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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    Welcome to the GExperts subforum

    Thanks to @Daniel for making this happen so fast. I hope this forum will serve as a replacement for the G+ community and the mailing list. There should be a RSS feed for it and Google (and other search engines) will index it. Please post bug reports and feature requests as tickets on source forge.
  2. dummzeuch

    RSS feeds

    I just tried the "unread content" RSS feed. It does not contain "Delphi Praxis" in the title, so on my netvibes dashboard it just says "unread content" and I had to manually change it. The feed works though, this is just a minor annoyance.
  3. dummzeuch

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    Since I am using Firefox and not Chrome: Could you please post a screenshot (before / after ?) so I can see what it does?
  4. dummzeuch

    Mobile accessibility?

    Would it be possible to make the whole entry in the topic list clickable? It's difficult to hit the subject line with my thick fingers.
  5. dummzeuch

    How to use activity streams

    I find that blog post a bit too rambling and lost interest after about 10 lines without it getting into the actual topic. I'll try again later on a desktop computer.
  6. In Part 1 I was ranting about input validation, now it’s about form sizes. In my previous post I already said that I am not a big fan of fixed size dialogs. They are fine as long as they are large enough to show all of their content, but as soon as there is a list that can grow to an arbitrary size, fixed size dialogs are a no go. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/10/14/building-less-annoying-user-interfaces-part-2/