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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    GExperts sources currently broken

    They compile again. But there are still a few warnings and hints I need to investigate. Also, some testing will be in order.
  2. I just had a nasty surprise with Delphi 10.3 when trying to build a project that worked fine with previous Delphi versions. The problem turned out the text one of my pre build events wrote to the output. It contained the string "error :" [...] read on in my blog post
  3. I apparently doesn't care whether there is a space between 'error' and ':' or not. I haven't investigated any further, e.g. if "warning:" also counts as a compiler warning. Even if it is meant as a feature, it's definitely not implemented correctly as there should not be such an additional and confusing error dialog. And of course it should have been documented.
  4. Let me rephrase that: "The request, that I think has low priority, might have higher priority for a customer and he might be prepared to pay for it."
  5. It's also a question whether the customer is willing to pay for his request to be implemented. My low priority request might have a much higher priority for the customer.
  6. already reported: https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/bugs/132/
  7. dummzeuch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    Fixed, try now.
  8. dummzeuch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    Oh great, it's yet another Theming issue: The menu items on my computer are 24 pixels high, but GetSystemMetrics returns 20. That's why too many menu items were displayed which resulted in the menu being too high and overlapping with the main menu entry. On top of that, I can no longer debug GExperts in Delphi 10.3.3: The IDE crashes when the GExperts initialization starts. But not the debugged IDE but the debugging IDE. 😞 If that wasn't odd enough: I can start an IDE with GExperts fine, it ony crashes if I try to debug it.
  9. dummzeuch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    Hm, I just tried to reproduce this on my computer. Doesn't happen. Could you please select the GExperts menu via keyboard (which should not have the effect of executing the first menu entry) and create a screenshot? Edit: Forget it. I just managed to reproduce it.
  10. dummzeuch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    Please check that you are using the latest svn sources. Your first post says "13 hours ago", that would have been about 21:00 yesterday (CET). It might just have overlapped with my last commit.
  11. dummzeuch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    That's one of the problems that I thought I fixed yesterday. What's your screen resolution(s) and scaling? If multiple monitors: Which one is primary and which one is the IDE on? Do you have the task bar on both?
  12. dummzeuch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    Run the batch file in the images folder first.
  13. Theming is a gift that keeps giving: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-27318 (Of course this is not my working environment, I just created it to track down a problem with GExperts.)
  14. The problem is probably that the mouse coordinates do not match the pixel coordinates. If you click on the upper left corner, are you getting x=0 and y=0? If not, try ScreenToClient. Once you get that position right, try the lower right corner. Do you get x=Bitmap.With and y=Bitmap.Height? If not try to multiply with Image.Width/Bitmap.Width and Image.Height/Bitmap.Height. And then you might have to consider that y coordinates of bitmaps can be upside down.
  15. dummzeuch

    How to close Messages window automatically

    GExperts: https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/07/01/experimental-feature-automatically-close-messages-window/
  16. dummzeuch

    Open Url From Current Line

    Science Fiction 😉 SCNR
  17. dummzeuch

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    I think it would be possible to do that. But: A Shortcut is the Ctrl/Shift/Alt+Key combination while what you are talking about is called a Hotkey. The expert does not/can not change the hotkeys
  18. You can already configure a Tools menu entry to do that.
  19. dummzeuch

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    This happens all over the place. The menu hotkeys change whenever the IDE thinks it should recalculate them.
  20. dummzeuch

    Blogged : Introducing DPM - a Package Manager for Delphi

    But that's exactly how we do it. Each project has its complete set of libraries stored in subdirectories of the project and referenced in subversion as svn:external. Compared to the size of the data we are working with (e.g. HD videos with several 10000 pictures each), that's not much space. And hard disks are cheap, especially if you buy them by the hundreds.
  21. dummzeuch

    Blogged : Introducing DPM - a Package Manager for Delphi

    What David said! My library path only contains libraries that were installed together with the IDE, and I even remove some of these (e.g. Indy) because I update to newer versions. Everything else goes to the project's search path.
  22. dummzeuch

    can you reference unit name in code?

    Shouldn't that be: class procedure TLog.This(const Msg: string); begin LogThis(UnitName, Msg); end;
  23. Please file a feature request on sourceforge if you think it important enough.
  24. Unfortunately there currently is no code in GExperts to react to mouse events in the editor (at least I'm not aware of any). So this would not be a simple extension based on existing mechanisms, but has to be done from scratch, possibly different for all supported versions and tested accordingly. Feel free to file it as a feature request, but don't hold your breath. Did you submit it as a feature request to embarcadero? They would have it much easier to implement it.
  25. We definitely have different views on what common practice (or rather: good practice) means. We also have different views on effiicent communication. Let's end the discussion now. It leads nowhere.