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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    pasfmt out now!

    Interesting idea. I might just try that. "format the following code according to the coding style used in this other unit"
  2. dummzeuch

    pasfmt out now!

    Because being open source means that everyone can go ahead and modify it to their liking, right? Of course. Nothing prevents anybody from doing that, as long as the license conditions are observed. And even the most restrictive open source licenses that I know, allow private use of the code without restrictions. The project maintainer might not like those changes, but you can always have your very own personal fork of the code. (The particular project maintainer you are probably thinking about would of course prefer getting a patch that adds this as a configurable option and does not break the code and its compatibility to older Delphi versions..)
  3. dummzeuch

    TButton: change font color

    You could use TBitBtn instead, if that's an option.
  4. dummzeuch

    pasfmt out now!

    If only there was a code formatter written in Delphi that is open source!
  5. dummzeuch

    pasfmt out now!

    Hey, we have AI nowadays to solve that problem: Just tell it to convert the rust code to Object Pascal and be done. And if the first one does not succeed, try others.
  6. dummzeuch

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    Have you seen the IDE using a phone booth recently?
  7. dummzeuch

    pasfmt out now!

    Am I right in assuming that the plugin calls the executable to do the formatting? Calling an executable is rather expensive (meaning: slow) in Windows, it would be really nice it you could also produce a DLL, that can be called from this plugin (and possibly other tools). 32 and 64 bits, if possible.
  8. dummzeuch

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    Isn't that an editor option? Cursor beyond EOL? Edit: No. There is no "Cursor beyond EOL". There is only "Cursor beyond EOF", which is different.
  9. One nice feature of the Delphi IDE that I keep forgetting are Component Templates. That means you drop and customize one or multiple components on a form and then give them a new name so you can easily create them again on a different form in a different program. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/11/03/creating-component-templates-in-delphi/
  10. dummzeuch

    I fixed the DPI errors in the CodeLibrarian Search dialog

    fixed in revision #4433
  11. dummzeuch

    I fixed the DPI errors in the CodeLibrarian Search dialog

    Hm I don't see any scaling issue with this dialog. It looks fine with 125% scaling and rescales properly when I move it between displays with 125% and 100% scaling. I guess that's another case where it works fine with my setup but does not with other people's. Let me guess: You have one or more displays with a scaling > 100% but all displays set to the same. Edit: Yes, if I only use my HighDPI display, I can reproduce it.
  12. dummzeuch

    I fixed the DPI errors in the CodeLibrarian Search dialog

    OK, so, where would you put the IFDEF for this?
  13. dummzeuch

    Thank you for fixing the Rename Expert!

    Yes, but the idea was to keep the dialog's general layout regardless whether any (or even none) of the tabs are visible .
  14. dummzeuch

    I fixed the DPI errors in the CodeLibrarian Search dialog

    Sorry, but I cannot accept this as a patch. This is not compatible to older Delphi versions.
  15. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    But you can: Simply store the size of the unscaled form and its components and calculate the new scaling based on that.
  16. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I guess that comes from some other tool that does it. Since I haven't really an idea what it means, could you please elaborate? Or maybe point to a video that shows how it works in this other tool?
  17. dummzeuch


    Just assume it's your IP, the company behind the AI will steal it anyway (actually it probably already has, because you pasted it into the chat).
  18. No. Edit: It beat Visual Basic! Yeah!
  19. Telling (the right) people about Delphi and how good it is (or rather: was), was something that has not been done since the very beginning. Not even Borland managed that. They advertised in Development magazines (and later websites), but not where those people who make decisions about the money to buy development tools (the C*Os of companies) would read about it. So when a developer asked his boss for the money to buy Delphi related tools, they had to tell him what it is (and who Borland, later Embarcadero is) and what the value would be for the money, because they had never heard these names. It's even worse nowadays: We see Embarcadero endlessly blubbing on about how great their tools are to developers, but not going into specifics. That's the way you talk to the C*Os of companies, not to developers. But the C*O people do not read these posts because they just don't visit embarcadero.com and the Delphi blogs. So so they still haven't heard these names when it comes to investment decisions. And the developers don't read them because they don't get any interesting information from them.
  20. dummzeuch

    Change a forms OnShow Event?

    Most likely @Attila Kovacs is right: Rather than setting the OnShow event your code is calling it. Show us some actual code.
  21. OK, now we go into the domain of personal insults.
  22. Not that again! Just remove the f*ck*** call to Close and be done with it.
  23. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Hear hear! I doubt that very much.
  24. I am using TeeChart for drawing multiple series with two different vertical axis. One set of series uses the left axis, the others use the right axis. The legend contains check boxes that allow the user to turn a series on and off. Everything works fine but there is one small problem that I can't get solved: When all series associated with one of the axis are turned off, this axis is not shown. Right Axis missing: Left axis missing: I don't want that. Both axes should always be shown, regardless of which series are visible. But I found no way to change this behavior. Any hint?
  25. dummzeuch

    openssl dll problem

    You could try to rename the DLLs. I'm not sure whether this will work though. And if it works, it will only do so for DLLs that are used by your program directly, not for DLLs that are loaded by other DLLs your program uses.