosdal

    Migration tool: Access is denied

    To where are you trying to save the file?
  18. Lars Fosdal

    10.3.1 has been released

    Now I am suddenly not so happy about the Parnassus integration in 10.3. It murdered my 10.2 Parnassus plugins.
  19. Lars Fosdal

    Property editor - on the finest art

    I think it could be fantastic if it was possible to design custom property lists per class. The first time a class is seen, it could be added to a list of class property configs, with all the props present. In a config dialog somewhere, it could be possible to enable/disable each prop. The filter could even use digits 0..9 to select one of multiple configurations per class. Naturally, if it could be installed with default filters for many of the standard components, that would be nice. I really like the idea - more than I like quick edit. Nice work!
  20. Lars Fosdal

    10.3.1 has been released

    Very odd. I did have 10.3 from November installed and did a reinstall and the uninstall hung at the end. Perhaps I need to redo it 😕 - or wait until the new laptop arrives. I do love that Parnassus Bookmarks and Navigator is included, though!
  21. Lars Fosdal

    10.3.1 has been released

    Installed 10.3.1 using the web installer. Something looks strange. No 10.3.1 mention. Installed update is 10.2 update 2?
  22. He lives at https://twitter.com/uscle?lang=en
  23. How does SourceTree and Github Desktop compare?
  24. Declared: TEnum = (plough, foo, bar, wtf) Test order: [wtf, plough, bar, foo] Looping an Enum Set 1 wtf 5 plough 9 foo 14 bar Looping an Enum Array 1 wtf 5 plough 14 bar 9 foo Press Enter: You are right, @Stefan Glienke -I am so logging off now 😄
  25. Wow, I didn't notice that! And it is not related to declaration order, nor ordinal value. That is a bit disturbing.