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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    More precise countdown

    @johnnydp - What is the time precision that you need? Do you need start/one-shot/stop precision, or do you need start/repeat task every interval until/stop? If you are talking more accurate than 15.6ms (Windows default), you are most likely looking at highly CPU intensive custom code or kernel driver assisted timing. In addition, you need to factor in the code required to "complete" the event.
  2. That is great, because YAML - Yikes Awful Markup Language
  3. Lars Fosdal

    Unsupported 16-bit resource in *.RC file

    There is another possible cause: Some of your D6 .dfm files may be saved in binary format, and not as a text .dfm. In D6, open the .dfm files and see if you can view / save them as text.
  4. Lars Fosdal

    New Installation of Rad Studio 10.2 (Tokyo)

    That is about as relevant as commenting "Buy a Volkswagen" on a "How do I fix my Mercedes" post.
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Alphabet Index for navigation on ListView?

    /off-topic I am an Android user. I like apps that work the way Android works. The contact list in Android 13 f.x. shows the current letter group and lets you scroll faster or slower within the current group or to the next or previous group. My suggestion would be that you let the OS "playbook" decide how to navigate in the "native" way, rather to have one solution for all platforms? /on-topic I don't know what kind of component you would use for the letter list, but I assume it is a panel. You have the list of letters - BFTZ - i.e. you have the sizes you need? ch = Client window height n = number of letters ih = character height + spacing height TopOffset = (ch - (n * ih)) div 2; CharPos = 1 .. n CharOffset = TopOffset + ((CharPos - 1) * ih) From this you should be able to create the boxes that you need to do rendering and hit testing on?
  6. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    Less duplicated code -> less work to fix a duplicated error Less duplicated code -> less work to modify a duplicated behaviour Less code -> less chance for errors Less code -> easier to maintain Easier to maintain -> easier to add new features Modern quality code -> shorter time to market
  7. Lars Fosdal

    Alphabet Index for navigation on ListView?

    I assume you want to "stretch" the alphabet to vertically fill the available space. Is this a touch interface or a desktop UI? Is it possible that you could need to scroll the Alphabet list as well? I.e. make the vertical list longer than the height of the screen? It could become awfully fiddly on a mobile display otherwise.
  8. Lars Fosdal

    your own DB vs. 3rd-party?

    The more "fancy" you go, the more unusual challenges you'll meet. I like vanilla. It goes with everything, and the problems I get, have already been solved by others. I think the real question is - Do I need actual SQL abilities or do I just need a basic keystore (key = value(s)). If you need SQL, you need to know - How scalable does it need to be - Do I want to go free/self-hosted or paid/hosted (or the variations in between) - Usually, you get what you pay for. If you just need a keystore, someone else needs to chip in, as I've only done SQL DBs. MongoDB was all the rage for a while in the web store world. Not sure if it has been superceeded by something newer and more shiny? This is true - but even so, enterprise solutions are swinging heavily towards cloud hosting and third party services. That is worth noticing.
  9. Lars Fosdal

    IsValidDate fails after the Year 9999

    The next Y2K like problem is already in 2038, when the 32-bit int that holds a Unix timestamp wraps to a negative number. Aka The Epochalypse.
  10. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    Is it possible to do a divide and conquer - split up the problem into multiple revisions - modernize bit by bit, or is it a house of cards...
  11. Lars Fosdal

    Cross platform HTTP client with proxy support?

    I have a MBP M1 Pro, but I don't have a proxy service to try it on, otherwise I would.
  12. Lars Fosdal

    Cross platform HTTP client with proxy support?

    h:=THTTPClient.Create; h.ProxySettings.Create(<IP>,<PORT>,<USER>,<PASS>); h.Get(<URL>); h.Free; The AV problem is that line two should have read: h:=THTTPClient.Create; h.ProxySettings := TProxySettings.Create(<IP>,<PORT>,<USER>,<PASS>); h.Get(<URL>); h.Free; but, as the documentation says - it would not have made a difference, as the OS settings always take effect on MacOS (and iOS).
  13. Lars Fosdal

    Cross platform HTTP client with proxy support?

    But, it looks like you are correct. MacOS and iOS doesn't allow the app to override the settings in the OS. Platform Behavior Windows The HTTP Client uses the system proxy settings. You can bypass the system proxy settings and you can also provide alternative proxy settings for the HTTP Client. To bypass the system proxy settings, create proxy settings for the HTTP Client and specify http://direct as the URL. macOS The HTTP Client always uses the system proxy settings. Even if you provide alternative proxy settings for the HTTP Client, the HTTP Client uses the system proxy settings. iOS The HTTP Client always uses the system proxy settings. Even if you provide alternative proxy settings for the HTTP Client, the HTTP Client uses the system proxy settings. Android The HTTP Client uses the system proxy settings. You cannot bypass those settings, but you can provide alternative proxy settings for the HTTP Client. Linux The HTTP Client uses the system proxy settings. You cannot bypass those settings, but you can provide alternative proxy settings for the HTTP Client.
  14. Lars Fosdal

    Cross platform HTTP client with proxy support?

    I found this issue: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-40392 which appears to be the same, and it is in status Open. The example code looks a bit weird, though.
  15. Lars Fosdal

    Cross platform HTTP client with proxy support?

    @softtouch- ref. THttpClient on Mac - Access Violation - did you register an issue on the Quality portal?
  16. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    But... so much shit to clean up, and no time allocated to doing it... I'd go nuts.
  17. Find out where that attribute is declared and include the file? or... is this relevant: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Workaround_for_C%2B%2B11_Attributes_(Clang-enhanced_C%2B%2B_Compilers)
  18. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    I'd be looking for a new job with a competent manager. This sounds like an ulcer-inducing task.
  19. Lars Fosdal

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    The iOS sizes are weird, and needs manual rescaling - so I get the sarcasm from @Anders Melander There was a thread with another Delphi tool that made icons, but I can't recall which post.
  20. Lars Fosdal

    FileOpen dialog not showing all files

    Wow, that IS weird.
  21. Lars Fosdal

    400 Bad Request ,nginx/1.14.0

    I recently bought https://www.charlesproxy.com/ for debugging some https header issues. Easy to use and invaluable insights. It has a somewhat annoying trial version that may help you spot the difference between the Firefox and Delphi headers.
  22. Lars Fosdal

    FileOpen dialog not showing all files

    Are there any special attributes on the files not listed?
  23. Lars Fosdal

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    That depends somewhat on the platform you want your FMX to run on. The newer IcoFX versions has explicit support for Mac recommended sizes at least. I haven't checked if it has native icns support, but you can use another tool to convert the format. Delphi wants .png files in the various sizes for Android and iOS, so that is something that can be exported - but appear to accept both .ico and .icns for MacOS and Linux.
  24. Lars Fosdal

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    IcoFX is my goto tool for Icons. But, I have to admit I use the last free version: 1.6.4
  25. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    I am at a loss for words... How old is this codebase?