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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. That should actually go to @Achim Kalwa who provided the code I integrated.
  2. dummzeuch

    File-> Open recent: way off the top of the screen

    Isn't there a configuration option, how many recent files the IDE remembers and shows in this menu? Having to remove them manually can't really be the fix.
  3. dummzeuch

    Bookmarks dead?

    While I agree in principle, an open source project without somebody actually maintaining it, is pretty much useless. And I can tell you from experience that it takes a lot of time and effort. On the other hand, a closed source plugin without somebody maintaining it, is totally useless once a new Delphi version is released.
  4. dummzeuch

    Code Formatter and generics

    There are still some bugs with generics in the code formatter. You might get lucky and find that this particular bug has been fixed already in the current GExperts source code. To test this, follow the instructions to build your own DLL and replace the one that came with the installer. If it isn't, please file a bug report, make sure to include some minimal testing code. You can even try to fix the problem yourself, you have got the source code after all.
  5. dummzeuch

    Bookmarks dead?

    A mess like this is the reason why I am usually not thrilled when Embarcadero buys some tool or some components/library and takes over maintenance.
  6. dummzeuch

    EReadError "Property does not exist"

    This usually happens, if the code in the packages (used in the IDE) and the code in your program is out of sync. Did you maybe update these components and forgot to adapt the search path in your project?
  7. dummzeuch

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    Venting here might provide some release of frustration (I know, I've done that too), but it won't change anything. Try to provide god bug reports on the Embarcadero Quality Portal.
  8. Not quite: You can write Windows device drivers with C. I doubt very much that this is possible with any Pascal based development tool. Also, while basically all APIs and SDKs provide bindings for C / C++, many don't provide them for Pascal / Delphi. I had to translate lots of C header files to Pascal for e.g. accessing API for cameras or laser sensors.
  9. That's why I'd recommend to buy / switch to a Network Named User license(*1). Then you run your own license server and will not have to beg for new activations. (*1: For companies it might also be an option to buy Network Concurrent User licenses that are not tied to a specific user (even though it is easily possible to change the user of a Network Named User license). Code Partners described the various types of license available in a blog post.) (edit: Uwe was faster....)
  10. Aren't those patches only available for those who have/had an active subscription at the time the patch is/was released? I seem to remember reading that somewhere.
  11. I just checked our Linux servers for Java programs using Log4J. One that was found, was the Embarcadero License Server. It uses log4j-1.2.15.jar: /opt/Embarcadero/ELC5.33/ReportingEngine/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar. Now the question is: Is this version affected? According to various sources, the affected versions are 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1, so that would mean the version used in ELC is not affected because it is so ancient. Unfortunately there is another view on this: It's after August 2015, so at least the Apache Foundation has not checked the 1.x versions for this vulnerability. I have no idea when the vulnerable functionality was introduced. It might have been during development of Log4J2 so version 1.x would not be affected. Does anybody else have information about this? Did you maybe already hear from Embarcadero? @Moderators: Feel free to move this post to a different section if you think it does not belong here.
  12. dummzeuch

    Log4J in Embarcadero License Server

    According this posting, Log4J 1.x might also be vulnerable but the risk is much lower. Also, of course, you should be safe as long as you don't expose the ELC to the Internet. (And who in their right mind would do that?)
  13. dummzeuch

    View most recent postings.

    Maybe the "Unread Topics" button is what you are looking for. That's my main entry point into DP. The link is: https://en.delphipraxis.net/discover/[your user id here]/#
  14. dummzeuch

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    Insert a "being" at the appropriate position. Hm, worked for me the two times I tested it. Have you selected the option "Use current editor identifier as the default search string"? It must be enabled for this to work.
  15. dummzeuch

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    Same answer as for everything else that's missing or broken in GExperts: Because nobody bothered to fix it The "c:comp" part of the path looks like the reason to me, there should probably be a backslash there. No idea what's causing it.
  16. dummzeuch

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Your definition of clumsy is somebody else's definition of efficient. Ctrl+K Ctrl+G to drop a bookmark, Ctrl+Q Ctrl+G pick up the topmost bookmark, and Ctrl+Alt+Q Ctrl+Alt+G to replace the topmost bookmark is as difficult to remember as any other key combination. I actually appreciate that they did not take away yet another simple keyboard shortcut from us plug-in developers. Talking about WordStar: Ctrl+K N and Ctrl+Q N is yet another key combination to access the Toggle Bookmarks, so these Stack Bookmarks shortcuts fit right in.
  17. dummzeuch

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    implemented in revision #3729 for all supported Delphi versions Pressing enter is no longer required. It also allows to scroll through the list with the arrow keys without leaving the filter field.
  18. dummzeuch

    UsesCleaner Issue...

    There are two project option settings that might help here: Unit aliases and namespaces It's not easy either though.
  19. dummzeuch

    Install Delphi Rad 10.3 on new workstation

    BDS.exe ist the main executable of the Delphi IDE. (up to Delphi 7 that was Delphi32.exe). But I can't help you with the AV. This could be caused by anything. For upgrading an old component to a new Delphi version you usually need to add conditional defines somewhere. Most component vendors have a central include file for that. Have a look at the top of your units, there might be a {$I filename.inc} statement in all of them. That's the include file I'm talking about then. Maybe updating that include file will solve the AV. But I'm guessing here. I have not used QR for ages.
  20. dummzeuch

    Move current entity to another unit?

    You could add a (configurable?) popup menu which gets one (configurable?) shortcut and add other functionality to that popup menu. I did that with GExperts and in my installation have removed most keyboard shortcuts from other experts. I used Ctrl+H for opening that menu which in the IDE is a duplicate of Ctrl+R anyway. So, calling the Uses Clause Manager Expert is Ctrl+H followed by U. OK, it's now two key combinations rather than two clicks, but I am much faster with the keyboard than with the mouse.
  21. dummzeuch

    Build 3715 fails for D2007.

    fixed in revision #3717
  22. Developer: "So, about this mockup presentation I did yesterday: Are we going forward with this project?" Manager: "You mean that program you showed us yesterday? Of course we're going forward! It looked pretty much finished. How much time do you need to polish it a bit so we can put it into production?" Developer: head -> desk
  23. There is also Project -> View Source in the main menu (at least until they reordered the menu, no idea whether it's still there).
  24. Are there cross platform implementations for Mutex in the RTL? Otherwise it would not be restricted to the VCL but to Windows.
  25. Embarcadero has released a second patch (called November Patch) for Delphi 11 which seems to fix several issues that blocked further progress on GExperts for Delphi 11. So here it is, fresh out of the compiler: The second Alpha version of GExperts for Delphi 11. Please keep in mind: This is not even a Beta version! There will be bugs and these will not only be UI glitches but functionality failures! You have been warned! read on in the blog post.