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Everything posted by ertank

  1. Hello, There is a Win32 application used on a client. They face problem of "application freezing" randomly. Same binary is used in more than a single machine and this is the only machine having problems. That was not my decision, but customer could do it and they formatted the complete system, install Windows from scratch. That did not help. Since it is random (sometimes days of smooth running), I think remote debugging is not very useful here. Or, is it the only option? I would like to at least get a call stack when that freezing happens (they kill the application using task manager when that happens). Any help is appreciated. Thanks & regards, Ertan
  2. ertank

    TurboDB 6 VCL anyone using ?

    I have never used that database. On the other hand, you can check its features from here I would see if there will ever be a need to insert more than 2 billion rows in a single table as this is seemingly the hard limit on that database.
  3. Hello, I have attached a project for re-production of my problem. When Windows scale is set to something higher than 100%, compiled exe display main form visible behind login form while login form is displayed as "ShowModal" in main form's OnCreate() event. I have worse problems further in my production application like complete freezing of application in other forms. However; - Delphi 10.2.3 generated EXE does not have that problem at all. - Delphi 10.3 exe does not have that problem (and any of other problems in my production application) if scaling set to 100% in Windows settings. I would like if someone else can confirm that is actually a problem of Delphi 10.3 Rio. I appreciate if anybody can suggest a solution/workaround. Thanks & Regards, Ertan Delphi10.3_forms.zip
  4. ertank

    Scaled windows behave differently

    Reported: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23179
  5. ertank

    Scaled windows behave differently

    I appreciate a sign in link, please.
  6. ertank

    Scaled windows behave differently

    I don't have an account that can login to quality central. Using Community Edition.
  7. There are a lot of people seemingly asking about CLOB performance. Here are some links that I've found: http://betteratoracle.com/posts/45-the-performance-cost-of-clobs https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38776560/oracle-is-there-any-performance-hit-for-a-clob-column-that-contains-rows-with What timings do you get for both data types when you execute "select * from Xxxx" from command line Oracle SQL tool?
  8. ertank

    Delphi 10.3

    That is latest Community Edition 10.3. There was 10.2.3 Community Edition which is already running on my system.
  9. ertank

    Delphi 10.3

    Thank you. It will be more clear for "Community Edition" to have version numbers, won't it?
  10. There is Fiddler application which can help you monitor raw packets in/out. Might be of help.
  11. ertank

    Property editor - on the finest art

    Try this: Write some long text in a TLabel.Caption or a TEdit.Text when you have a vertical scrollbar visible in Object Inspector. Your cursor will go under that scrollbar and you will not see what you are typing beneath. Same applies when you try to change existing long text.
  12. ertank

    Releasing memory devoted to arrays

    You might try to enable range checking and see if that helps. It is possible somewhere in your code is writing a memory are that it shouldn't.
  13. You might want to check mORMot JSON routines. They are record based. Works out pretty good for me. Fast start thread: https://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1132
  14. I have a friend using XE6. I did not use XE6 myself. How is XE6 compared to latest version in terms of IDE stability?
  15. Hello, I tried to find solution to my problem in several places already including stackoverflow When consuming a SOAP web service, response to a request comes in fine, but it is not populated in response object in code. I already provided details in above link. Let me know if they really need to be in this post, please. I added all files needed to test my case. I did not provide username and password as they are irrelevant to my problem. Below is an example code to use provided units. uses EFinans.EArsivFatura; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Input: TFaturaOlusturInput; begin // required before calling any EFinans.EArsivFatura procedure/function EFinans.EArsivFatura.URLEArsivFatura := 'https://earsiv.efinans.com.tr/earsiv/ws/EarsivWebService'; EFinans.EArsivFatura.Username := 'someuser'; EFinans.EArsivFatura.Password := 'somepassword'; // preparing parameters Input.donenBelgeFormati := Ord(TGelenBelgeFormatlari.gePDF); Input.goruntuOlusturulsunMu := 1; // 0=hayır, 1=evet Input.islemId := TGUID.NewGuid.ToString().Substring(1, 36).ToLower(); Input.vkn := '123456789'; Input.sube := '000000'; Input.kasa := '0000'; Input.numaraVerilsinMi := 0; Input.faturaSeri := EmptyStr; Input.sablonAdi := 'einvoice_efinans_15_06_04_3.xslt'; Input.erpKodu := 'ERP1'; Input.gzip := 1; if not EFinans.EArsivFatura.AFaturaOlustur(Input, TGidenBelgeFormatlari.PDF, 'test.zip', 'test.pdf') then begin ShowMessage(EFinans.EArsivFatura.LastError); Exit(); end; end; Above sample code will get you an error response from web service. That response will be saved in "response.xml" file in same directory as your EXE. If you debug and put a break point in line 237 of EFinans.EArsivFatura.pas you should see that Response.return is nil. That is my problem. I have same problem in other methods, too. Just trying to see how I fix this single one now. Thanks & regards, Ertan EarsivWebService1.pas EFinans.EarsivFatura.Utils.pas EFinans.EArsivFatura.pas response.xml test.zip
  16. ertank

    Delphi SOAP response is always nil

    My knowledge, Delphi does not support namespaces in web services. I now believe, response cannot be parsed by Delphi because both request and response contain "namespaces". I sincerely hope both namespace and easy security header support gets introduced in following versions of Delphi. For now, I give up searching for a solution. I will be generating my own request XML by code, and I will be parsing incoming response XML by code using THTTPRIO.OnBeforeExecute() and THTTPRIO.OnAfterExecute() events. Thanks to everyone. Regards, Ertan
  17. ertank

    XML FindNode

    Hello, Using Delphi 10.2.3. I have attached xml file. I would like to find specific node (if it exists) in it and retrieve it's value. My node existence check list is: 1- AdditionalDocumentReference (This is an optional node. Can be more than once in XML. I have to loop through all of them to be sure that node I am searching for exists or not. If no such node exists, searched node is certainly not exists) 2- DocumentType = XSLT (I am seaching DocumentType to be "XSLT". if current node is something else, I need to check other AdditionalDocumentReference nodes if there is any) 3- EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject (I need Base64 encoded string of that node) My current code is: uses Xml.OmniXmlDom, // <- this is for Omni XML (only available in XE7 and higher!) Xml.XmlDom, // <- add this (important, otherwise the var DefaultDOMVendor isn’t available) Using "Omni XML" as default DOM provider Xml.XmlDoc, Xml.XmlIntf; procedure DisplayInvoice(const Filename: string); var Xml: IXmlDocument; ElementNode: IXMLNode; BaseNode: IXMLNode; ChildNode: IXMLNode; XSLTBase64: string; begin if not TFile.Exists(Filename) then Exit(); Xml := TXMLDocument.Create(Filename); ElementNode := Xml.ChildNodes.FindNode('Invoice'); if ElementNode <> nil then begin BaseNode := ElementNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('cac:AdditionalDocumentReference', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'); // <--- here BaseNode returns nil if BaseNode <> nil then begin ChildNode := BaseNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('DocumentType'); if ChildNode <> nil then begin if ChildNode.Text.ToUpper = 'XSLT' then begin ChildNode := BaseNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('Attachment'); if ChildNode <> nil then begin ChildNode := ChildNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject'); if ChildNode <> nil then begin XSLTBase64 := ChildNode.Text; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; Above code does not take into account multiple AdditionalDocumentReference as I failed to have a working code in the first place. I have also tried not to use namespaces when using FindNode and that also failed. Any help is appreciated. Thanks & regards, Ertan ubl-tr.xml
  18. ertank

    XML FindNode

    I found how to use XML namespaces. Suggestion of @ergeka also works. It is possible to have same node name in different namespaces and that may result in a wrong node reading. I needed to match namespace identifier in XMLNode and pass string of that identifier indicated at the beginning of xml file. Thanks. const cac = 'urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2'; // can be found at the beginning of XML cbc = 'urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2'; // can be found at the beginning of XML function GetXSLTFromXML(const Filename: string): Boolean; var Xml: IXmlDocument; ElementNode: IXMLNode; BaseNode: IXMLNode; ChildNode: IXMLNode; XSLTBase64: string; XSLTBytes: TBytes; begin if not TFile.Exists(Filename) then Exit(False); Xml := TXMLDocument.Create(Filename); ElementNode := Xml.ChildNodes.FindNode('Invoice'); if ElementNode <> nil then begin BaseNode := ElementNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('AdditionalDocumentReference', cac); while BaseNode <> nil do begin ChildNode := BaseNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('DocumentType', cbc); if ChildNode <> nil then begin if ChildNode.Text.ToUpper = 'XSLT' then begin ChildNode := BaseNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('Attachment', cac); if ChildNode <> nil then begin ChildNode := ChildNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject', cbc); if ChildNode <> nil then begin XSLTBase64 := ChildNode.Text; XSLTBytes := TNetEncoding.Base64.DecodeStringToBytes(XSLTBase64); TFile.WriteAllBytes(TPath.ChangeExtension(Filename, '.xslt'), XSLTBytes); Exit(True); end; end; end; end; BaseNode := BaseNode.NextSibling; end; end; Result := False; end;
  19. ertank

    Delphi SOAP response is always nil

    I did not. I used WSDLImp.exe and unit is what it imported. Code is not formatted.
  20. ertank

    Delphi SOAP response is always nil

    Unfortunately, I do not have REST version of the same web service. Only SOAP. Probably government enforcement. I will see if I can find anyone familiar with C# and web services. I do not have enough knowledge of C# to import and then wrap for importing WSDL from Delphi. Thanks. Ertan
  21. ertank

    Delphi SOAP response is always nil

    SOAP service side is most likely prepared in C#. Not my web service at all. This is an electronic invoice service provider. Company between government and developers.
  22. ertank

    Delphi SOAP response is always nil

    Added more details. Thanks.