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Posts posted by dummzeuch

  1. 17 minutes ago, Dinar said:

    Application Error in SynTextDrawer.pas occurred after each closing Rad Studio IDE 10.2.3. After that AV message window displayed. This error start from revision 2421 26.10.2018 "IsFavMenuVisible now gets persisted" and exist in last revision 2436 still

    Thanks, I hope that will help me find the problem. I already suspected the Favorites-Menu, but your unformation confirms that. (I'm busy otherwise right now, this won't happen before the weekend.)

    • Like 1

  2. I must have screwed something lately, because nearly every time I close the IDE (any version of it) I get an access violation. The only reason I can think of is that I made a change to GExperts that causes it.


    Does anybody else, who recently compiled GExperts from sources, experience the same problem?

  3. Quote

    Found on Stack Overflow:


    Another option is install Gexperts, and use the expert IDE menu shortcuts, This expert enables you to configure any of the IDE menu shortcuts.

    That won't work, because these actions don't have an associated menu item.


    Nice idea with the expert that calls IOTAEditView .NavigateToModification. I thought about adding something like it to GExperts, but I'm not sure that I want to add yet another shortcut to the IDE (and thereby making it unavailable for other plugins) is worth it.


    I could add it the GExperts Editor Popup menu though, so it would not need a keyboard shortcut.

  4. 2 hours ago, Schokohase said:

    Well, if you pass a pointer to memory from your own process you should not be surprised that you can modify the memory you are pointing at. I would be surprised if I could not.

    But that's what const is all about: A parameter (possibly passed by reference) where the compiler prevents changes.


    Turns out that it is easy to change it by mistake. (Of course it's also not simple for the compiler to catch this case.)

  5. 2 hours ago, ByteJuggler said:

    Passing login credentials in the clear is IMHO simply not acceptable, especially given the ease of procuring even free SSL certificates (https://letsencrypt.org/) these days.  I mean, even little me runs my own mail server that has (LetsEncrypt) SSL both for the mail server and the web interface.

    It's also a requirement under the European General Data Protection Regulation .

    • Like 1

  6. 1 hour ago, edwinyzh said:

    @dummzeuch Can I take this chance to make a suggestion? - In the 'Memo' view of  'Library Path' and the porject options 'Search Path', as shown in @Primož Gabrijelčič

    's posted screenshot, two things would increase the productivity:

    • Allow pressing [Ctrl + A] to select all text in the Memo.
    • Even better - to have a 'Edit with external text editor' button, which when being clicked, will open the system's default text editor to edit the search paths.

    I guess this can be done with something like:

    • save the paths to a temp file with a unique name.
    • use the CreateProcess API to launch the text editor (the system's default one or can be specified by the user in GExperts), open the temp file.
    • After the text editor's closed (IIRC you can can notified with the CreateProcess win32 API), load the modified content from the temp file and put it into the 'Memo' view of the path editor.

    Sorry for being off topic, I saw PG's screenshot and this idea came up 😛

    Could you please take the time and put this into a ticket at sourceforge?



  7. 39 minutes ago, Primož Gabrijelčič said:

    Looks good to me.

    If you want me to test something specific, let me know.

    No, that's fine, exactly what I wanted to know. After needing ages to actually reproduce the problem I was no longer sure whether it had actually disappeared of if I was just seeing ghosts.


    That one was tricky to solve or rather work around, but I wish the next one was something similar. Something about Unicode / UTF-8 issues makes them difficult to solve for me. At least I think I have tracked it down to a conversion issue where TStringStream is being used where it shouldn't.

  8. Hi,


    I just added workarounds for both issues described in bug #86.

    I need some testers. It works for me but might not work for others.



    • Has Delphi 10.2
    • Uses the Dark Theme (or any custom theme)
    • Must compile GExperts from the current sources.




  9. 2 hours ago, Stefan Glienke said:

    Get into the beta - I guess being a maintainer of one of the most noticeable IDE plugins might help even if you are not on subscription personally.


    @Marco Cantu @David Millington

    No, neither will I become an MVP. I don't like the strings attached.


    (My personal choice, so I'll have to live with it.)

  10. 1 hour ago, Zacherl said:

    Isn't the optimizer smart enough to remove empty function calls? Well ... I know ... it's Delphi ... and Delphi is not really known for perfectly optimized code, but detecting empty functions is a really easy task. Using `IFDEF`s inside the logging function itself would be a better solution in this case.



    Well tested it, and ... ofc it does not eliminate calls to empty functions :classic_dry: Generates a `CALL` that points to a single `RET` instruction instead. This should not happen in 2018.

    Have you tried to declare the function inline ?

  11. 2 hours ago, Zacherl said:

    Assert is fine, but sometimes you want to have logging code in your productive version. Asserting is not a good idea here as it will raise an exception. Besides that only one event can be logged at a time (as the application crashes after the first assertion / or executes the exception handler what will them prevent execution of successive assertions).

    But you could use assert to mask out the logging:

    function MyLogging(const _Text: string): boolean;
      Result := true;

    Assert(MyLogging('My very important log message'));


    This would remove all calls to the logging function when you disable assertions.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  12. The theming stuff in the IDE is really a pain in the lower back. It not only broke the menus in the dockable GExperts windows (e.g. Grep Result), it also breaks the extensions to the Search Path dialog. 😞




    Apart from that there are several dialogs that were apparently overlooked for theming, e.g. the Build Events dialog.


    I wonder whether the same problem exist in Delphi 10.3.

    It's probably pointless asking anybody in the beta program to test it because they would not be allowed to tell me...

  13. This is why we need a forum that is not StackOverflow:


    Is there a plugin for delphi IDE for doing the following: Jumping from interface to implementing classes.

    for example in JIdea Java IDE you can easily point to an interface and see all implementing classes and select to which class you want to jump. It is currently very annoying that Ctrl+Click on a method goes to the interface where the method is declared and there is no easy way to find classes implementing this method. The only option I know is search.


    Voted down and probably will be closed shortly because:

    "Recommendation requests are off topic here"




    Maybe somebody here can help?


    (Note: It's not my question, I just copied it here.)

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