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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. There are now packages for Delphi 12 in the repository. Be warned though: They compile and install into the IDE but I haven’t done any tests at all.
  2. I updated the KnownIdePackagesManager tool to support Delphi 12.
  3. I mentioned that I am working on the Delphi Tools Manager in my post about GExperts supporting import and export for the Tools menu. Today I finished the first version of this tool. It supports all Delphi versions from 5 to 10.3 (it is written in Delphi 10.2). So, what does it do: It shows a list of all entries in the Delphi IDE’s tool menu in a similar manner as the Tools Options dialog. It allows the same actions as that dialog: Add/Delete/Edit an entry and change the order of the entries. It shows the details of each entry when it is selected. It allows exporting and importing entries, using the same DTME file format as GExperts Dragging one or more DTME files on the form will add them to the list Read on in the blog post at https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/06/16/delphi-tools-manager-1-0-0-released/
  4. The new version adds support for Delphi 10.3 to 12 Download is available from the project page on SourceForge.
  5. dummzeuch

    Delphi 12 is available

    I'm not sure it is a joke. Even today there are so many people with superstitions around, that releasing a version containing the number 13 might actually cost them some customers. I even have the impression this part of the population is growing rather than shrinking.
  6. I have just updated my dzDelphiPaths tool to support Delphi 12.
  7. I just released dzBdsLauncher 1.0.11. The only change is support for detecting .dproj files created by Delphi 12 (these have a ProjectVersion of 20.1).
  8. I just released Delphi Tools Manager 1.0.3 which now supports Delphi 6 to 12.
  9. I have updated my Delphi IDE explorer expert to work with Delphi 12.
  10. I have just updated the Delphi Custom Container Pack sources to support Delphi 12. It now compiles and installs. I have not tested it extensively. (Blog post here)
  11. dummzeuch

    Delphi 12 is available

    Don't give them any ideas ...
  12. ... unless your parameter is declared as const.
  13. dummzeuch

    "CAN" bus advice

    I'm not saying it can't be done. Just more work than I was prepared to put into it. Some of the features seemed to be missing too. But that was several years ago (when PCAN Developer was still called CanAPI2 or something like this).
  14. dummzeuch

    "CAN" bus advice

    We are too using Peak Systems hardware, but not with the free PCAN-Basic API (I tried it, but it was too much hassle), but the paid for PCAN-Developer 4 API. We use several PCAN USB interfaces per PC and many devices.The Delphi examples aren't that great though and there was at least one serious bug in one of them (I don't remember the specifics but it took me a while to figure it out. I reported the problem, so maybe they have fixed it by now.)
  15. Does that even compile? With a variable having the same name as its type? Regarding the actual question: That depends on the variable type. If it is something that can fit into a register, the variable might not even end up on the stack. But if it is something requiring additional code, e.g. reference counting, there might be a performance penalty on top of the space it needs on the stack and the code to read and write it. I for one care a lot more for readability than efficiency, with very few exceptions.
  16. dummzeuch

    Delphi 12 is available

    You can bet they will. They always did wherever that number was about to turn up anywhere.
  17. dummzeuch

    Format function params

    None of these features have been implemented. Feel free to submit a feature request on sourcefoge (makt it one for each feature). Feature requests for the formatter should include two unit files: An input and the desired output. They both should compile. But don't hold your breath for an implementation. Hm, actually, I think removing that blank line should have worked. Maybe it's a bug.
  18. dummzeuch

    Delphi 12 is available

    Hm, I remember hearing about the "Find related" stuff at the Forentage, but unfortunately I forgot what it does (I'm not a C++ programmer either). Care to refresh my memory?
  19. dummzeuch

    How can I disable IDE talking to external websites?

    My guess would be that it is the welcome page that does this, so you could try to customise it removing all the stuff that gets content from the internet.
  20. dummzeuch

    GExperts 1.3.23 Alpha for Delphi 12

    Thanks mostly to the work @Achim Kalwa put into the preparations I have now built an installer for GExperts 1.3.23 Alpha for Delphi 12. Note the word “Alpha” in the release name. Basically I installed Delphi 12, fixed some problems with the build scripts and compiled Achim’s new project. Then I added the Delphi 12 version to the installer script and built it. Oh yes, I also installed the DLL in Delphi 12 and started the IDE a few times. That’s about all the testing from my end that went into this alpha release. ... Read on in the blog post
  21. I wrote about the Instant Grep expert before when I was looking for a name for it. Now it's nearly finished and I need testers for it. Simply get the GExperts sources, compile a new DLL and replace the original DLL with the new one. Instant Grep is in the menu (not sure yet whether it should be moved under the Grep submenu). You can assign a keyboard shortcut to it if you like. It opens a new (dockable) window which greps the current edtior file as you type a regular expression and gives you a list of matches. You can use the cursor keys (up/down/pageup/pagedown) to move to the lines it found, press Esc to go back to where you started, or Enter to activate the editor window. The Window reacts when you switch to a different editor tab by searching that new file (only Delphi 2007 and higher). Warning: I have been using the expert all day (in Delphi 10.2 and 2007) and found many bugs and annoyances, but I think I found and fixed most of them by now. But still: Installing a new GExperts DLL might make your IDE unstable and even crash it.
  22. dummzeuch

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    If you were seeing an access violation with a self compiled GExperts DLL and the latest code, you should update the sources to at least revsion #4079. I fixed a bug there that caused an AV.
  23. dummzeuch

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    I'm not quite sure what you mean here. The Delphi compiler automatically checks if the internal timestamp of a dcu file is older than the currentl source code of a unit and recompiles it, if necessary. But what exactly does hat have to do with GExperts?
  24. dummzeuch

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    "Jump List for Delphi 11" is the "jump list" for the Delph icon on the taskbar, that is the popup menu you get when you click on that icon with the right mouse button. That's a Windows feature.
  25. dummzeuch

    Library for modifying windows PE files?

    Actually no. With the normal GPL You only have to give the sources to those who you give the binary. You don't need to release it to the general public if you don't release the binary to the general public. If you only use it internally, you can keep your code confidential. If you give the binaries to a 3rd party, you will have to give them the source code too. That 3rd party does not release it to the general public, it will only be available to them. But: They have the right to release it and you are not allowed to restrict this right. As you correctly pointed out, the GNU Affero GPL closes a perceived loop hole that is created by internal use for a publicly available service.