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Mohammed Nasman

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Everything posted by Mohammed Nasman

  1. Mohammed Nasman

    Android Z-Order, Native Controls, and 10.3 Rio

    I think RTL language will work only with controls that has ControlType property set o Platform, they didn't mention they add it to TLabel.
  2. Mohammed Nasman

    Web dashboard application

    @Davide Visconti, We have been using in production even since beta phase, and was much stable other, and also support is very good, I few had problem in past and Farshad (Author of Unigui), connect with teamviewer and helped me to find the problems, and most of problem were related to my code which is win32 desktop app shared with the unigui app.
  3. Seems the new Delphi 10.3 Rio will get a new modern style, it's first major redesign since Delphi 8/2005 https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/new-in-10-3-ide-ui-improvements-in-the-main-window
  4. Mohammed Nasman

    Web dashboard application

    Unigui is good solution, it will make things easier because you don't have write code in two projects, one for backend and one for frontend. It's combine with power of Delphi in the RAD way with the most rich JS library (Ext JS). Here's sample of one of dashboard we made with Unigui: another sample from unigui forums: PS: I'm just happy unigui customer.
  5. I think cnPack offer this feature, if I understood you right: