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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    Improvements in Uses Clause Manager Identifier Search

    Delphi 6 (and Delphi 2007) does not have any enhanced threading library, so TParallelFor is out. I hope the rest of your changes hasn't broken too many places. (Mind you, I'm not complaining, I'm glad that somebody shows so much enthusiasm and contributes to GExperts, but as long as it can be done without too much hassle, I want to continue supporting Delphi 6 and 7. And Delphi 2007 is a must as long as I'm stuck with it.)
  2. dummzeuch

    Uses Clause Manager in Tree in r2809

    No, it's the combination of the project's search path and the library path. Basically everything the IDE knows about.
  3. dummzeuch

    Uses Clause Manager in Tree in r2809

    May I remind you that adding suggestions to the sf.net ticketing system increases your chances of gettimg them implemented?
  4. dummzeuch

    Uses Clause Manager in Tree in r2809

    I should have looked closer at the rfindunit results: There is no identifier that starts with newshortcut, its only part of a word. The uses clause manager searches only for identifiers that start with the given search text. So, maybe it should also search for identifiers that contain in anywhere. As for using rfindunit sources: I looked into it a while ago and found only one advantage: It extracts identifiers from the dcu files when no sources are available. This turns into a drawback when the dcu format changes (which it will). I definitely won't invest the time for reverse engineering the dcu format whenever it changes.
  5. dummzeuch

    Uses Clause Manager in Tree in r2809

    By default, the uses manager only looks for identifiers only in the favorite units. If that is empty, you won't get any. In the settings you can tell it to search all units instead.
  6. dummzeuch

    optset files

    For the first time ever I just looked into the option set functionality of the project options dialog: There are Apply and Save buttons for each section and each configuration that read / write .optset files which are in XML format and contain the settings to be changed at some configuration level. This seems very complicated to me, so I wonder whether anybody actually uses it, and if yes, for what and how ?
  7. Some long standing bugs in the GExperts code formatter have been fixed. It’s great to see nearly all unit tests finally succeed. About 10 new test cases have been added too, so the improvement is significant. The fixed bugs including some that have bugged (sorry πŸ˜‰ ) me for years, ... [read on in the blog post]
  8. dummzeuch

    GExperts Replace Components..

    The issue as reported to Embarcadero happens with a newly created plugin that uses some small code part copied from GExperts. It's reproducible as described there.
  9. GExperts can do the latter, but not automatically for a whole project, only for the uses clause of the current unit.
  10. dummzeuch

    Interesting article about dying languages

    I have enabled a notification service for new job offers containing the keyword "Delphi" in Germany from a popular IT magazine. I get about one notification per week. About half of them contain "Delphi" as part of the requirements also listing other programming languages like C#, JavaScript and C++, where it isn't clear what the main language - if there is one - is (it could be maintaining legacy Delphi sources and an ongoing effort of porting to another languages, but that's not clear and since I have never atually asked I don't know). The other half is mostly database centered, about half of these list a recent Delphi version (10.x) the others don't say anything about the version. But some even mention mobile development together with Delphi so at least some new development is going on with current Delphi versions. I don't get notifications on other job offers but I doubt that they are as low as for Delphi for anything but maybe COBOL. Of course that's only a small sample: It is for Germany only It is only from one source In particular it does not include jobs that are offered by "word of mouth", which in the Delphi area seems to be a majority here.
  11. dummzeuch

    wtf is TForm.Action for?

    Can somebody explain to me what TForm.Action is for? And how it can be used? The OLH is here, but it does not specifically talk about TForm: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/Vcl.Forms.TForm.Action It refers to an example http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Rio/en/TFormAction_(Delphi) which I also don't understand. From the example I gather that TForm.Action is not assigned by default, but when and by which mechanism is it executed? It's not that I need it, I just came across this property for the first time (it has existed for over a decade).
  12. dummzeuch

    wtf is TForm.Action for?

    I'm not questioning the advantages of actions in general, just that of an action property in TForm. I still haven't understood what that particular one can be used for.
  13. dummzeuch

    wtf is TForm.Action for?

    So, the Action is executed when the user clicks on the form?
  14. dummzeuch

    place of "mark site read" Button

    Make the browser window narrower and it disappears altogether. Then you have to use the menu. Not really an improvement.
  15. dummzeuch

    PopMenu two levels down..

    "Diesmal funktioniert alles" The last line from "Computer sind doof" by Spliff I don't think there is an English translation of the lyrics or sub titles for this song, sorry. It basically tells about lots of things going wrong when using computers (actually embedded microprocessors, what nowadays would part of the "Internet of things"). Mostly just annoyances. The last part then describes a sequence of computer failure events that leads to the death of Leonid Breschnew and him causing a nuclear war. The last sentence then is "This time everything works."
  16. I have been bitten by methods changing a given record multiple times: Some examples are * changing a const parameter * a property no longer changing its value after adding a getter method for it (boy was that one hard to track down) Nowadays I try to avoid them, but sometimes they are just too convenient...
  17. dummzeuch

    Search -> Go to Lne Number dialog

    The IDE's Search -> Go to Line Number dialog contains a drop down which apparently remembers the last used line numbers, so the user can re-select them. I don't remember ever using this feature. Does anybody else?
  18. dummzeuch

    Interesting article about dying languages

    You mean "doing something with computers" is useful? If you really wanted to learn something useful, you should have learned gardening, masonry or carpentry. πŸ˜‰
  19. dummzeuch

    PopMenu two levels down..

    I'm sure we all feel with you. Everybody has been there at some time. So enjoy your Scotch. πŸ˜‰
  20. dummzeuch

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Unfortunately it supports only Delphi 2010 and later. (Yes, I know, it's my own fault that I still use Delphi 2007, but that doesn't change the fact.)
  21. TFormatSettings.ListSeparator is supposed to return the character the user has configured in the Windows configuration dialog: This works fine if it only contains a single character, which at least the possible selections for English (UK / US) and German (Germany) actually are: ';' and ','. But this dialog also allows to enter any string as the list separator, e.g. 'asdf' which will cause TFormatSettings.ListSeparator to return ','. The reason is that it gets filled calling GetLocaleInfo with a buffer size of 2 (in Chars) which will return 0 because the buffer is too small: function GetLocaleChar(Locale, LocaleType: Integer; Default: Char): Char; var Buffer: array[0..1] of Char; begin if GetLocaleInfo(Locale, LocaleType, Buffer, 2) > 0 then Result := Buffer[0] else Result := Default; end; This will then set Result to the Default parameter (which is ','). Is this a bug or a documented feature? I couldn't find any documentation on it. If it's a bug, of course the question is, what should it do instead? Since TFormatSettings.ListSeparator is a Char, it cannot return more than one characters. Are there any locales where a list separator with more than one character is commonly used? E.g. Chinese ? (I always suspect the Chinese to do something unexpected. πŸ˜‰ )
  22. dummzeuch

    Quick debug variables?

    Nobody seems to have mentioned watches yet. If you want to keep a eye on a value at various places, a watch is the way to go.
  23. dummzeuch

    Quick debug variables?

    Actually Delphi has WriteLn which does exactly what Python's print does (for simple types, no idea whether Python's print can handle complex types) Unfortuntately WriteLn writes to the console which usually doesn't exist in GUI programs so it will result in an exception.
  24. dummzeuch

    Interesting article about dying languages

    As far as I remember these popularity curves are percentages of all programmers, so if the total number of programmers rises and the number of programmers that use <language> stays constant, the popularity curve for <language> falls.
  25. dummzeuch

    Modern C++ and Delphi

    Do Delphi inline variable declarations actually work by now? I remember various bug reports on them and decided not to use them until that code is stable. And then I forgot about them...