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Lars Fosdal

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Posts posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. On 10/18/2023 at 12:01 PM, dormky said:

    DataObject := MyQuery.CurrentData();

    Are you looking for a mechanism that is general, and can be applied to many queries?


    What is the expected lifecycle for the DataObject, use as discardable parameter only, or extend with more properties and methods and store in other data structures?

    I assume you want type safety so that an int/float/date/string in the db is represented as an int/float/date/string in the DataObject?


    The obvious choice is to create a custom class tailored to the query. Upside is performance and custom adaptation. Downside is that you need to implement a new class and handcraft the conversion for every query.


    A more flexible, but less performant approach, would be to use RTTI to map DB Fields to DataObject properties. either into a class or into a record type.

    Basically, you would use RTTI to examine the property in the DataObject and use the name to look it up in the query, and the type to make the appropriate copying.


    However, the distinct needs you have would have to be explained in more detail before we could detail the appropriate solution.

  2. We use a lot of frames, but we almost always instantiate, reparent and connect them at runtime.  Usually, we have a panel as a "host" for the frame, which lets the panel deal with the in-form alignment, so that the frame can use alClient.
    As @Davide Angeli mentions, loss of events has been a key factor for deciding to do it that way.

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  3. Not sure if Totalling fields is the best example for the use case, as that is far more efficient to do in the queries

    3 hours ago, Tommi Prami said:

    So implementation should be kind that works if I have no control over the API of the class..

    By API, do you mean the interface section of the class?
    The challenge is that you need a predictable way to associate the fields with the field name.

    You could write a routine like this

    procedure ConnectFields(Query: TDataSet; const Fields: TArray<TField>; const Names: TArray<string>);
      Assert(Length(Fields) = Length(Names), 'Number of fields and number of names must match');
      for var ix := 0 to Length(Fields) - 1
      do begin
        Fields[ix] := Query.FieldByName(Names[ix]);
        if not Assigned(Fields[ix])
        then raise Exception.Create(Format('Field %s not found.', [Names[ix]]); 
    // usage
      Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4: TField;
       [ Field1,   Field2,   Field3,   Field4], 
       ['Field1', 'Field2', 'Field3', 'Field4']);

     which doesn't save you that much code, really.

  4. I got a Lenovo P16 (i7)64Gb/ 1TB+500GB Workstation Laptop, and run "corporate" Windows 10 latest patches on the WS and Win11 Pro on a Hyper-V VM.

    This machine is my regular work machine and it runs an SQL Server instance on the primary OS as well.


    I also have a private MacBook Pro M1 16" with 32GB and 2TB, running Parallels and Win 11 for ARM on a VM, and RHEL on a VM.


    Delphi installs and runs just fine on both Win 11 VMs.

    Interestingly, the MBP is faster than the P16 for the VMs, staying cool and silent, while the P16 spins up the fans like a turbine.


    I haven't tried dongles on my VMs, since signing happens on the corporate build server, but both VM hosts can pass through USB ports, so I would expect it to work.

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