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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. 1 minute ago, kabiri said:

    Breakpoint works in other forms, but it does not work in this form(frmMain/untMain)

    There's a difference between a breakpoint being disabled (which is indicated visually), versus one where the debugger does not stop. The latter can happen because the code where you have the breakpoint is never reached and/or you have a unit with the same name, and you're looking at the wrong one.

    4 minutes ago, kabiri said:

    What could be the problem that only happens on IOS?

    Something specific to the platform. Detailing what you have in your datamodule might help (eg. data components used, what type of connection e.g SQLite, etc)


    8 minutes ago, kabiri said:

    Line frmDataModule:=TfrmDataModule.Create(self); I deleted
    Now it displays the main form

    So the problem is with the datamodule.

    8 minutes ago, kabiri said:

    but breakpoints are still disabled.

    Still? The screenshot you showed in an earlier message indicates they were not. Are you compiling for Debug?

  3. It's not advisable to have conditionals in your .dpr because the IDE can be prone to mess it up. In this case, the conditional for the Android unit is pointless anyway, since nothing from it is being referenced in the .dpr. This would not be the cause of your issue, but it's still something to consider.


    As @programmerdelphi2k inferred, it may be being caused by something happening in untDataModule. You could use the debugger to see what is executed there when it is created.


    Has it ever run OK on iOS? Either way, you could remove parts of the application that were previously added, to help isolate what is causing the lockup.


  4. 59 minutes ago, kabiri said:

    Where am I wrong?

    You need to create an Application ID (on the Apple Developer site, this is Identifiers),






    In general, you won't need to select any entitlements unless you plan on having Push Notifications in your app, in which case select that entitlement from the list
    For Description, use a description about your application (e.g. just the name), and for Bundle ID, the convention is to use a domain you have, in reverse, then the name of the application. The Description and Bundle ID pictured are just examples.


    You will also need a Provisioning Profile (in Profiles) for App Store:





  5. 2 hours ago, kabiri said:

    how can i test on iphone 6 (ios v12.4)?

    One way would be to have a real device. What is the reason for wanting to test specifically on that?

    2 hours ago, kabiri said:

    how can i add IOS SDK 12 to Delphi?(now i have SDK15.5)

    You should not need to. 

    • Thanks 1

  6. 1 hour ago, alogrep said:

    A to send more code, it is not feasible because is too long and nobody would take the time or have the patience to read it.

    You could at least post the code for whatever the method is that starts with "ProcessH", as per my earlier comment. You provided a screenshot and said that is where the problem occurs.



    17 minutes ago, alogrep said:

    However the call stack doesn't go inside the procedure where the problem actually happes.

    Then the problem is not actually happening inside that procedure (though the root cause may be there). The problem is occurring in a method in the Http unit, in a class called TTCPHttpThrd in a method with a name starting with "ProcessH", but the rest of the callstack window is cut off in your screenshot

  8. 5 minutes ago, at3s said:

    Is it possible to access remotely to the Mac device where PAServer is running?

    Or should this Mac be in the same LAN network where is the Delphi machine rather?

    As long as the PAServer is exposed to the "outside world" (perhaps by port forwarding), yes.. that is possible. Bear in mind however that if you're deploying to a device, the machine that has PAServer on it needs to be able to access the device, either by being connected directly to that machine, or possibly using something like this: https://www.net-usb.com/

    • Like 1

  9. 14 hours ago, saeedbay said:

    an error message as follows. :

    I doubt that error message (platform architecture issue) is related to the API level issue. It's possible that you're compiling for 64-bit and the installed OS is 32-bit. Be aware that some devices have a 64-bit CPU, but have a 32-bit Android OS installed.

    • Like 1


    The error message:

     java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "androidx.core.content.FileProvider"

    Usually means that the jar that contains the class androidx.core.content.FileProvider was not included in your app. This class is in core-1.5.0-rc02.dex.jar, and should appear in the Libraries node, as per the instructions in my earlier reply. This is an example of what it should look like:




    i.e. the package in question does not have a red "x" in the icon

  11. 19 minutes ago, saeedbay said:
    I updated the SDK from the command line and defined the path of platform 33 in the sdkmanager of Delphi editor, but in the
    Androidmanifest.xml file, the "targetSdkVersion" is still on the number 30, which means the previous platform.

    The targetSdkVersion value is whichever target API level Delphi currently supports, i.e. it is not determined by which API level you have selected. It should allow you to set this (see https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-38976), however if you want it to be something different you'll need to change it in the AndroidManifest.template.xml file.
