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Alberto Fornés

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Alberto Fornés last won the day on August 28 2024

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  1. Alberto Fornés

    PLABEL VCL Labelling, FlowChart and Technical Drawing editor

    Ok, I understand your requirement, I will add in next release.
  2. Alberto Fornés

    PLABEL VCL Labelling, FlowChart and Technical Drawing editor

    Hello Omnibrain, about your questions: 1.- The Demos seem to be a bit messed up pathwise. Difficult to describe, I think it's best if you do a clean install and open a Demo in Delphi yourself and then start it from within Delphi. I will check it, path installation is different from development and maybe something is broken. 2.- You have SaveSVG and ExportDoc procedures. Both save to files. Is there a reason there is no option to save to a stream to continue processing the generated label directly in a program? Or am I overlooking something? Yes, there are to methods to save and load from a stream: procedure TMPLabel.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream); procedure TMPLabel.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream); 3.- I managed to hide almost all control elements of the editor component. But not the scrollbars. Am I overlooking something? Scrollbars are enabled or disabled depending of label dimensions and zoom. No option to hide it. Maybe I add in next update, something like fitToAll and disabled zoom option. 4.- I see that you can use a CSV file or JSON as Data Source. But is it also possible to use a TDataSet? Yes you can assign any descendent from TDataSet, See TMPLabel.Data.DataSets from object inspector. I'm working in a new release fixing some bugs and adding new features. Also in a version with FMX library.
  3. Alberto Fornés

    PLABEL VCL Labelling, FlowChart and Technical Drawing editor

    If anyone has tried to download and got an error, I have reviewed the link for the Labelling demo program and reviewed the installer for the SVG label generation program.
  4. Alberto Fornés

    PLABEL VCL Labelling, FlowChart and Technical Drawing editor

    Yes, next week I will start with the version for FMX, the RTL base and the drawing with Skia is the same, the changes are the writing of the editor component.
  5. Version 3.0 of the PLABEL VCL components has been released, this is a version written from scratch and using the Skia library to render graphics. The previous version was used to add a label editor to our applications: text, paragraph, images, barcodes, etc. In this new version, the possibility of editing flowcharts and technical drawings (layers, dimension measurement, operations with lines, scale, etc.) has been added. Drawings can be printed or saved as pdf, png, jpeg, gif or svg. Saving as SVG can be interesting for web projects, or if you need to show technical drawings in documents such as quotes and orders. At https://www.mesurasoft.com/Plabel/Gallery , you can see several examples of created documents, some of them as SVG. The appearance and functionality of the property inspector has been changed, now it is better organized and more compact. In labelling mode you can rotate left or right the label. Link label elements to data: TDataset descendant, csv or json. Table element to print records from detail tables. Inplace editing text, align positions vertical and horizontal. Set background rounded rectangle. Symbols can be created by code and saved in categories and libraries, to then be inserted in a certain position, scale and angle of rotation. Symbols can have one or more connection points, to link to other elements in the drawing. You can organize the elements of the drawing in layers, which you can hide or print as needed. You can add dimensions and measurements to the drawing, their appearance can be modified using dimension styles. In technical drawings, apart from the units, you can define a scale greater than one, which will be taken into account when placing the dimensions and measurements New elements: nutriscore display, level, rank, show box sizes At https://www.mesurasoft.com/Plabel you can find downloadable demos of the three editors: labels, flowcharts and technical drawings, an example of generating a dynamic SVG from a browser with webbroker, as well as a pdf document where the editor's functionalities are explained for the end user. Here https://www.youtube.com/@MESURASOFT are some videos showing funcionalities It is available in versions Delphi 10 (Seattle) to Delphi 12.0 (Athens) Previous users who purchased the PLABEL VCL 2.8 license of the components have a special access price to this version. There is a 20% discount coupon [ PLABEL ] until September 4.
  6. Alberto Fornés

    Unit dependency viwer

    Good Job¡, and very nice scroll movement. I like it¡
  7. I don't know about Python, but if I understand correctly : is it possible to make an isolated installation of Python including libraries like matplotlib, pandas, etc and using it from Delphi?. Is it needed any user installation?. Thanks
  8. Alberto Fornés

    Drawing text with GDI

    Thanks Peter, I will investigate in that direction. Do you have experience about the speed performance to calculate widths and drawing character individually?
  9. Alberto Fornés

    Drawing text with GDI

    I am rewriting an editor where I am looking to display some text on the screen, to which I can zoom and therefore increase or decrease its size, and ensure that what I display on the screen corresponds to what I get when printing what has been drawn. From what I've been reading, GDI doesn't always respect these relationships in terms of text sizes, although when printing it can display the result well. As I show in tests I've done where I want to draw a 10mm high text, when I double the height to 20mm, the width of the text is not equal to double, as seen in the image. Is there a way to get the ratio to hold and equal to what we get in print, thanks. I use this code to draw the text: procedure TForm3.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var h: integer; TextOutSize: TSize; NewFont, OldFont: HFont; // holds the old and new fonts begin bmp:= TBitmap.Create(Image1.Width,Image1.Height); bmp.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; try bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color:= clWhite; bmp.Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,Image1.Width,Image1.Height)); bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color:= clSilver; d:= 0; h:= 0; while d<= Image1.Width do begin if (h = 5) then begin bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color:= clGray; h:= 0; end else bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color:= clSilver; bmp.Canvas.MoveTo(d,0); bmp.Canvas.LineTo(d,Image1.Height); Inc(d,10); Inc(h); end; d:= 0; h:= 0; while d<= Image1.Height do begin if (h = 5) then begin bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color:= clGray; h:= 0; end else bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color:= clSilver; bmp.Canvas.MoveTo(0,d); bmp.Canvas.LineTo(Image1.Width,d); Inc(d,10); Inc(h); end; bmp.Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsClear; bmp.Canvas.Font.Color:= clBlack; SetMapMode(bmp.Canvas.Handle,MM_ISOTROPIC); SetViewportExtEx(bmp.Canvas.Handle,Image1.Width,Image1.Height,0); SetWindowExtEx(bmp.Canvas.Handle,Round(Image1.Width * 25.4 / GetDeviceCaps(bmp.Canvas.Handle, LOGPIXELSX)),Round(Image1.Height * 25.4 / GetDeviceCaps(bmp.Canvas.Handle, LOGPIXELSY)),0); // Create a 10 mm font NewFont:= CreateFont(10, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, PROOF_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH or FF_DONTCARE, 'Arial'); OldFont := SelectObject(bmp.Canvas.Handle, NewFont); bmp.Canvas.Pen.Width:= 0; bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color:= clBlue; TextOut(bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,10,txt, Length(txt)); MoveToEx(bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,10,nil); LineTo(bmp.Canvas.Handle,230,10); MoveToEx(bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,20,nil); LineTo(bmp.Canvas.Handle,230,20); GetTextExtentPoint32(bmp.Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(txt), Length(txt), TextOutSize); TextOut(bmp.Canvas.Handle,230,10,PWideChar('Width: ' + TextOutSize.cx.ToString), Length('Width: ' + TextOutSize.cx.ToString)); SelectObject(bmp.Canvas.Handle, OldFont); DeleteObject(NewFont); // Create a 20 mm font NewFont:= CreateFont(20, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, PROOF_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH or FF_DONTCARE, 'Arial'); OldFont := SelectObject(bmp.Canvas.Handle, NewFont); bmp.Canvas.Pen.Width:= 0; bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color:= clBlue; TextOut(bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,30,txt, Length(txt)); MoveToEx(bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,30,nil); LineTo(bmp.Canvas.Handle,230,30); MoveToEx(bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,50,nil); LineTo(bmp.Canvas.Handle,230,50); GetTextExtentPoint32(bmp.Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(txt), Length(txt), TextOutSize); TextOut(bmp.Canvas.Handle,230,30,PWideChar('Width: ' + TextOutSize.cx.ToString), Length('Width: ' + TextOutSize.cx.ToString)); SelectObject(bmp.Canvas.Handle, OldFont); DeleteObject(NewFont); Image1.Picture.Assign(bmp); finally FreeAndNil(bmp); end; end;
  10. Hello, some time ago I thought of making a program that could be used by young programmers and students who need to write a project document and show them the possibilities of programs they could develop with Delphi. I have recently published the program and it is called TICdoc. The program also has a diagram editor and a code editor for saving code snippets that can be tagged for further searches. A project document is generated by uniting various types of sections (functional requirements, table of contents, Gantt charts, use cases, etc). Some of these sections have their own editor and the editable sections have a text editor (html) to which styles (css) can be applied. The program uses a SQLite database. It is free and does not have any usage restrictions. It is signed with an OV certificate, which I know shows some warning when downloading it in the browser. You can see it at TICdoc , there is also a youtube channel (currently only in spanish) where you can watch short videos of program features Small task editor at intro page: Code editor to save snippets (SynEdit component): Diagram editor (TMS Diagram Studio), you can insert this diagrams into project document: Document editor (HTML component library): In the editable section you can insert images, formulas, tables, data-bound tables, editor diagrams or PlantUML diagrams: By clicking on the active language in the lower bar we can change the language (it is in a json file, so it can be translated into other languages, it is currently in Spanish and English)
  11. Alberto Fornés

    One place to rule them all???

    Yes, rapid development is not always the best solution for big projects.
  12. If ChatGPT do taht, we can say that it is the closest thing to human intelligence that we have seen so far.
  13. Alberto Fornés

    Send message frmo VCL app to another machine in lan

    Maybe Tethering also can be used in that scenario.
  14. Alberto Fornés

    No modue named _ctypes

    Hello, and thanks for your reply. The python DLL 3.11 can be loaded because I can run basic scripts, but when try to execute scripts that imports modules like matplotlib, numpy, pandas, etc raises that errors. I confirm that 3.10.9 runs ok without that errors.
  15. Alberto Fornés

    No modue named _ctypes

    Hello, I have started working with Python4Delphi. I have installed Python 11, and in environment variables is set the path to the python exe folder and the scripts folder. I have installed with pip the modules of the examples of the webminar II of the tutorials (python4delphi/Tutorials/Webinar II at master · pyscripter/python4delphi · GitHub). I can't get to run the scripts without getting errors like: "no module named _ctypes", it's a required module for Pandas. I have also got this error with the unicodedata module, I installed with pip unicodedata2, but it doesn't work either. Any suggestions for things to check?