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Everything posted by ertank

  1. Hello, When I check GitHub there are several version tags in it, and there is trunk. I wonder if it is safer to use these version tags? Thought they seem to be replaced in time, do they receive patches? For the record, I am using Delphi 10.3.1. Thanks & regards, Ertan
  2. Hello, I have a WSDL file (attached) that I need to use with WSDL Importer of Delphi 10.3. Using all defaults there is a remark in generated pascal file // ************************************************************************ // // The following types, referred to in the WSDL document are not being represented // in this file. They are either aliases[@] of other types represented or were referred // to but never[!] declared in the document. The types from the latter category // typically map to predefined/known XML or Embarcadero types; however, they could also // indicate incorrect WSDL documents that failed to declare or import a schema type. // ************************************************************************ // // !:getInvoiceViewRequest - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getEnvelopeStatusResponse - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getEnvelopeStatusRequest - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getUserListResponse - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getUserListRequest - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getInvoiceViewResponse - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getUBLResponse - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:ProcessingFault - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Flt][] // !:sendUBLResponse - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:sendUBLRequest - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getUBLRequest - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getUBLListResponse - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] // !:getUBLListRequest - "http:/fitcons.com/eInvoice/"[Lit][] As expected, generated file is not compiled under Delphi. Unfortunately, I am not provided any Internet link instead of that WSDL file. I wonder if it is possible to have a working service interface for Delphi using only attached WSDL file. Thanks & regards, Ertan ClientEInvoiceServices-2.0.wsdl
  3. As a matter of fact. I found these files in ZIP file and it all worked out after I place all of them under same directory. Thanks a lot.
  4. ertank

    is FGX native still around?

    FGX as I know provides native "wait cursor" for Android and iOS. Are there other solutions for FMX platform by FGX?
  5. Hello, I am using Delphi 10.3.1 I cannot install and run iOS 12.2 apps on a physcal iPhone 7. I can run them on iOS 10.0 Simulator though. I would like to use the phone for testing apps. I connect the iPhone to Mac. It is recognized just fine by both iTunes and XCode 10.2.1. I can see that phone under "Target platform iOSDEvice64->Target" in Delphi, too. However, when I try to run any iOS app (even blank project) on the iPhone I get below error: [DCC Error] E2597 ld: file not found: /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SystemConfiguration [DCC Fatal Error] F2588 Linker error code: 1 ($00000001) - I used Tools->Options->Deployment->SDK Manager->iPhoneOS 64 12.2->"Update Local File Cache" button. It run and finish. No errors. - I have iOS Development certificate manually installed on that MacOS. I am not sure if these are required. I am a newbie on iOS side. What else should I do to be able to install and run a test app on a physical iPhone? Thanks & regards, Ertan
  6. ertank

    How to run iOS app on physical iPhone

    I should have mentioned that I am trying to run FCMRevisited demo project from latest KastriFree repository against iPhoneOS12.2 64Bits as is (without making necessary adjustments). I just now tried a very simple project and that worked just fine. App installed on the iPhone and run OK. After that I realize that I am trying to deploy a project that needs some adjustments before even trying to compile. Doing what's necessary I could deploy my app on the iPhone. Thank you.
  7. ertank

    How to run iOS app on physical iPhone

    I am not sure If I follow instructions right. Below highlighted line is what I added manually (yellow marker color is barely visible). I confirm that none of the options is selected in Edit Remote Path Item form. Clicking Update Local File Cache did not raise any errors. But, that did not solve my problem. Then as a second try, I manually deleted all local file cache in my PC disc and clicked "Update Local File Cache" button while having my above added line in there. All files downloaded, no errors. Unfortunately, When I try to run the app from Delphi it still gives same error in my initial post. Any other thoughts that I can try? Thanks.
  8. Hello, I am using Delphi 10.3.1 Rio and I am very new to iOS part of FMX platform. I have macOS 10.14 Mojave and XCode 10.2. I am not sure if that is a correct setup. My trials convinced me that it is simply impossible to install any older version of XCode on macOS 10.14 Mojave. When I try to run a blank project on iOS Simulator targeting iPhone 5s and iOS SDK 11.0 or, iOS SDK 12.1 or, iOS SDK 12.2 (I am yet to try iOS SDK 9.0): I see splash screen right after running newly installed app and then it closes instantly without any message being displayed. I could not see empty form just once. I believe application is crashing, but I do not see any log messages or anything about that. I cannot understand reason why. As to documentation iOS 12, iOS 11, iOS 10 is supported by Delphi Rio ( http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Supported_Target_Platforms ). There are no details as to XCode version or macOS version that I should be using for testing or deploying iOS apps. On the other hand it is indicated in the URL that macOS Mojave is supported and same application indeed runs fine when I target to macOS Mojave 32Bits. 1- Is there anything that I am doing wrong? 2- Is there a way I can test an iOS application using that setup? Thanks & regards, Ertan
  9. ertank

    Problem running blank iOS app on iOS Simulator

    Yes, iOS 10.x simulators are working. I was so tired downloading and testing those simulators that I feel the need to ask in here. Thanks.
  10. Hello, Using Delphi Rio 10.3.1 and I have found following thread exactly same as my problem https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?threadID=229924 There is no relevant bug report that I could find. So, I did add one: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-24168 Your support is welcome. Thanks & Regards, Ertan
  11. ertank

    HELP: Decoding of data stored in array of char - RFID tag's

    Hello, Are you building for Windows? If yes, most of the readers today are PCSC capable. If that is the case with your reader, you are better using APDU commands to communicate with reader and cards. Check out http://www.infintuary.org/stpcsc.php
  12. ertank

    Best site/source for SQL Server questions?

    To be an answer to topic subject. I find https://forums.sqlteam.com to be a good SQL Server specific question forum.
  13. Hello, There is a Win32 application used on a client. They face problem of "application freezing" randomly. Same binary is used in more than a single machine and this is the only machine having problems. That was not my decision, but customer could do it and they formatted the complete system, install Windows from scratch. That did not help. Since it is random (sometimes days of smooth running), I think remote debugging is not very useful here. Or, is it the only option? I would like to at least get a call stack when that freezing happens (they kill the application using task manager when that happens). Any help is appreciated. Thanks & regards, Ertan
  14. ertank

    TurboDB 6 VCL anyone using ?

    I have never used that database. On the other hand, you can check its features from here I would see if there will ever be a need to insert more than 2 billion rows in a single table as this is seemingly the hard limit on that database.
  15. Hello, I have attached a project for re-production of my problem. When Windows scale is set to something higher than 100%, compiled exe display main form visible behind login form while login form is displayed as "ShowModal" in main form's OnCreate() event. I have worse problems further in my production application like complete freezing of application in other forms. However; - Delphi 10.2.3 generated EXE does not have that problem at all. - Delphi 10.3 exe does not have that problem (and any of other problems in my production application) if scaling set to 100% in Windows settings. I would like if someone else can confirm that is actually a problem of Delphi 10.3 Rio. I appreciate if anybody can suggest a solution/workaround. Thanks & Regards, Ertan Delphi10.3_forms.zip
  16. ertank

    Scaled windows behave differently

    Reported: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23179
  17. ertank

    Scaled windows behave differently

    I appreciate a sign in link, please.
  18. ertank

    Scaled windows behave differently

    I don't have an account that can login to quality central. Using Community Edition.
  19. There are a lot of people seemingly asking about CLOB performance. Here are some links that I've found: http://betteratoracle.com/posts/45-the-performance-cost-of-clobs https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38776560/oracle-is-there-any-performance-hit-for-a-clob-column-that-contains-rows-with What timings do you get for both data types when you execute "select * from Xxxx" from command line Oracle SQL tool?
  20. ertank

    Delphi 10.3

    That is latest Community Edition 10.3. There was 10.2.3 Community Edition which is already running on my system.
  21. ertank

    Delphi 10.3

    Thank you. It will be more clear for "Community Edition" to have version numbers, won't it?
  22. There is Fiddler application which can help you monitor raw packets in/out. Might be of help.
  23. ertank

    Property editor - on the finest art

    Try this: Write some long text in a TLabel.Caption or a TEdit.Text when you have a vertical scrollbar visible in Object Inspector. Your cursor will go under that scrollbar and you will not see what you are typing beneath. Same applies when you try to change existing long text.
  24. ertank

    Releasing memory devoted to arrays

    You might try to enable range checking and see if that helps. It is possible somewhere in your code is writing a memory are that it shouldn't.