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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. Sorry, to answer a rhetorical question (again), but: There are types of exceptions I usually don't care about and are therefore disabled in the debugger, e.g. EAbort. Sometimes, if there is a problem with these in a particular part of the code, I want to catch them and follow the exception handling further up. But even then I don't want to enable them everywhere else. That's a possible use case for the above construct.
  2. But how do you break there if you disable debugging? The option I was talking about is called "Notify on language exceptions".
  3. It creates a line to place a breakpoint, if you disable stop on exceptions in the debugger.
  4. I did a test with about 2000 points. The result is nearly instant just using a linear search approach (and even using an existing DistanceTo function that includes a sqrt call). Of course that will change once I get into the 100s of thousands (It's O(n^2 after all) but for now I'll stick to the naive approach.
  5. I just got confused because CnWizard uses "vertical first" vs. "horizontal first" differently than I though was correct: Is "vertical first" really this ? And is "horizontal first" really this ? I would have thought it the opposite.
  6. dummzeuch

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    Seen that one too. So it's not my code that's causing it. Good to know.
  7. dummzeuch

    What does TDataSet.CopyFields do?

    From docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/Data.DB.TDataSet.CopyFields ---------- schnipp --------- Description CopyFields copies the field definition structure of another dataset. CopyFields copies the matching fields in the current records and returns the number of fields copied. For more information, see http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=7768. For another example, see http://community.devexpress.com/forums/p/47463/160009.aspx. ---------- schnapp --------- So, which is it? Or does it do both? This is no great help, especially since the first link results in an timeout error while the second says authorization required. (The Delphi 2007 help was even less helpful: "This is CopyFields, a member of TDataset.") OK, so I checked the sources and wasn't any wiser. From the context in the sources I am currently looking at I guess it does the first, if necessary and then the second: DestDs.Append; DestDs.CopyFields(SrcDs); DestDs.Post; But so far I am only guessing.
  8. Pointers can be really helpful, especially they can improve performance and readability, but they are also dangerous. I spent nearly a day tracking down the reason why the code a former colleague wrote about 5 years ago all of a sudden led to access violations. The code used to work fine, the problem only surfaced when I changed the size of a record. Consider this code ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/11/pointers-are-dangerous/
  9. dummzeuch

    Pointers are dangerous

    That would proabbly have worked for the simplified example, but I doubt that it would have caught the problem in the real code. Do you know an analizer that finds this kind of problems? I would like to try it.
  10. dummzeuch

    Pointers are dangerous

    Not sure what kind of code analyzer would have spotted that problem. One that flags all pointer types as violation of "good coding practice"? Yes, that would work, but it would also prevent any usage of pointers. Or is there really one that would have found this problem?
  11. dummzeuch

    Pointers are dangerous

    I consider this Ptr := @SomeArray[SomeStructure.SomeIndex]; Ptr.bla := 5; Ptr.blub := 10; // and 10 more lines like this as more readable than SomeArray[SomeStructure.SomeIndex].bla := 5; SomeArray[SomeStructure.SomeIndex].blub := 10; // and 10 more lines like this Of course we could always use WITH instead. 😉 Or we could use a list with objects where the pointer is implicit, but then we'd need a lot of boilerplate code. I would have written it differerently, but this is legacy code which I'd rather touch as little as possible (because it will hopefully become redundant shortly).
  12. dummzeuch

    What does TDataSet.CopyFields do?

    OK, I'm pretty sure that it only copies the field values and then only for those fields that exist in the target dataset. It does not create new fields, so the description in the OLH is wrong: * CopyFields copies the field definition structure of another dataset. WRONG * CopyFields copies the matching fields in the current records and returns the number of fields copied. Marco Cantu says the same in his Mastering Delphi Update for Delphi 2006 post.
  13. David Hoyle just blogged about this topic (go ahead, read it first but remember to come back. 😉 ) Welcome back. I think he is making two mistakes here (for suitable definitions of “mistake”): ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/10/remembering-an-applications-size-and-position-on-multiple-screens/
  14. That's why I wrote "All the above does not apply to other settings of a program, you might still want to store these in INI files to make them portable." (or for backup). I don't consider the window positions important enough to backup them ("back them up"?). I don't use the registry for anything else though, only for the window positions for exactly that reason. (GExperts is an exception to this rule which I have often considered changing but never came around doing.)
  15. Hm, it just occurred to me, that with roaming profiles, the registry entries are not restricted to the same computer but will move with the user to possibly different computeres with different monitor setups. In the environment I am currently working, we don't use roaming profiles, so I tend to forget.
  16. I just found out what is wrong with my Delphi IDE Explorer in Delphi 10.3 Rio. The symptom is that the Follow Focus option and the Select Active button no longer work in some forms, in particular in the options dialog (Tools -> Options / Run -> Parameters / Project -> Options). The reason is that this dialog now uses the Screen.OnActiveControlChange event itself ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/09/delphi-ide-explorer-is-broken-in-delphi-10-3-rio/
  17. dummzeuch

    Shellexecute cmd.exe with spaces

    You quoted the whole command line, not just the program path. This is what I meant: ShellExecute(0, nil, 'cmd.exe', PChar('/C ' + AnsiQuotedStr(program_path, Char(34))+ ' -fg'), PChar(program_path), SW_HIDE);
  18. dummzeuch

    Shellexecute cmd.exe with spaces

    You should only quote the program path rather than the whole command line.
  19. I have just uploaded the third beta version of GExperts 1.3.12 for Delphi 10.3 Rio. NOTE: This is still a BETA! Also note that this is for Delphi 10.3 Rio only. It won’t work with any other versions. This beta release contains a (ugly) work around for the redraw bug in the Goto-Dialog enhancement when theming is enabled. Also, a few other bugs have been fixed. I am not aware of any more bugs that are specific to this version of GExperts or Delphi 10.3 Rio. If you still find some, please report them on SourceForge. Also note, that I have still not tested the installer as I don’t have a fresh Delphi 10.3 installation for that test. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/08/gexperts-1-3-12-beta-3-for-delphi-10-3-rio-available/
  20. dummzeuch

    Quoting quotes

    As far as I know, the "Quote" button only quotes the new text in a post, not the quotes in that post. Sometimes that just is not enough to keep the context. Is there a simple way to quote including quotes?
  21. Hm, so it's not possible to create a poll without a text. But at least it's possible to make it multiple choice.
  22. I have just uploaded the second beta version of GExperts 1.3.12 for Delphi 10.3 Rio. NOTE: This is still a BETA! Also note that this is for Delphi 10.3 Rio only. It won’t work with any other versions. Beware of bugs, e.g. the Goto-Dialog enhancements still cause redraw problems if theming is enabled. But many bugs from the first beta have been fixed. Please report any bugs on SourceForge. Also note, that I have not yet tested the installer as I don’t have a fresh Delphi 10.3 installation for that test. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/01/gexperts-1-3-12-beta-2-for-delphi-10-3-rio-available/
  23. dummzeuch

    Citrix Virtual Channel DLL problem

    Wild guess: Does it automatically load other DLLs? And do those DLLs maybe load other DLLs as well? I had similar problems with OpenCV DLLs where the DLL I actually loaded needed another one that wasn't there. That crashed my program without any meaningful error message.
  24. No, but somebody above mentioned problems with InnoSetup installers. That's why I wrote this.
  25. GExperts also uses InnoSetup. So far there are no problems that I am aware of.