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Dave Nottage

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Everything posted by Dave Nottage

  1. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. Dave Nottage

    Install failed older sdk

    You might be interested in this: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/HowTo/tree/main/Solutions/AndroidLowerVersions
  3. This applies only when generating an application for uploading to Play Store (.aab file). If you're in "development mode" and your device supports 32-bit only, just select Android 32-bit as the target.
  4. By default SVGIconImageList uses a different library from Skia on Windows, namely Image32
  5. Then it does not have Skia enabled
  6. Try running it on a machine that does not have Delphi 12 installed.
  7. Dave Nottage

    Quality portal access gone for me ?

    It was "up" for a while.. now "down" again for the last 5 hours. I have a service that monitors QP for new reports. Because of the constant outages, I'm working on having a page published with a "current status", that uses the service. In the meantime, this gives the details in JSON.
  8. Dave Nottage

    Quality portal access gone for me ?

    QP has been "down" for the last 48 hours - the relevant people were notified about an hour after the problems started.
  9. It's likely because you have an incompatible JDK present on the machine. This is a potential fix: 1. Make sure JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the Adoptium JDK: JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk- 2. Add missing build-tools by going to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-23.0.50491.5718\cmdline-tools\latest\bin In a command prompt and issue these commands: sdkmanager “build-tools;33.0.2” sdkmanager “platforms;android-33”
  10. Dave Nottage

    Script Errors galore when launching Delphi

    Ouch. I'll look into what else you might be able to do
  11. Dave Nottage

    Script Errors galore when launching Delphi

    The Embarcadero website might have changed where the scripts it attempts to execute are not supported in the embedded IE browser in the IDE. Disable the Welcome Page and it'll probably go away.
  12. Dave Nottage

    Delphi 12 is available

    Exclusion happens when you attempt to join. GotoWebinar has a limit of 3000 attendees (Enterprise level). Once the limit has been reached, it refuses subsequent attempts to join.
  13. Dave Nottage

    Delphi 12 is available

    Going by the last couple of CE releases, not for at least several months, probably after at least update 2.
  14. Dave Nottage

    User Drawing of Lines and Curves

    A very brief check (at design-time) shows it appears to have been fixed.
  15. Dave Nottage

    Receive PUSH notifications in the background in the iOS app

    It works when the app is not running, or not active too. As mentioned before the payload being sent must be correct for it to work, as well as having the correct UIBackgroundModes
  16. Dave Nottage

    Macbook processor relevant?

    It matters only if you're targeting simulator, where Delphi requires the Mac to have an M1, M2 or M3
  17. My Google-fu seems to be off at the moment. I have a DLL project that was originally for Visual Studio that I'm attempting to port to C++Builder. I'm struggling to find any tips on making this migration, other than apparently some time ago C++Builder had a method of importing Visual C++ projects. Does any method exist for importing such a project, or perhaps a site that gives tips about it? I've created a C-based DLL project in C++Builder and am attempting to include the original VS (C-based) code, however I'm receiving a bunch of compiler errors, which are different each time I load the project and hit "Build". The motivation for moving it from VS is to have the ability to include Delphi code in the project. Additional issue: I have a .lib file that is used in the VS project, but no corresponding .dll, so that I can use implib to import a .lib that C++Builder will link to. Is there a way I can create a .dll in VS so that everything in the .lib is imported?
  18. Dave Nottage

    Receive PUSH notifications in the background in the iOS app

    Good to hear Well, it's a solution, apparently? I assume whatever implementation you are using sends a local notification, which to my mind is unnecessary. I use Delphi's built-in FCM support, however even if the messages are not going via FCM, it should be a simple matter of subscribing to TPushRemoteNotificationMessage, e.g.: TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TPushRemoteNotificationMessage, PushRemoteNotificationMessageHandler); ..and in the handler: procedure TForm1.PushRemoteNotificationMessageHandler(const Sender: TObject; const M: TMessage); begin if M is TPushRemoteNotificationMessage then // Use this value (which is JSON): TPushRemoteNotificationMessage(M).Value.Notification end;
  19. Dave Nottage

    Receive PUSH notifications in the background in the iOS app

    Does it contain content-available, as I mentioned? Yes What do you mean by "activate the application"? The OS "wakes up" the application in the background, and the message receive handler (in your case, apparently OnReceiveNotificationEvent) gets called, when the message is received. Possibly because you do not have the content-available member in the payload of the message. As mentioned, in the message receive handler . As per the section "Receive Background Notifications" in the same link, you have up to 30 seconds of processing time. Ignore the parts about the app delegate and completion handler - they are handled for you in the FMX code. Incidentally, I've found that trying to make background notifications like this work is a complete nightmare, mainly because of this (from the same link): "The system treats background notifications as low priority: you can use them to refresh your app’s content, but the system doesn’t guarantee their delivery. In addition, the system may throttle the delivery of background notifications if the total number becomes excessive. The number of background notifications allowed by the system depends on current conditions, but don’t try to send more than two or three per hour." It makes testing such things extremely difficult. Whatever you're attempting to do, you might need to do it some other way.
  20. Dave Nottage

    Receive PUSH notifications in the background in the iOS app

    I was referring to what needs to be in the payload of the notification being sent (i.e. nothing to do with the code in the Delphi app). See the "Create a background notification" section at that link.
  21. Dave Nottage

    Receive PUSH notifications in the background in the iOS app

    If you want to be able to process the notification without user interaction (i.e. not open the application visibly), you need to follow the rules set out here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/setting_up_a_remote_notification_server/pushing_background_updates_to_your_app?language=objc
  22. Dave Nottage

    Receive PUSH notifications in the background in the iOS app

    Do you have remote-notification selected in the UIBackgroundModes value, in the Version Info section of Project Options?
  23. Dave Nottage

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    Did you check programmer2k's suggestion? Having other JDKs on the system where the path appears before that of the Adoptium JDK can cause trouble.
  24. Perhaps the file content is being passed as a property of the JSON payload?