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Everything posted by Andrii

  1. Dear authors and community. I'd like to use Websockets using ICS library. I know it's not a part of the library but probably someone could share his own implementation or may be has already found in the internet. Thanks in advance. Andrii.
  2. Thanks for suggestions, I'll definitely try the component that you mentioned.
  3. I'd add that sometimes UDP more reliable in some configuration eg. when a client is behind a router connecting to outer world. But the source of my question is heterogeneity of clients in my specific client/server configuration: Android App, Delphi 7 App, Web browser. It's kind of monitoring system having various UIs watching changes. Of course it's possible to implement 3 different approaches of data exchange but I'd like to use uniform. So my concern is still one of 3 options: HTTP polling, Web sockets or mix of UDP/HTTP. Obviously, I'd never use Delphi 7 as a backend but it's a requirement of the legacy system.
  4. As far as I got this example is just a websockets server implementation. I did not understand how to build a websockets client (not javascript but Delphi).
  5. Could you clarify what is the websockets test environment?