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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. Since I have never used GetIt for anything: Does installing those components that are free (not just demos) and those that you can buy via GetIt (is that actually possible?) also install the source code? In that case I would not bother backing up the components or any installer files but would move the source code to my own SCM. Whenever an update from GetIt is available, I would then update that SCM. Updating from GetIt would only be done on one particular installation, every other installation would use files from the SCM. In particular I would expect a company that uses Delphi to have a policy of never directly using GetIt and never use binary only components. Any company that does not have such a policy I consider likely to go belly up in the near future. It has become more likely that a component vendor goes out of business than ever before. (OTOH, I am not sure whether a company that uses Delphi nowdays isn't doomed anyway. But hey, I am working or one. 😉 )
  2. Stored window sizes and positions (in whatever) should not roam, unless one can be sure that the user always has the same hardware. That's why I switched to the registry from a centrally stored ini file (the latter could also be questioned, but in this particular case it makes sense to have a common configuration for all users).
  3. dummzeuch

    Gexpert PE Infomation

    Intersting. The other menus seem to be fine, only the PE Information has this behaviour. I'd bet that the problem would go away if I removed the icons. (But I haven't tried it yet.) Theming is 💩
  4. I haven't used it really, but isn't code folding meant for exactly that use case? There is code that you don't want to see, so fold it away. Of course automating that would be really nice, which brings us back to the parsing requirement.
  5. dummzeuch

    Passing back a string from an external program

    Thanks for the suggestion, but that sounds like quite some overkill for my purpose.
  6. dummzeuch

    Refer to Form Control without using the Form unit?

    So you want the compiler to check all the references for you without giving it the references to check? Not possible. You could put all the form variables into a global unit, typed as TForm and only use that unit. Unit AllMyForms; Interface Uses Forms; Var TheMainForm: TForm; ASecondaryForm: TForm; Implementation End. Unit TheMainFormUnit; Interface Type TTheMainForm = class (TForm) // stuff here end; // remove the variable declaration here // Var // TheMainForm : TTheMainForm; I'm not sure this would work. It might wreak havoc with the IDE. (Sorry for the source code mess. I'm on mobile and for whatever reason there is no insert source code button.)
  7. Surprisingly difficult to find any Delphi implementation at all. Googling "5F3759DF" "delphi" finally turned up something: http://www.sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=190407&msg=20745512 function FastInvSqrt(const Value: Single): Single; inline; var IntCst: Cardinal absolute result; begin result := Value; IntCst := ($BE6EB50C - IntCst) shr 1; result := 0.5 * result * (3 - Value * sqr(result)); end; and function FastInvSqrt(x: Single): Single; var xhalf: Single; i: Integer; begin xhalf := 0.5 * x; i := $5F3759DF - (PInteger(@x)^ shr 1); x := PSingle(@i)^; result := x * (1.5 - (xhalf * x * x)); end; These are using different constants. (And some more in that thread, unfortunately I don't read Russian, so I don't know what the result of the tests were.) Nothing useful turned up for "5F375A86" "delphi" which is supposedly the optimal constant when using Newtons iteration. And "fastinvsqrt" "delphi" found some more: https://github.com/itchyny/fastinvsqrt/issues/1 (In Chinese, no idea what they are talking about, it is not part of the official list in that project.) https://sourceforge.net/p/graphics32/mailman/graphics32-commits/?viewmonth=201109&page=0
  8. dummzeuch

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    You're probably not allowed to publish such a comparison.
  9. dummzeuch

    EmptyString constant

    Does a constant called EmptyString with the value '' make any sense to you? I think it is just confusing. I mean, when I see it used somewhere I assume that it has some special value that is *not* '', otherwise the programmer would have used a literal '', wouldn't he?
  10. dummzeuch

    GExperts and Delphi 10.3.2

    After I managed to update the license on elc today (thanks again to Matthias Eissing), I was able to compile and use GExperts in Delphi 10.3.2. So far without problems, but that does not mean much because I started and exited the IDE a few times and didn't do much more. I'm busy with other stuff (using Delphi 2007).
  11. dummzeuch

    EmptyString constant

    That's the point: Why have such a constant if it's much more to type and more difficult to read than the literal? The only case I would use such a constant is to have it symbolize an empty string e.g. in a configuration storage where for whatever reason using a literal '' is not possible.
  12. dummzeuch

    GExperts and Delphi 10.3.2

    I got Delphi 10.3.2 installed, but now it tells me my update subscription has expired (No it hasn't, I renewed for a year in May 2019). The old version was also telling me that it had expired but kept working because it was released before May. May sales representative, who I told about this, had no idea and since I was busy with other stuff I never followed it up. That's what you get for not persisting at such times. I probably need some updated license file for our license server. I'll try to get that on the way on Monday, but don't hold your breath for any updates or bugfixes to GExperts for Delphi 10.3.
  13. dummzeuch

    GExperts Crashes RAD Studio 10.3.2 on Shutdown

    I haven't yet found the time to download and install the Rio update. Maybe this weekend. Is this the released DLL from the installer or did you compile it yourself using Delphi 10.3.2 ?
  14. I think I asked that before: Is there a keyboard shortcut for activating the code editor? If I remember correctly the answers were: No, but you can use F12 to toggle between form designer and code editor, and F11 for a three way toggle between object inspector, form designer and code editor. Do I remember correctly? If yes, I have some good news for those who have missed this functionality (which definitely includes myself): I have just added a simple expert to GExperts that does nothing else but activate and focus the code editor. But that raises a question: What should the default keyboard shortcut be for this expert? So I resurrected Nicholas Ring's Delphi Shortcut Finder, in order to find out what is still available. But unfortunately this tool, useful as it is, basically is only a list of known shortcuts with a filter function, so it might miss shortcuts from possibly widely used tools which I simply don't know. I first thought about some F11 combination but it turned out that they are already taken, the same goes for F12. Then there is Shift+F3, but I think this is used for "Find Previous" in some tools. The obvious combinations with the E and C key are also already taken. Shift+F6 seemed to be free for now. (F6 calls IDE Insight and Ctrl+F6 switches between C++ source and header files.), so I assigned it as the default for the new expert. Or Is there a widely used plugin that uses Shift+F6?
  15. dummzeuch

    quality embaradero.com is empty

    Isn't database problems the normal state there? 😉
  16. dummzeuch

    Can GExperts format multiline method definition to single line?

    No, GExperts can't (because nobody answered that question yet).
  17. dummzeuch

    How do you organize units, forms?

    No, it only sorts lines alphabetically in ascending or descending order. Optionally it ignores prefixes like "function" or "procedure". It does not work if the declaration spans multiple lines.
  18. After I just accidentally logged off when I just wanted to mark all messages as read, I have a suggestion: Can we get a confirmation dialog when logging off? When on mobile these two options very near to each other.
  19. dummzeuch

    How do you organize units, forms?

    One of the first things I do is delete those annoying comments the IDE inserts: Private/Protected etc. declarations. Apart from that I sometimes use the GExperts sort expert to sort the methods inside a section alphabetically. But normally I just let the IDE put them in whatever order it uses.
  20. dummzeuch

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    My version of Thunderbird (52.9.1) doesn't insert the prefix for a HTML fragment, but it shows the code as HTML code (the same goes for RTF fragment) No formatted text at all. I'll update and check the latest version too
  21. dummzeuch

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    Copying as "Formatted text/RTF/HTML" does not create an html fragment but a document complete with CSS. Have you tried that? Of course it depends which of the three formats the receiving application inserts. OK, it won't work either. Thunderbird in that case simply inserts plain text. 😞
  22. dummzeuch

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    Ouch, I fixed the version number but not the name.
  23. dummzeuch

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    This is something defined by Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dataxchg/html-clipboard-format When I paste such a fragment into Notepad++ (or the standard Notepad) I don't get these prefixes. So I guess it's Thunderbird which does not know how to handle it.
  24. dummzeuch

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    This seems to be missing the CSS for the various span elements. It's possible that this was meant to copy multiple code fragments into the same document which already has got the CSS definitions. But I don't really know, I have never used or looked at this functionality before.
  25. dummzeuch

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    I have just updated SynEdit to the latest version from GitHub. Since both, RTF and HTML-Snippets are generated using the functionality in SynEdit, this may solve the problem. But as I said: I haven't got any Winword license to test this. Could you please compile a new dll with the current sources and check?