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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    GExperts 1.3.24 Beta1 for Delphi 12

    I forgot to mention, that in the lastest GExperts Beta release for Delphi 12, the configuration tab for the Editor enhancement has been moved to a separate "Editor Enhancement" expert.
  2. dummzeuch

    Don't use Application.MessageBox

    When run in the debugger, the IDE sits in the taskbar and I might accidentally bring it into the foreground while I am working on something else in a different IDE instance (or any other program). No big deal but it always interrupts what I am currently doing. But if I am working in a different instance of the IDE I might accidentally change the source code or even worse terminate the debugging without noticing that I am in the wrong IDE instance. This has happened more often than I would like to admit. Any kind of exception will stop the program while running in the debugger, even if there is a handler for it, and bring the IDE to the foreground. I then have to check whether I am interested in it or not. Again, just an annoyance. I could probably turn off "break on exception" for that, but I tend to forget changing this back, in particular if I am working on a different program in a different instance of the same IDE. Sometimes it takes quite a while for the situation I am interested in to occur (we are doing a lot of batch processing on large database files that might run for hours and I might not know what causes the problem so I can't run it on a smaller database), so the program might run over night with nobody there to press the "Run" button if that happens.
  3. dummzeuch

    Don't use Application.MessageBox

    As I originally said: It depends on the use case. My programs usually have only the main thread for the UI and possibly one or (very rarely more) worker threads that are independent of each other (no threadpool). In that case it does not matter whether the other threads continue to run or not. An exception won't work because I only use this method when I don't want to run the executable inside the debugger in the first place, so there won't be a dubugger to catch that exception.
  4. There is a package installed in the IDE called "Embarcadero Sample Debugger Visualizers" (package name is: samplevisualizers). Given it's called a sample, I would have expected that the source code is also available, but I can't find it, neither in my Delphi installation(s) nor on Embarcadero's Gitub Sample repository. Any hints?
  5. dummzeuch

    Embarcadero Sample Debugger Visualizers

    I had already found these but the description was not really helpful in creating one. For me nothing beats a good example when trying to understand some API. There is also an example of a TColor debug visializer by Linas Naginionis on Medium with a link to source code that no longer works. and possibly the same code on GitHub. And I just stumbled upon something called GenericVisualizer by Alessandro Fragnani, also on GitHub.
  6. dummzeuch

    Embarcadero Sample Debugger Visualizers

    Thanks a lot. That the samplevisualizers.dpk is missing also explains why my search didn't turn up anything. (Just in case anybody else is looking: It's inside the Delphi installation directory, not in Public Documents.)
  7. dummzeuch

    Don't use Application.MessageBox

    There are two reasons for displaying the message: Stop the thread at that point Inform me that the situation I want to have a closer look at has occurred It's a simple way to do that when this situation happens irregularly and I don't want to run the executable in the debugger from the start. Yes, it could be differently, but I don't see the point to make it more complex than necessary. As for David Heffernan's comment: I'm talking about debugging, not production code. I thought that was clear from the context.
  8. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Because a Class instance is a pointer. And before you ask: You can actually have forward declaration for pointers to records.
  9. dummzeuch

    Don't use Application.MessageBox

    That depends on the use case. If you want to show the error in order to then connect the debugger to the running executable, that's a good way to do it.
  10. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Simle answer: Because GExperts has fallen behind in quality and update frequency since it has become a one man show (me). There is only an Alpha release availabled for Delphi 12 and that one contains many bugs. Some of these bugs have been fixed, but in order to get these fixes, you need get the sources and compile your own dll. Edit: I just took this as an opportunity to release a new Beta version for Delphi 12. But I'm still trying to catch up with High DPI.
  11. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext is exactly the API call I tried to use back then. I couldn't get it to work. Mostly probably because as an IDE plugin GExperts does not have any control over the API calls in other parts of the IDE. I spent several weekends trying to get this to work and then I gave up.
  12. I just tried to import a .NET assembly into the Delphi IDE: Component -> Import Compoent Select "Import .NET Assembly", press Next There I got a list of available assemblies, but that list is empty ??? Pressing "Add" and selecting the DLL I wanted to import got me the OLE error 80131124, which according to https://www.megos.ch/files/content/diverses/doserrors.txt means "Index %s not found", which isn't really helpful Is it really possible, that the list is empty? According to gacutils I have got a sh*tload of assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache This is Delphi 10.3.3
  13. dummzeuch

    Import .NET Assembly list is empty

    There is a bug report on this (at least one). I even used one of my support tickets for this but Embarcadero could not help me. That was back, when Delphi 10.2 was the latest and greatest version. If I remember correctly they are looking into the wrong registry branch, so the fix should be easy (but maybe I'm overlooking something). I was lucky in so far as it turned out I didn't need to use an assembly after all.
  14. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    As far as I know you cannot set a single window to DPI unaware and have the rest of the program be DPI aware. I tried that with GExperts because I didn't want the hassle of making all Windows scale correctly (especially because that was buggy as h**l with Delphi 11.0). I failed miserably. But maybe that's just me.
  15. dummzeuch

    Formatter line wrapping and indention

    Thanks for filing the bug reports. I can't promise anything regarding when they will be fixed.
  16. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Yes, why shouldn't I? I could have googled it myself, but since AIs are soooo great and Google had just sent me an email saying so, I tried it. And it failed as I expected. To be fair: The list contained other entries that seemed to be valid. I told it that this one entry was wrong and it - with the usual "I'm sorry ..." bla bla - gave me a new list ... which contained the same wrong entry again. Guess who was impressed? Me neither.
  17. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Example (Gemini) (asked in German, Translation see below): Frage: "Welche Fahrradverleihe gibt es in Braunsbedra?" Die Antwort enthielt unter anderem einen Fahrradverleih in Ostfriesland. (Braunsbedra ist eine Stadt in Sachsen-Anhalt, am Geiseltalsee, > 400 km von Ostfriesland entfernt.) If that's a poor prompt, I don't know what a good one should be. And I have had similar experiences with ChatGPT. Translation: Question: "Which bicycle hire companies are there in Braunsbedra?" The answer contained one from Ostfriesland. (Braunsbedra is a town in eastern Germany, at the Geiseltalsee (lake), > 400 km from Ostfriesland (north sea shore))
  18. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I was under the impression we already have these.. ?
  19. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I have some experience with the "quality" of AI generated code as well as answers to some basic queries. I certainly don't want it to mess with my code without close supervision. And no, I don't believe what we currently have deserves the name artificial intelligence.
  20. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    No, not with the kind of AI that we currently have.
  21. dummzeuch

    David Hoyle's 3rd Party IDE Help in Delphi 12?

    Since the project creates a dll, my guess would be that you need an entry in the registry for the IDE to load it. Maybe use a tool like the GExperts expert manager (or the one from David Hoyle you just posted about) to create that entry?
  22. But it's on Github! There must be many people contributing to it! /sarcasm It shouldn't be too difficult to add support for additional IDE versions. It's just that nobody has bothered to do it.
  23. dummzeuch

    HIDPI problems on latest GExperts r4210

    Please file a but report on SourceForge, I always look at SourceForge when I find time to work on GExperts. Otherwise I might overlook/forget about this. (Obviously the problem does not occur on my computer, because if it did, I wouldn't have made that commit.)
  24. dummzeuch

    Unknown Delphi Version

    Dotted unit names were introduced with Delphi XE2, which was already a Unicode version, so the code probably will work fine with everything up to Delphi 12. If you want to find out which version was used the last time the project was saved, look at this page in the Delphi Wiki. No idea. I never used anything but the professional version since Delphi 6 (The company I worked for until Delphi 5 had the Enterprise version). If you have any Delphi version >=XE2 or the version you determined using the menthod mentioned in the Wiki, just try it. If not, one option would be to find somebody with Delphi 12 professional which you can trust and let him try to compile the source code. He can probably tell you whether it needs any units that are not part of the professional version but look like they are from Embarcadero. Don't forget that there might be some 3rd party libraries being used.
  25. dummzeuch

    Edit features

    What do you mean by "TextPrompt"? Something like TEdit.TextHint (aka cue banner)? (for FMX the property is called TextPrompt)