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Dave Nottage

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Everything posted by Dave Nottage

  1. Dave Nottage

    Use testflight with Delphi

    Please see: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Deploying_Your_iOS_Application_for_Submission_to_the_App_Store You can use Transporter on the Mac to deliver the .ipa file mentioned in that link. Ignore the parts about 32-bit - it no longer applies.
  2. Dave Nottage

    Call for Delphi 12 Support in OpenSource projects.

    That would depend on what the exact wording of the NDA is. For instance does having something like this in source code: {$IF CompilerVersion > 35} Violate the NDA?
  3. Dave Nottage

    Querying mvnrepository

    I have some code that queries mvnrepository via HTTP, specifically looking for packages for Android. It essentially boils down to this: uses System.Net.HttpClient; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LHTTP: THTTPClient; LResponse: IHTTPResponse; begin LHTTP := THTTPClient.Create; try LResponse := LHTTP.Get('https://mvnrepository.com/search?q=play+services+maps'); // for example // At this point, LResponse.StatusCode is 403 :-( // The same query works in regular browsers finally LHTTP.Free; end; end; Except that recently, as per the comment, it now returns a 403 result, with this content (truncated): <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head><title>Just a moment...</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"><meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link href="/cdn-cgi/styles/challenges.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body class="no-js"><div class="main-wrapper" role="main"><div class="main-content"><noscript><div id="challenge-error-title"><div class="h2"><span class="icon-wrapper"><div class="heading-icon warning-icon"></div></span><span id="challenge-error-text">Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue</span></div></div></noscript></div></div> ..and is followed by a bunch of cryptic JavaScript. If there was an API (such as REST), I'd use that, however there does not appear to be, and I haven't had a reply for my email to info@mvnrepository.com. Any ideas as to how I might be able to handle it?
  4. I must be missing the part in the answer where a body is being sent in the request.
  5. Well, that explains it - a bug in Android 😉
  6. It can, but there are warnings against doing it. This is an interesting article on the topic. The fact that it is possible (even though ill advised) means that the code in Delphi that turns the GET into a POST on Android, is a bug. Jon R should describe why they need to subvert the warnings against doing it 🙂
  7. A brief example of how to reproduce it would help.
  8. Dave Nottage

    Trouble installing Ios SDK

    At the moment, there's nothing to solve - the error does not appear to affect creating apps using the SDK.
  9. Dave Nottage

    Querying mvnrepository

    I've decided to go down this route - it has turned out easier than I expected, especially when using ExecuteJavascript to extract the relevant parts out of the HTML
  10. Dave Nottage

    Querying mvnrepository

    Already did
  11. Dave Nottage

    Querying mvnrepository

    Yeah, I had considered that, but I'd prefer to avoid it.
  12. Complete error messages may help.
  13. Dave Nottage

    Remove quotes from a string

    Not when using classes that parse the JSON (at least, properly), since they won't include the quotes (given your example). What code are you using to parse it?
  14. Same here. Not sure which method(s) it tries to use to tether in this case - I can take a deeper look later if no-one else answers beforehand.
  15. You'll find some of the demos have been updated, at: https://github.com/Embarcadero/RADStudio11Demos
  16. Dave Nottage

    FMX Tabcontrol Tab Hight

    Do you have AutoSize on the tab item set to False?
  17. Dave Nottage

    New mystery of freezing IDE.

    Either there's a step missing between opening an existing project and pressing the DEL key, or it just doesn't happen for me.
  18. If you mean devices that are nearby, there's at least one example in the demos, which I think includes this one: https://github.com/Embarcadero/RADStudio11Demos/tree/main/Object Pascal/Multi-Device Samples/Device Sensors and Services/Bluetooth/BLEScanner
  19. I'm able to see this post: https://www.delphipraxis.net/212223-natives-layout-unter-firemonkey.html ..and I'd like to access the files that Peter666 attached to the post, however I'm unable to register on the site. Is anyone able to help, either with registration (it says "wrong username or password", but I'm just registering), or access to the files?
  20. There's a demo on using TMapView and placing markers, here.
  21. Dave Nottage

    Android 12, Delphi 11.3 Bluetooth

    Take a look at the ScanFilterServicesAdvData demo in the same folder, specifically TForm6.Button1Click in Unit6.pas. It shows how to request permissions, including the one you need.
  22. Dave Nottage

    Android Dialer replacement

    I know it's been a couple of years, however I was going through my to-do list today and came across something that led me to your post. It seems with InCallService, it is expected that your app actually replaces the default phone app - is this a viable proposition for you? Regardless, I asked ChatGPT about the alternative, which is to monitor for incoming calls, and provide an alternative means of answering the call. Are you still looking for a solution to this, and does the ChatGPT answer fit your requirements?
  23. Dave Nottage

    Google Sign-In

    Is now live! https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Kastri/tree/master/Demos/GoogleSignIn
  24. Dave Nottage

    Google Sign-In

    Which is sadly out of date (applies to Delphi 10.2). The implementation I'm working on should work in Delphi 11.x, and is more simplified than the Grijjy's.
  25. Dave Nottage

    Google Sign-In

    I have imports there, however an implementation for Google Sign-In is still coming..