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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. You don't need to install an older SDK. You do however need to ensure that:


    The minSdkVersion value in AndroidManifest.template.xml is 19 (replacing %minSdkVersion%)

    In the NDK settings in SDK Manager, ensure that the NDK API Location value ends with android-19, and the path in the Delphi NDK Library path value that has "platforms" in the value also has android-19 in the path

  2. 5 hours ago, Rollo62 said:

    Have you checked out the Kastri project ?

    Not sure that there's anything in it to solve his issue, but thanks for the plug 🙂

    6 hours ago, Massimiliano S said:

    Using  this example I have the same problem Like my app, when the app is already open the intent is not managed and the app remains blocked

    I have a feeling it's a simple entry in the manifest. Added to my already huge to-do list.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

    I still have a "manual" solution implemented, which gives advice to the user howto set-up the right orientation.

    In my case, it's not about advising the user how to set up anything: Application.FormFactor.Orientations takes care of which orientations the app will support. The issue is with re-orienting the app once Application.FormFactor.Orientations has been changed at runtime. Currently, the user has to rotate the device themselves.

  4. Your extension was not compiled for iOS (arm64), it was compiled for macOS (x86_64). To determine this, I ran this command on the Mac:

    file yashare

    For which the result was:

    yashare: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

    When you created the extension, were you adding a Target from an iOS project? It should have looked like this:




    The target properties would then look like this:




  5. 1 hour ago, Massimiliano S said:

    added the PlugIns folder with all the sub folders to the deployment using the Deployman.exe tool

    Can you show what the remote paths are?


    1 hour ago, Massimiliano S said:

    Reading on the Internet it would seem linked to the fact that 32-bit apps are no longer supported but I have compiled everything 64-bit

    Just a guess, but perhaps make sure you haven't enabled the Generate iOS universal binary file (armv7 + arm64) option in the compiler options. Otherwise I'd need to see an example project

  6. 22 minutes ago, Gary Wardell said:

    Now the issue is in my other question regarding very simple test program that won't compile.

    Does "other question" refer to your first post in this thread, or something else? If it's "something else", you don't appear to have provided any details as to what the errors are.

  7. It appears you need to create a share extension:




    This needs to be done in Xcode, although according to this article:




    You can exchange data between a Delphi app and the extension.


    Incidentally, I believe the schemes in your info.plist should not include the :// part, and apparently you cannot use http and https anyway:



  8. 12 hours ago, Rollo62 said:

    The table should say that normal foreground only operation should be possible

    Is that not what this is saying?


    12 hours ago, Rollo62 said:

    Now it isn't discovering any longer, I need to have ALLOW_BACKGROUND_LOCATION defined.

    If it doesn't discover when the app is in the foreground, it sounds like a bug; either in the system or documentation. 

    You don't happen to have a basic test project, do you?

  9. Delete the info.plist.TemplateiOS.xml file and rebuild. Alternatively, make it look like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">


    • Thanks 1

  10. 13 hours ago, Yaron said:

    I don't see the mechanism that would allow me to distinguish between multiple intents.

    You can distinguish between intent filters by the action, e.g:

    if Data.getAction.equals(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_SEND) then


    9 hours ago, Yaron said:

    However, only the first entry shows up in YouTube

    Probably because you cannot have 2 filters working with the same action. I suggest reading:

