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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    I'm looking for these menus in the IDE

    That won't work, because these actions don't have an associated menu item. Nice idea with the expert that calls IOTAEditView .NavigateToModification. I thought about adding something like it to GExperts, but I'm not sure that I want to add yet another shortcut to the IDE (and thereby making it unavailable for other plugins) is worth it. I could add it the GExperts Editor Popup menu though, so it would not need a keyboard shortcut.
  2. But that's what const is all about: A parameter (possibly passed by reference) where the compiler prevents changes. Turns out that it is easy to change it by mistake. (Of course it's also not simple for the compiler to catch this case.)
  3. Does that mean you own all these devices? How many are we talking about?
  4. dummzeuch

    New official Embarcadero forums online

    It's also a requirement under the European General Data Protection Regulation .
  5. dummzeuch

    place of "mark site read" Button

    If the window is not "wide enough", you can finde it in the menu under "Account". (Where I would not have expected it even though it makes kind of sense.) There are several steps in the layout, mobile uses the narrowest.
  6. dummzeuch

    Testing needed

    Hi, I just added workarounds for both issues described in bug #86. I need some testers. It works for me but might not work for others. Requirements: Has Delphi 10.2 Uses the Dark Theme (or any custom theme) Must compile GExperts from the current sources. twm
  7. dummzeuch

    Testing needed

    Could you please take the time and put this into a ticket at sourceforge? https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/feature-requests/
  8. dummzeuch

    Testing needed

    No, that's fine, exactly what I wanted to know. After needing ages to actually reproduce the problem I was no longer sure whether it had actually disappeared of if I was just seeing ghosts. That one was tricky to solve or rather work around, but I wish the next one was something similar. Something about Unicode / UTF-8 issues makes them difficult to solve for me. At least I think I have tracked it down to a conversion issue where TStringStream is being used where it shouldn't.
  9. My fake TSpeedButton based on TBitBtn has been updated again. It now supports any combination of Glyph and single/multi line Text. It also supports setting Margin and Spacing. Note that it still requires the Glyph to be on the left. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/11/10/fake-tspeedbutton-based-on-tbitbtn-updated-again/
  10. dummzeuch

    Theming in the IDE

    The theming stuff in the IDE is really a pain in the lower back. It not only broke the menus in the dockable GExperts windows (e.g. Grep Result), it also breaks the extensions to the Search Path dialog. 😞 https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/bugs/86/ Apart from that there are several dialogs that were apparently overlooked for theming, e.g. the Build Events dialog. I wonder whether the same problem exist in Delphi 10.3. It's probably pointless asking anybody in the beta program to test it because they would not be allowed to tell me...
  11. dummzeuch

    Managing Version Information Across Builds

    We generate a res file from an INI file which contains the version information and is maintained outside the IDE. I think I blogged about this a while ago.
  12. dummzeuch

    Theming in the IDE

    No, neither will I become an MVP. I don't like the strings attached. (My personal choice, so I'll have to live with it.)
  13. There is an article by Peter Laman on the topic Making “Stay-on-top-forms” do want you want on the Embarcadero blog. It’s from 2004 and of course the link to the component he talks about no longer works, because it points to cc.borland.com which no longer exists. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/11/05/making-stay-on-top-forms-do-want-you-want-in-delphi/
  14. dummzeuch

    Detailed logging (for debugging)

    Have you tried to declare the function inline ?
  15. dummzeuch

    Detailed logging (for debugging)

    But you could use assert to mask out the logging: function MyLogging(const _Text: string): boolean; begin doLogging(_Text); Result := true; end; Assert(MyLogging('My very important log message')); This would remove all calls to the logging function when you disable assertions.
  16. dummzeuch

    How to know that a file is not used by another program?

    Building on Lars Fosdal's answer: Let your external program generate the file under a different name (or in a different location on the same drive) and when it is done, rename/move it to where your program expects it.
  17. How to Implement Text Box with Gray Text Hint? (This also works with Windows XP.)
  18. dummzeuch

    Set Tab Order expert

    The Set Tab Order Expert has two modes, the first one is simple: It displays a tree view of the currently selected control and allows you to move child controls by dragging them to other positions or using the new (since last weekend) buttons to move them up or down. The second mode is more complex: If you have selected more than one control (which must share the same parent), they are listed in the reverse(!) order in which you selected them. After you press OK, their tab order will be changed to that order. I didn't even know about this second mode until I just now found that code and read up on it in the documentation. Now I wonder whether it is a bug that the reverse order is being used. I think it's counter intuitive. If I want to set the tab order of controls, I would normally select them in the order I want the tab order to be. Is that just me? Do you use that functionality? (I am aware that CnPack does it very differently (and I like that approach up to a point) but that's not the topic here.)
  19. Not sure when it was added. Delphi 6 already has it, but it might be even older.
  20. dummzeuch

    Set Tab Order expert

    Apparently this only works if the expert is called via a keyboard shortcut or the GExperts menu. If it's called via the designer popup menu, the sort order ist reversed. Really odd.
  21. I'm currently using DP on mobile and found that the Submit button is always behind the virtual keyboard. So in order to press it, I have to either close the keyboard or scroll down (and first remember that it is further down). Could that button be moved to the top? Like the right pointing triangle used in many mobile Apps nowadays?
  22. dummzeuch

    Set Tab Order expert

    That's not what I have seen when I tried it last weekend (after I became aware of this feature). The order was always reversed to what I was expecting. Maybe I had just broken it, but I don't remember changing anything in the sorting related code. I'll go back to a previous revision and test again. Thanks for the feedback.
  23. dummzeuch

    RSS feeds for new posts ?

    Try that one: https://en.delphipraxis.net/discover/22/#
  24. dummzeuch

    Set Tab Order expert

    So you don't think that the reverse order in this case is a bug?