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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. When I was adding Delphi 12.2 in our build server I remember below value was missing in rsvars.bat BDSLIB=C:\Delphi12.2\lib You need to point it to your correct directory.
  2. Answer to your question depends on your needs. I don't use ISS or Nginx for about 200 clients using MARS Curiosity as my REST server. mORMot2 is another Open Source Client-Server ORM SOA MVC framework and uses REST which tested to serve millions of requests under certain conditions. It is up to you to choose your REST server framework and any load balancer if you need it.
  3. ertank

    Newbie wants to start a simple database

    If you want to prevent others accessing the data input in the application, you can encrypt a SQLite3 database and data will not be able to read by other software unless your encryption key and method is found. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Sydney/en/FireDAC.SQLite_Encryption_Sample There are a lot to consider for saving data to disk file or reading from it. A database system already handles these for you.
  4. Below works for me without any exception. I see "All good" message and debugging shows data is actually in LResult variable. uses System.Net.HttpClient, System.Net.HttpClientComponent; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LHttp: TNetHTTPClient; LResponse: IHTTPResponse; LResult: string; begin LHttp := TNetHTTPClient.Create(Self); try try LResponse := LHttp.Get('https://www.google.com/index.html'); except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Cannot communicate' + sLineBreak + E.Message); Exit(); end; end; if (LResponse.StatusCode < 200) or (LResponse.StatusCode > 299) then begin ShowMessage('Error status received'); Exit(); end; LResult := LResponse.ContentAsString(); ShowMessage('All good'); finally LHttp.Free(); end; end; You may want to test this code in a new project. If you do not get exception for google, but some other URL. You need to be sure that you are not downloading something binary. There are binary contents that can be retrieved using GET and these cannot be simply read as string. For example, I download my application update setup executables using GET into a TStream.
  5. Hi, I do not see any problem that may raise such an error in the shared code. You might want to check other events assigned to f_NetHTTPRequest. Exception may be raising in them. If you are sure that TIndigoHttp.GetText() is where the error occurs then which line is it? What is the computer codepage that you are making tests. BTW, your request might complete without exception. But response received might be an error. I would check if "f_StatusCode" is in successful response range. In my own code I check it to be ">= 200" and "<= 299"
  6. I would consider switching to an HTTP client of your choice and stop using TREST components.
  7. ertank

    Firebird database on Android

    I would suggest to use SQLite on a mobile device rather than FirebirdSQL if you do really need to save some data on the device itself. Is there any particular reason you want to use FirebirdSQL?
  8. ertank

    REST api: too much data

    Just check the link. There is OJson with "SAX" parsing as well.
  9. ertank

    REST api: too much data

    If your concern is high memory usage, you can try OXml and use SAX parser. If your data is well structured, you can also use Delphi classes together with SAX parsing. This would dramatically reduce memory consumption compared to System.JSON. http://www.kluug.net/oxml.php However, your problem is not clear as stated earlier. You might want to add details.
  10. ertank

    I'm on the Dark Side... no, really!

    I asked that before and got a suggestion for https://github.com/darkreader/darkreader Might work for you, too.
  11. Hello, This is a Windows Server 2022 where MARS is running on as a Windows service. There is no nginx or similar application between, so MARS Windows service is directly accessed. Not a heavy server at all. It is less than 10 simultaneous users at most and on average there is a single client accessing the server. I do not have any access to the server and I am not given any. It is reported that MARS Windows service is responding ECONNRESET error after random days of usage. Sometimes it is a month sometimes it is 10 days. There are application log files. They all seem fine. Last request is served then service is shutdown and restarted. There is no errors or request not completed according to logs. Once it happens it is the same error if MARS Windows service is tested to be used from localhost. I never had any problem with MARS. I have similar installations on Windows Server 2019/2022 with more simultaneous users which are running for years. My internet searches didn't help me much. Any help is appreciated. Thanks & Regards, Ertan
  12. ertank

    ICS Beta V9.2 and OpenSSL 3.3.0

    Hi, Those not needing to embed OpenSSL libraries, will it be enough to comment out {$DEFINE OpenSSL_Resource_Files} in OverbyteIcsDefs.inc? Thanks.
  13. ertank

    MyDAC : Unknown column error

    I am using UniDAC and there is TUniConnection.Options.KeepDesignConnected parameter. I expect MyDAC to have a similar parameter. I didn't understand why this is a problem since you have a single database and necessary columns added in it.
  14. ertank

    ICS V9.1 Highlights

    Is this a different server than http://svn.overbyte.be:8443/svn/
  15. ertank

    MyDAC : Unknown column error

    I don't use MySQL. But, I would use same letter case as the table column name. I would double check that design-time and run-time actually uses the same server, database, table Edit: Reading your problem again, it feels you added a column in TMyTable but not in your database table.