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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano


    Will setting all affected DB table fields to False (or null) help?
  2. Stano

    Change of coding style/structure..

    I recently read that only .Free should be used to release the form
  3. Stano

    XML validation

    They all tell you the same thing: check the data and then generate the XML. It's exactly the same procedure as with DB data, or anything else.
  4. Stano

    Bookmarks 1.6.3 in 11.2

    That window is not new. I did not use anything other than that window to place the cursor in the place of the bookmark. Note that you can view all bookmarks in open files in that window. The main thing is to set the content of this window correctly.
  5. Stano


    In similar cases, I basically set the value of the field. My experience: changing the value of the component (DB TMS) does not change the value of the DB field. I assume that the appropriate event is not triggered, because it happens programmatically. I don't consider it a mistake. If I change the value of the DB field, the components always respond correctly. For me, it doesn't really matter what I set. I have significantly longer text when writing to the DB. For that write-up, I use the given component directly and NOT the DB table.
  6. Hi, Subform for "List". The structure is always: PrimaryKey Title The problem is that if I don't create the fields, the names are ''. This is a problem for the function function TjstIBCNavigator.LocateRecord(const PKeyValue: Integer; const FieldIdx: Integer = 0): Boolean; begin if FieldIdx > 0 then FPKeyName := FDataSource.DataSet.Fields.Fields[FieldIdx].FieldName; // Here I get '' Result := FDataSource.DataSet.Locate(FPKeyName, PKeyValue, [loCaseInsensitive]); // Failure of course end; If I create them, I get them when I open the table Field.Data Type cannot be set because it is Read Only. How can it be solved? I might throw a chart in there just in case. This is not clean and especially not universal!
  7. Stano

    TDBTable - dynamically create fields

    Thank you for your response I have already found out where the basic problem is. In my component. I used the solution using separate tables and the problem ran out for me right away.
  8. Stano

    TDBTable - dynamically create fields

    I don't know how to do that example. Leave it at that. At least I'll describe what I'm trying to do. I have tables with a structure Primary key Title I am trying to create a single subform that would apply to all tables. I have (one each) TIBCDataSource and TIBCTable on it. I would like to modify the TIBCTable on run time as needed. My attempt: procedure TCollection.SetTable; begin FTable.TableName := FDataCollection.TableName; var FldName := 'ID' + FDataCollection.TableName; FTable.IndexFieldNames := FldName; FTable.Fields.Fields[0].FieldName := FldName; FTable.Fields.Fields[0].Name := 'intgrfldCollection' + FldName; FTable.Fields.Fields[0].DisplayLabel := FldName; FTable.Fields.Fields[1].Size := FDataCollection.TitleLength; end; I can not do that. I set the parameters before opening the table I will programmatically open the table. I have no idea when it will actually open On Locate, the original name is loaded in FDataSource.DataSet.Fields.Fields[0].FieldName It cannot be changed on an open table I probably have no choice but to use a separate table for each case.
  9. Stano

    TDBTable - dynamically create fields

    Such a solution came to his mind at design time, use one table and generate fields in it at runtime set properties that change They are mainly Name of the table Name of the first field - primary key That should work in my opinion.
  10. Stano

    11.2 Patch 1 is out

    OT: It is only 516 MB
  11. Stano

    SQLite_Demo ERROR: unable to open database file.

    One reason is that the DB is open in another program. You have a DB set as embedded and it is already open, e.g. in the DB manager. If I missed it, other discussants will describe other scenarios.
  12. Stano

    IDE it's not working anymore

    There was a time when it happened quite often. It stopped by itself.
  13. Stano

    Replace TCheckBox with TDBCheckBox

    I just realized that I wrote it the other way around. Just change the *.dfm. No *.pas. I apologise.
  14. Stano

    Replace TCheckBox with TDBCheckBox

    That was in D10. I didn't do that in D11.
  15. Stano

    Replace TCheckBox with TDBCheckBox

    Just change the type only in *.pas. Close it and open *.dfm. Then confirm all prompts. I have tried it. It's not from my mind.
  16. I strictly follow business logic. So that I don't have a problem learning about them and finding something later. I don't have big units. So up to 3,000 lines. I don't know the answer to the question.
  17. Stano

    Trying to find the correct mouse event

    My experience is that DBEdit only updates the DBTable when entering or exiting the field. Just like you described it here. I too would like to know what event to call to update a value in a DBTable. Now I have a function that reads the text and after conversion saves it to a DBTable.
  18. Stano

    Close App on PC Shutdown??

    OT: I rather think that they don't turn it off, but put it to sleep or hibernate. I also use hibernation. I am writing this just to make you aware.
  19. Stano

    Deleting string wich does include number

    I would use Break on the first find, and set some variable to True
  20. This extension looks cool. It does not change images. I use the Brave browser. That will probably be it.
  21. After all, I just tried. The second one. It works perfectly. Immediately. He even made a negative of my photo
  22. Is this an extension? I tried it after a long time. But if I use Google Translator, the response when typing is very large The translation is black text It is unusable for me. There are more of them. I don't feel like trying them all. Can you advise?
  23. Stano


    Why do you use TEdit and not TTimePicker etc.? They are intended for this purpose. It's a big mistake for me!
  24. Stano

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    OT: thanks to this syndrome, we have such people as, for example Newton Einstein Bill Gates Where would we be today without this syndrome?
  25. Stano

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    And I like that. It's years of experience.