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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    You are aware that the component palette supports incremental search/filtering? Just checking...
  2. Unfortunately it's not always that simple: Assume a sub-procedure (since numbers is not a field): procedure GetItem(_idx: integer): integer; begin Result := numbers[_Idx]; end; Then call it with an invalid index. Range checking would detect it. Of course you could add code that checks for it: if (_Idx < Low(Numbers)) or (_Idx > High(Numbers) then raise EProgramerTooBloedError.Create('The programmer is an idiot!'); but then we are back to having to write code that could be autogenerated.
  3. I recently found that my image processing code became about 30% faster after turning off range checking. So I added a conditional define that allows me to turn it off for some units even of it is on in the project settings. But as stated above: In debug builds I usually turn it on and that has saved my a** several times.
  4. dummzeuch

    How to disable automatic adding of units to interface-uses

    No, there is no such option. You could add a unit alias for it, that redirects to a unit that's already there, e.g. SysUtils. Then the unit would still be added to the uses list, but would not be compiled into the executable.
  5. dummzeuch

    Filter Checkboxes for the Messages list?

    (Actually it's a Virtual String Tree, not a grid) Yes, I did, for various things. Unfortunately nothing much ever came from that, they didn't even fix the OTA bug that partly broke the Replace Component expert. And I can't waste any of my employer's support tickets on GExperts.
  6. dummzeuch

    Filter Checkboxes for the Messages list?

    Unfortunately there seems to be no way to access the text in the messages window in Delphi > 7. They switched from a list view (?) to a virtual string grid when they rewrote parts of the IDE. (If somebody knows a solution for this, I'd be happy to add quite a few new features to GExperts, that become possible with that.)
  7. dummzeuch

    Memory Management with many objects

    If switching to 64 bits is not feasible, you could try to enable IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE which might solve the issue for now. (no idea where this formatting comes from, apparently I can't turn it off)
  8. dummzeuch

    How to use library from Delphi 10.1 DCUs in Delphi 10.3.3?

    ... or get the source code.
  9. dummzeuch

    [Bug] Line breaks - Local procedures

    Please file a bug report on SourceForge
  10. dummzeuch

    Download issues

    These are the links about the virus scanner false positives. The download links are below that and these work fine (at least for me here on the hotel WiFi).
  11. dummzeuch

    Code formatter in CnPack

    I didn't follow this thread so I had to scroll way back to see what it is about. There are various options to insert/remove line feeds in if then else statements. Have you tried them? If they don't satisfy your needs or think there is a bug, please file a feature request or bug report on sourceforge, detailing exactly what you want. Of course you are also free to implement any necessary changes yourself an provide a patch.
  12. Why? Simply add it to the list of exceptions the debugger should ignore and you will never see it again.
  13. dummzeuch

    SVN server updated

    Does the server really use the svn: protocol? I thought that was legacy. Or does it use http(s)?
  14. dummzeuch

    SVN server updated

    Do you really want to check out the whole repository or only the trunk? If the former, this is correct, if the latter, add /trunk to the URL. The result will then be a working copy that can be updated with svn update From within that directory.
  15. dummzeuch

    Component already exists

    Try to spot these: fViewSignups:= tfViewSignups( Self ); Also quite difficult.
  16. Does anybody know what happened to the DIBControls by Droopy Eyes Software? Their website vanished in 2007, but the Wayback Machine remembers it: https://web.archive.org/web/20071009172906/http://www.droopyeyes.com/default.asp?mode=ShowProduct&amp;ID=3 I was able to even download the sources (Haven't looked at them yet). Have these components maybe been included into any other component packs? Does anybody have experience using them? twm
  17. I definitely wouldn't, at least not if it is about transferring large amounts of data between programs on the same computer.
  18. Given a unit that exports a function that should be inlined: unit bla; {$INCLUDE 'jedi.inc'} interface function blub: integer; implementation function blub: integer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin Result := SomeCalculationHere; end; Is it OK to put the inline only in the implementation? Or does it also have to go to the declaration in the interface section? It compiles OK this way, but I don't know whether it would still be inlined. I'm asking because I would like to keep the interface as clean as possible which means avoiding to clutter it with an ifdef.
  19. As I add new functionality to GExperts the menu it displays grows larger and larger. On small monitors (there are still computers with e.g. 1024×600 pixels screen size in use, usually not with the latest Delphi version though) this means that the menu has to be broken into chunks, each with a “more” entry at the end to display the next chunk. While this has been implemented for years (decades actually) it didn’t work very well. For Delphi 6 the code was completely broken (I might have been the culprit myself) it still had some bugs with all later versions. No more. Today I fixed those bugs and tested it with screens as small as 640×480 pixels. Also, when moving the GExperts menu into the Tools menu, there was a problem that the maximum number of entries for a chunk was not calculated correctly which would mean that the “more” entry could end up outside the visible area. This has also been fixed. Unfortunately this does not solve the underlying problem: The menu keeps growing. There are now a maximum of 45 + 3 Entries in that menu. [read on in my blog post]
  20. From my blog post: But thanks for your suggestion on how to group them. I'll keep that in mind once I get to actually implement it.
  21. dummzeuch

    Fix for bug in JclShell

    That page is petty much dead. The only way to reach anybody of the Jedi team (the few that are left) is through GitHub.
  22. dummzeuch

    Fix for bug in JclShell

    If you want this bugfix to be included in the JVCL, you will have to create a pull request on Github.
  23. If dropping frames is not an issue, why bother with such a large buffer? Two frames would be enough.
  24. If that's acceptable, simply using files would probably be the easiest way. Since we don't know what those programs actually do with the images, that's difficult to decide. If files are too slow, I would probably go with memory mapped files with two buffers and a combination of mutexes and events (event as in syncobjs.TEvent). One buffer is always available for the sender to fill. It doesn't check, just locks it (using the mutex), writes to it, unlocks it and sets an event to signal that data is available. The receiver is the part that manages which buffer is currently to be written to. It then waits for the event, switches the write buffer to the other one and starts processing the data. If that takes longer, the sender will overwrite the data in the write buffer as long as necessary. Yes, I think that would work. Needs a bit of polishing though.
  25. dummzeuch

    GExperts sources currently broken

    I'm in the process of restructuring the GExperts sources. Currently the trunk is broken. If you want to compile your own DLL, use the https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gexperts/code/tags/before-switching-to-original-dzlib tag.