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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. As I wrote: That's what I mean by active. The lurkers are an important part of a community as well as those who are posting. The people who sign up and then never log in again don't count (is there a good English translation for "Karteileichen"?).
  2. Shameless self promotion: On StackOverflow somebody asked the question in the title and I answered it. And as you might have guessed, I am might proud of having had that idea. It might be interesting to know that this is how GExperts fixes some of the IDE bugs and enhances some forms: It creates a TComponent descendant which hooks some events of the form to implement the fixes or enhancements. And since it is added to the form, it automatically gests freed in the form’s destructor. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/04/03/extend-the-event-onclick-of-all-menuitems-in-the-screen-to-execute-another-block-of-code/
  3. Is there also a statistics about active members? Those that visited at least once and those who posted at least once in the last month? I have got the feeling that even though the number of members is still raising, the activity is not raising but actually falling.
  4. Just in time before April fools day 2019 there is the new GExperts release (it’s still 2019-03-30 so you are safe 😉 ). Please be aware that I mostly work with Delphi 2007, so this version can be regarded as tested quite well, followed by Delphi XE2. The others are only known to compile and new features are usually tested superficially with all versions. This is particularly true for Delphi 6/7 and 2005/2006. If you want to help by testing new versions before I release them, please contact me [...] https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/03/30/gexperts-1-3-13-experimental-twm-2019-03-30-released/
  5. I had to look them up myself, so it took a while but here they are, the changes, bugfixes and improvements between the GExperts 1.3.12 (released 2018-12-22) and 1.3.13 (released yesterday, 2019-03-30😞 https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/03/31/changes-between-gexperts-1-3-12-and-1-3-13/
  6. dummzeuch

    New features in GExperts

    GExperts has recently gained a few new features: Two new experts to start/stop recording and to replay a keyboard macro. These are minimal experts which allow you to add additional keyboard shortcuts to the existing IDE functionality. The idea and the code were contributed by Dejan M. Goto Previous / Next modification Editor Experts. These again ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/15/new-features-in-gexperts/
  7. dummzeuch

    New features in GExperts

  8. dummzeuch

    Alternative directory for .drc & .map files?

    Or you could compile to the application folder and (re) move the other files in a post build event. That way the debugging still works.
  9. dummzeuch

    What to do with unsupported components?

    Embedding a DLL can be done without extracting it (at least for some DLLs for 32 bit Windows programs). But I am not sure whether this would work with that DLL. My dzlib contains a unit for that: u_dzRessourceDllLoader.
  10. dummzeuch

    What to do with unsupported components?

    I think you found all options. There are no others. I would Kick the person who bought this component without source. (Who was / is an idiot, nobody did that even back when Delphi 7 was new.) Suggest not updating to Delphi 10.3 but 10.2 (which will be rejected) Go with the DLL solution.
  11. dummzeuch

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    OK, so what I originally wrote was basically correct: Fork the original repository to create your own copy of it on GitHub Create a local clone of your own fork using e.g. GitHub Desktop Make the change. Commit it Push it to GitHub On the repository's website create a pull request. I just did that, let's see what happens. https://github.com/project-jedi/jvcl/pull/74 Thanks everybody who helped. The crucial step is to first *fork* the original repository on GitHub rather than clone it. (OK, maybe I am not to stupid to use git after all.)
  12. When searching for "windows fastest way to check if a file exists" I get lots of hits that claim there is no API for it and one should use GetFileAttributes or FindFirst instead. But there is PathFileExistsA which according to the description does exactly that: Check if a file exists. It has been around since Windows 2000. Yet, FileExists in System.Sysutils still uses GetFileAttributes. Am I missing something? Is maybe GetFileAttributes actually faster than PathFileExistsA ?
  13. dummzeuch

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    OK, I hereby admit (yet again) that I am apparently too stupid to work with git. Thanks for trying to help, but I won't bother. I have more important things to do.
  14. dummzeuch

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    Sorry to be such a noob: I have cloned the repository to a local directory, made the change and committed it. Pushing it of course won't work because I have no write access the the remote repository. If I select "Branch -> Create Pull Request" the app asks me to push the commit (which I don't because see above) and the takes me to the github page. I'm lost now. Are you sure I don't need to clone the repository to my own github account first?
  15. dummzeuch

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    OK, I'll give the GitHub Desktop app another try. Thanks a lot! btw: unit JVJclUtils; function LeftStr(const S: string; N: Integer): string; { LeftStr return a string right-padded to length N with blanks. } WTF? Took me quite a while to figure out why my bugfix didn't work.
  16. dummzeuch

    What is the fastest way to check if a file exists?

    They simply call SysUtils.FileExists.
  17. dummzeuch


    In the teechart support forums?
  18. This is nothing to write home about, really, just a small change: Previously when starting the tool, the main window was shown for a short time before it got hidden. Now that no longer happens. Don’t now what this is about? You are probably lucky then and don’t need this tool. But if you still want to know, go to the dzEditorLinenedsFix page. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/03/23/dzeditorlinendsfix-1-0-4-released/
  19. Normally, when a VCL program is started via double click or commandline it shows its main window in the foreground thereby taking the focus from the previously active window. Is there any way how such a program can prevent that? I still want it to show the main window but the focus should stay with the previously active window. I don't want my program to get into the foreground at all, not just move the window into the background or minimize it after a short time. No flickering, no interrupting the user from the work he is currently doing.
  20. dummzeuch

    preventing my program from stealing the focus

    I ended up using the following code: constructor Tf_MyForm.Create(_Owner: TComponent); begin inherited; WindowState := wsMinimized; ShowWindow(Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); end; So far it seems to work fine.
  21. dummzeuch

    preventing my program from stealing the focus

    As of Delphi 2007, there isn't. But I found one option: WindowState := wsMinimized; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := false; Not quite what I am looking for, because the window is shown minimized rather than normal, but for now that's ok.
  22. dummzeuch

    List of all uses clause items in the whole project

    Still was a but. It didn't work for units in the project either.
  23. dummzeuch

    Unused local variables

    It's difficult to say how many LOC "my" application has, because as I said I always compile 3rd party libs / components. With that, the largest one (I think) builds 1.843 million lines of code, another one gets to 1.074 million LOC. But since I have no idea how much of that is 3rd party stuff (JCL, JVCL, TeeChart, FastReport, ccpack, ccrexif, tComport, DSpack, DSPmaster, dxgettext, gdiplus, GraphicEx, graphics32, Indy10, jedimath,mtxvec, nativeexcel, synedit, tdbf, tregexpr, VirtualTreeView), I can't really say how much of that is our own code. A complete build with Delphi 2007 of the largest one takes about 25 seconds on my computer. Hm, I think that's getting rather off topic now.
  24. dummzeuch

    Unused local variables

    Ok, so the applications I am working on are far from being "large enough" then. A full build of even the largest one takes about 10 seconds on my computer, only compiling is only marginally faster. On the CI server it takes longer to update the source code than to build the applications. And I thought these applications were already large...
  25. dummzeuch

    Unused local variables

    What do you consider a "large enough application" in this context?