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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. In yesterday’s update of the Delphi Custom Container Pack to support Delphi 10.3 Rio I had broken it for older Delphi versions. It no longer compiled for Delphi 2005 to 10.2. This is now fixed. (Thanks @limelect for pointing out the problem.) https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/30/delphi-custom-container-pack-fixed-for-delphi-2005-to-10-2/
  2. There is just the original rtf file by Sergey Orlik which is linked from the project page. But since I haven't changed anything in the actual functionality it should still be valid.
  3. dummzeuch

    Scaled windows behave differently

    You can simply create one.
  4. Prompted by a suggestion from Peter Aschbacher I just added a new feature to my Delphi Help Expert: You can now force it to use the default web browser instead of the Welcome Page for web URLS. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/01/01/new-option-in-delphi-help-expert-to-open-in-web-browser/
  5. I'm not complaining, just repeating what he told me.
  6. I had one GExperts user who told me that he won't register to en.delphipraxis.net because he didn't like the Terms of Service. He's probably not the only one. This is the part he didn't like: > You grant Delphi-PRAXiS the non-exclusive irrevocable, unrestricted, and geographically unlimited, permanent right to use and commercialize the contents you make available in chats and forums in the Delphi-PRAXiS Internet presence, free of charge and license-free. In particular, you grant Delphi-PRAXiS the right to duplicate, distribute, communicate, amend, edit, modify or translate the contents, to publish modifications, amendments or translations of the contents, as well as to transmit the contents electronically or non-electronically to interactive areas, to lease the contents or grant sub-licenses to third parties in any way. < He said that this would allow DP admins to modify his posts to make them say something he never meant to say.
  7. I think the component you are talking about is called ElasticForm, not ElasitForm. If you used it before and registered it, you should have received the source code, so if need arises you could try to compile it for newer Delphi versions. The company (or at least the website) indeed seems to no longer exist. As for your question: I am not aware of such an automatism. There are several components that allow for flexible layouts and also DPI awareness has been improved, but I don't think the functionality of ElasticForm can be achieved easily with built in functionality.
  8. dummzeuch

    How to check if parent menu item has "checked" child item?

    Yes, but it does not use Exit(True) any more but requires an additional line: Result := True; Exit; And of course the begin / end block to allow for two statements. This would be my preferred solution: function HasCheckedSubItems(AMenuItem: TMenuItem): Boolean; var I: integer; begin for I := 0 to AMenuItem.Count - 1 do if AMenuItem.Items[I].Checked then Exit(True); Exit(False); end; (But I rarely use any Delphi version that supports Exit() with a return value.)
  9. I just tried a new checkout and it worked fine for me. I also tried a read only checkout (via the http link given in the repository), also worked fine. Sorry, I missed that one. Fixed now. No, I don't see any advantage for me and I am the (only?) one who works on that project.
  10. A while ago, after my post on Known IDE Packages in Delphi I wrote a the KnownIdePackagesManager tool which lists those packages, allows to disable and enable some of them and also set the package description for those packages that don’t have a meaningful description. Today, I updated the tool to support Delphi 10.3 Rio. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/knownidepackagesmanager-tool/
  11. I have just updated my dzDelphiPaths tool to support Delphi 10.3. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/29/dzdelphipaths-tool-updated-for-delphi-10-3-rio/
  12. I have updated my Delphi Help Expert to support Delphi 10.3. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/29/delphi-help-expert-updated-for-delphi-10-3/
  13. dummzeuch

    How to check if parent menu item has "checked" child item?

    Looks good. I wouldn't mix result with exit(..), but that's probably a matter of taste.
  14. dummzeuch

    Using dxgettext on Windows 10

    Yes, I did get a very short response: But apart from saying that dybdahl.dk has been closed, he didn't react to any of my follow ups. Yes, for now I still have, but Lars has blocked my write access before when he didn't like what I committed. OTOH it doesn't look as if he is interested in the project much any more. But do send me the patches, I'll do what I can. twm
  15. dummzeuch

    Delete Error With Delphi and Access Table

    OK, that probably leaves only the date format.
  16. dummzeuch

    Delete Error With Delphi and Access Table

    Isn't the "*" wrong in a delete query? Delete from <table> where <condition>
  17. It’s time for a gift to all Delphi developers, a new Release of GExperts. Happy Holidays! (But do spend some time with your family rather than testing GExperts. 😉 ) I blogged about the new features already. There were also several bug fixes. ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/22/gexperts-1-3-12-experimental-twm-2018-12-22-released/
  18. dummzeuch

    Feature request: "Show in Explorer"

    The "Console in ..." entries don't work for me. I had to add a /d to the cd command: e.g. Parameters: /k cd /d $PATH($EDNAME) because my sources are on a different drive.
  19. dummzeuch

    Blast from the past: BDE and Win10 W/S

    If I remember correctly, it is possible to set this on a per file type basis, but I am not sure whether that was on Windows or Linux/Samba.
  20. dummzeuch

    Third party AV with Delphi

    I am no fan of virus scanners. They were more often the cause of trouble than the cure. I stick with Windows defender.
  21. I just now had the need to transmit GPS (WGS 84) coordinates from one program to another. First, I simply copied longitude and latitude separately using the clipboard, which works fine but is really time consuming when you have to do that very often. I… https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/18/register-an-use-a-custom-clipboard-format-in-delphi/
  22. dummzeuch

    Debugging multiple DLLs simultaneously

    There might be a better way, I just don't know it.
  23. dummzeuch

    Debugging multiple DLLs simultaneously

    Brute force method: Add a MessageBox call instead of a breakpoint, so the program will stop and wait for you to attach.
  24. If I press the Tab key in the Filter box of the Object Inspector, one of two unexpected things happen: If the Form is visible, the focus switches to the form and the currently selected control. Further Tab presses seem to follow the tab order on the form. There seems to be no way to directly get back to the Object Inspector without using the mouse. I can press F11 twice which brings me first to the code editor and then to the Object Inspector. If the code editor is visible, the focus switches to that and then any input goes to the code editor. In this case F11 gets me back to the Object Inspector. So, I have some questions, all regarding keyboard only navigation: How do I get from the Filter Box to the property list? Since Tab does not work? (Edit: Unexpectedly Shift+Tab gets me there) How do I get from the property list to the Filter Box? Does anybody think it is a good idea to let tab switch from the filter box to the form or code editor?
  25. What about F11?  That will take me to the code editor or the form editor, as described above. Pressing it again will get me to the Object Inspector into the Filter Box. Not quite what I'm looking for.